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Fingers Crossed

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Posts posted by Fingers Crossed

  1. When I first began taking Propecia (beginning of September, 2009), I definitely noticed a decrease in my libido. However, that has subsided and I would estimate that my libido is about 80% back to normal. I really haven't noticed much of a difference in regards to my hair, but I've only been on Propecia for five months.

  2. hair_me_out,


    The link below lists all the benefits of MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)in regards to hair. I've taken it twice, but for some reason I get awful breakouts from it...maybe I have a bad reaction to sulfur.


    (promotional link removed - You may copy the article, but not link to sites containing promotional content)

  3. I had my surgery on Monday and I flew on Wednesday (Vancouver --> Chicago, IL --> Pennsylvania). I wore a bandana and surprisingly I didn't have to take it off for airport security or US customs. Overall, it was a VERY long day because I had long layovers but I would suggest sitting next to a window so nobody bumps your head when reaching above to grab their carry-on belongings. That U-shaped pillow also will come in handy while your in the air. Who's performing your operation?

  4. The first night I was a little parnoid, I slept in a desk chair with my legs proped up on the bed haha. It was very uncomfortable but I didn't care. Anyways, after you get home I suggest maybe stacking 2-3 pillows on top one another and then use an U-shape pillow for your head. I notice that it limits you from moving your head, which is important the first couple nights following surgery. I also stacked pillows beside me to avoid rolling over onto my sides.

  5. The first few days were difficult in regards to pain in the donor region. I experienced most of my pain at night and first thing in the morning. It was hard to sleep the very first night but the pain medication the clinic gives you alleviates the majority of the pain. I'm 10 days post-op and I can say that I'm about 80% back to "normal". I recommend taking off 1 week from work regardless of your job duties and if you can, shoot for 2 weeks. If you do have difficulty sleeping the first few weeks after your HT, I suggest taking Melatonin (yes it's safe). It puts me right to sleep.

  6. Thanks for the support guys, I really appreciate it a lot. I received my digital camera back from my friend today and I took and sent pics to the H&W clinic. The clinic called and I spoke with Dr. Hasson and Christina. They both said what I'm experiencing is called "rivering". Basically, the recipient area has various amounts of white "lines" going through it every which direction (it looks like rivers) and it looks abnormal; however Dr. Hasson said that this is perfectly normal and many patients heal this way. He said a lot of patients who receive dense packing experience this; it's just your scalp trying to heal. They both really put me at ease...I'll post the photos I sent to them tomorrow and I'll show you guys what they mean by "rivering".

  7. Well guys, things are becoming pretty tough. I have a lot of shock loss already and it seems like I've been losing transplanted hair ever since Day 5 post-op (mainly in the hairline region). There has been no bleeding what so ever and I haven't seen any "bulb like" structures at the end of hair shafts. I'm still sleeping on my back and making sure I don't sleep on the grafted areas. I'm kinda depressed because I feel like I shouldn't be losing hair this early icon_frown.gif I'd post pictures but a friend is borrowing my digital camera for a few days.

  8. I can assure you that whey protein has no effect on hair loss. I use to be a competative amatuer bodybuilder so I use to live on whey protein and meal replacement shakes. If anything this will make your hair stronger. The supplements you want to stay away from are: DHEA, tribulus, ecdysterone, and some fat burners. Another good protein source other than whey is egg white protein powder. It's actually easier for the body to digest...

  9. Bleach,


    I went through the same exact situation. I have a lot of friends that are balding / receding and sometimes I would just tell myself it wouldn't be so bad. But every morning when I looked into the mirror, I hated what I saw. My procedure was more than 10k but I believe it's going to be well worth the expense in the long run. I notice when I have a "bad hair day" (i.e. having trouble masking my thinning) I'm in a horrible mood. I don't want to be like this anymore, I want to live my life without having to worry about what my hair looks like.

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