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Everything posted by Calgacus

  1. I have to agree with KO. Getting an HT without taking meds can be futile as well as costly. MPB is unpredictable, ...and what may seem like substantial donor area at present, can, in fact, fall victim to DHT over time. Ergo your transplanted hair could be lost in addition to donor supply.
  2. I have been on the "big 3" for about 5 months now. Not only has this regimen stopped my male pattern baldness, but several of my close friends have even said that I have thicker hair these days. My only regret is not starting the meds sooner. I experienced minor sides when I started the finasteride, but they soon disappeared after a week or two. Again, I am not a trained physician. I can only detail my personal experience to date. Good luck to you whatever you decide.
  3. Has anyone suffering from ED/loss of libido/etc. on fin ever tried using viagra? What were the results? Was there any improvement?
  4. Agreed, but positive recommendations based on personal experience can't hurt either.
  5. In an attempt to balance the negativity and anti-fin rants, I'd just like to add my 2 cents. I've been using generic finasteride for 4 months now and my penis still wakes up in the morning before I do. Even just a glimpse of a female breast gets my pants stirring. Personally, I would recommend Finasteride to androgenic alopecia sufferers.
  6. Dr. Path in Thailand comes highly recommended. Bangkok is not too far from Oz. I dont know if he personally does FUE, but I believe the clinic where he works does FUE surgery.
  7. I have lots of facial and body hair. Robin Williams has nothing on me. How about a swap? I'll trade you my pubes for your NWI.
  8. better chance of regrowth on the crown/vertex if you combine the minox with fin. Indeed, facial aging may make you look older than you are, but then again, so does baldness. 6 in 1.
  9. Never heard of minoxidil having sexual side effects. Must be psychosomatic.
  10. Are you using anything else besides fin? I recommend adding minoxidil and nizoral shampoo to your regimen if you haven't done so already.
  11. I live in Indonesia, but I am originally from Glasgow. My team was, is, and always will be Rangers Fc. Currently ploughing our trade in the lower leagues of Scotland due to serious financial difficulties last season. All the best to you and BVB.
  12. Do you happen to know who did Dick Advocaat's HT? His was good AND it was done way back in the 90s when good HT surgeons were few and far between. The Little General went from Cueball to Fuzzball. Congrats to Borussia Dortmund. I too love football ('soccer' for our Fellow American Baldies) I've always had a soft spot for them. I've seen BVB a few times when they played my team back when I had a season ticket and we were Champions' League regulars.
  13. Dude, you look cool as f**k with the buzzcut. I wish I could pull that off. Unfortunately for me, I have a Herman Munster head.
  14. "And the LORD said 'Let there be hair!' And there was. And the LORD looked upon the flowing locks, and He was pleased." The Lost Epistle of Kirkland: Chapter 1; Graft 69
  15. Having never used propecia, I have no point of reference for comparing the potency. I have my missus examine my hair frequently. After just 2 months, she tells me I have peach fuzz all over the crown/vertex region ....and even have some new thicker, darker hairs appearing in areas that were previously bald. I also use minoxidil and nizoral. So, I cant exactly attribute the current success to finasteride alone.
  16. Having never used propecia, I have no point of reference for comparing the potency. I have my missus examine my hair frequently. After just 2 months, she tells me I have peach fuzz all over the crown/vertex region ....and even have some new thicker, darker hairs appearing in areas that were previously bald. I also use minoxidil and nizoral. So, I cant exactly attribute the current success to finasteride alone.
  17. Looking for a cross-section of opinions from forum members regarding washing hair. In your opinion and/or experience, What are the best shampoos out there for MPB that can be used daily?
  18. sorry to hear that mate. I hope you catch a break and find a satisfying solution. All the best.
  19. I must be the luckiest finasteride user in the world. I get prostacom. 10 pills at 5mg each pill. That's 40 days supply. $17. :-)
  20. You have the outline of a decent hairline that's just slightly ruptured, and the diffuse balding suggests you may be a good candidate for meds. Get on the minoxidil in addition to the propecia and see where you are in 6 months to a year. After a year or so you may not need as many as 4000 grafts. In fact, you might not need an HT at all.
  21. I experienced slight pain and discomfort in my right testicle when I started finasteride. However, it only lasted around a week. I havent had any other side effects since then.
  22. Yeah I was already aware of the Bernstein Medical Centre. Was looking for testimonies from forum members, as stated.
  23. As someone who has never had an HT (at least, not yet) and is currently in the preliminary stages of finasteride and minoxidil use, I was wondering if there are any forum members who have seen or experienced extraordinary results through non-surgical means and whether or not they have shared before and after pics. I am specifically refering to those who were high on the norwood scale (eg NW4/5) before taking topical/oral medication and then found themselves at the lower end of the scale (eg NW2/3) after a period of continued use. I guess I need reassurance that there is light at the end of what seems to be a long tunnel. Cal.
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