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Everything posted by watch4norwoods

  1. Botch procedure Spacing is comparable to old 80's plug implants
  2. Not everyone is a limp d*** f****** off finasteride. Most men who suffer from finasteride side effects have low thyroid function, and endogenous testosterone levels to begin with.
  3. 2000 GRAFTS is not enough IMO , it wont be dense, and aesthetic. A NW2 2000 Grafts would be fine, but you're a NW3 with hair loss behind the forelock with an island in formation. 2500 grafts would be optimal It wont make a difference if it was 1500 or 3000. The growth timeline, and recovery wont change. The area being transplanted is going to change that whole forelock, and temporal region will be shaved down and transplanted. Now ask yourself this, do you want a good result or a mediocre result. 2500 grafts is what you need
  4. Concealer like toppik is only beneficial for early, and mild crown recession where the hairs have thinned but their is no bald spot. Anything more then a few shakes and your going to end up looking like someone strangled you in a cloud of dust. Toppik looks like chalk, and looks like utter crap when applied near the hairline. Anyone who says it's undetectable is delusional, I consider myself artistically inept, and pay attention to find detail, having been in the comb over game for awhile, and yeah it isn't fooling anyone because it looks suspicious, and I wouldn't be surprised if someone thought it was a early 90s wig. Doesn't have the freedom of movement of normal hair considering it needs to be locked down, and patented down. As I said, sparingly used it works amazing with the crown, but any where else and it's more trouble then it is a solution. Key word sparingly used to add volume and it's a great solution but when you used it to cover bald spots, it's more of a problem than a solution
  5. If you're balding, getting an HT and not planning on taking fin you're making a stupid mistake that will do more harm then good If you aren't willing to take medication then you're not a viable candidate for surgery, and should get a hair piece.
  6. 2400 grafts NW6 Around 5k grafts for a NW6 for reasonable density
  7. Who wants to be a premature bald guy in their twenties when hair matters the most. If one has successfully stabilized their hair loss through medications then bh all means they should be getting a hair transplant, and become free of this disease. Women look at men who are balding in their twenties differently, it's dehumanizing. Men who prematurely loose their hair are seen as asexual entities in the eyes of a women, because it isn't normal. Balding in your twenties is having your identity, youth swallowed, and robbed away. This bullshit forces you to grow up all while looking young. Hair matters most in your prime (21-35).
  8. Do not be discouraged by age, if you're responding well to finasteride, and have managed to take control of your hair loss then by all means get a hair transplant, and take control of your life. If in rare case you're not responding well to finasteride, then forget about an HT because it'll never work out in your favor.
  9. He's scum, one if his bogus consultants tried to tell me I needed 3000 grafts for a NW2. It seems most new HT patients get lured to him based on his false marketing, and premise. I'm glad never went through with it
  10. The Leonardo da Vinci of hair restoration. He's the hairline king for a reason
  11. Take in consideration donor quality Some patients might experience retrograde alopecia where the sides and back are diffused. This leads to FUT being more optimal, grabbing the grafts from the top region of the safe zone opposed to FUE all over, which would give a diffused result FUE, and FUT both have a purpose. Neither is better then the other in that regard. All though the quality of grafts in FUT has a better lively hood then FUE. But guess what FUE is more convenient for small operations, and lunch time procedures. Both have their place
  12. This confidence, and bald acceptance movement is rubbish. Everyones here because they care about looking attractive, and if shaving were acceptable, and a viable option, most of you would of done it already, and moved on with your life. Hair matters, it creates an identity, and impacts sexual attraction heavily. Baldness is a disease, it will weaken, and hinder attraction heavily. That's why most baldies settle for anything that comes there way, because the battle is lost, time is running out. Don't forget why you are all here. Tired of people saying I need confidence, baldness took that away.
  13. Agreed. A big chunk of the HT industry is bogus, and it would be in yours, and your husbands best interests to back out, and reconsider options. The list Iv'e provided, and those that have been for mentioned are top renowned surgeons who provide consistent results, and have the results, and patients show for it. Don't be fooled by advertising, quick way out's and discounts off these nobodies who's only interests are in their pocket at your emotional, and financial expense. As others have said these surgeons are the cherry on top, and the best in the industry.
  14. Is it safe to say based on reputable work, blogs, pictures, and videos that these five surgeons are most commonly discussed? Dr. Fellar Dr. Rahal Dr. Hasson & Wong Dr Feriduni Dr. Shapiro Runner up; Dr Bahtti Best world renowned HT surgeons.
  15. The grafts should all be evident by now regardless of density, this isn't the case.
  16. I had a feeling it was affecting my results from the gym in concern towards gaining muscle, and putting on strength, apart from that it was great and my sex drive was the same if not higher then before. I'll most likely be going back on propecia in the near future.
  17. I have relatively thick hair, been using minoxidil 5% (kirkland) and nizoral for around five years now, and have taken propecia in the past, from 20-21 years of age. Started balding at the age of around 16 up until 18, and it hasn't progressed since. Right now i'm 22 years old. I train regularly in the gym, eat a well balanced diet and the only supplementation i take is lots of fish oil, multi vitamin and a complex b. I'm from Toronto, if their are any particular doctors here with expertise that you have experience with please let me know, other then that i'm looking into Dr.Fellar.
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