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Fingers Crossed

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Posts posted by Fingers Crossed

  1. I was just as worried about this as you are. I'm from Pennsylvania and I flew to Vancouver in mid January and surprisingly security and customs wasn't nearly as bad as I had imagined it would be. On the way back home, I was honest with security and customs, I showed them the letter H&W sent me to provide proof of my surgery and they didn't give me any problems. I wore a loose fitting bandana on the way back home and surprisingly I didn't need to take it off one time. I was worried because I remember being in US customs in Vancouver and I was just waiting in this long line (there was about 8 long lines) and I saw the customs officer ask this older gentleman to remove his hat so he can take his photo. I started to freak out but once I approached the immigration officer, I was honest with him and showed him the letter and he seemed pretty understanding. He didn't ask me to remove my bandana and after that hour long security check / immigration questioning I could relax. My advice is just be honest with them and they'll be understanding.


    My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

  2. I think both doctors are great and it's hard to pick one over the other. I've read from some people that Dr. Wong is known for crown work and Dr. Hasson is known for hairline - frontal 1/3 work. When I made my decision, I went with Dr. Hasson because he tends to be a bit more aggressive than Dr. Wong but that's not to say I wouldn't have gone to Dr. Wong. To answer your question, both doctors have been known to harvest 4,000-5,000 grafts on a daily basis and have gone all the way up to 7,000+ in only one session. I think it just boils down to personal preference, both can harvest a ton of grafts and both are extremely professional & caring. Sorry if this doesn't really answer your question.


    My Hair Loss Website - HT with Dr. Hasson

  3. Mathew, welcome to HTN. That's actually a very good question. I believe if you did your research and if you choose a doctor from the coalition, the doctor will not rip you off or charge you more for what we actually transplanted. With that said, go with a reputable doctor and try contacting patients of theirs to get feedback from their experience. Good luck with your future HT.


    My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

  4. azn,


    Sorry I should have been a little more specific in regards to the donor area. In all honesty, I think I was pretty lucky because my donor area did not hurt that much after 3 or 4 days post-op. The donor area felt great the day before the staple removal; it's just that it was difficult for me to sleep with the staples in. After the staples were removed, sleeping became much easier for me. The day after the staples were removed the entire area was a tad sore but it wasn't unbareable. My main complaint is how itchy the area became when I began exercising. I feel a lot of tightness throughout the entire scalp (especially when I cough and sneeze), although the tightness has gotten better. As far as the actual staple removal, it didn't hurt as much as I anticipated. I would definitely suggest soaking your head about 10 minutes prior to having the staples removed, it makes a world of difference. Hope this helps, if not just ask.


    My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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