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Everything posted by agenteye

  1. The crown always takes much longer to grow in general. My crown work took what seemed like forever to come in when compared to the grafts in my frontal scalp/hairline. You're definitely right in realizing that 6 months is still early.....and just because you had a certain growth rate/pattern in your first procedure, doesn't mean your second procedure will follow the same path. Lots of time left, so try not to be too concerned. And I'll look forward to following your updates closely! Best, Mike
  2. I would agree with Spanker. And you're still very young. I know it's frustrating to be in a position you don't feel you can control.....but fingers are crossed for you (and all of us) that there will be future treatments available in the future. I have gone through my ups and downs in regards to confidence and self-esteem throughout my lifetime.....and it really does help to have a hobby or to find something you're good at, and focus on that. At the end of the day.....the people who you want in your life will embrace you for who you are; not for what your head looks like! Chin up buddy!! Things always have a way of working out.......
  3. I will be 33 in a few weeks. :rolleyes: Thanks again everyone for the nice words. I appreciate it! Best, Mike
  4. I totally understand that. I wasn't one of the lucky ones who grew a bunch of hair back when I started the Proscar.......I was just able to preserve some of my native hair by starting on it when I did. Dr. Rahal filled in what I had already lost to return me to a level that I was at in my mid-twenties. Now, just one more future procedure to hopefully add a couple thousand more grafts for density, and I will be one completely happy man!!
  5. Hi there. First off, thank you for the compliment! It is appreciated! I have been on Proscar for about 4 years.....so definitely used it to stabilize my hair loss before I ever even thought of a hair restoration. It is now part of my daily regimen! Thanks a million to everyone else too for the nice words. It means a lot! Best, Mike
  6. Sickers- Holy crap buddy, does your hair ever look fantastic!!!! I can't believe it's been 6 months already.....and I can't believe how thick and full your head of hair is now.....especially comparing to your 3 months and pre-op photos! Congratulations my friend....you most definitely deserve it. And I think most people here respect your decision to post less on the forums.....sometimes the unrelenting debates where some opinions are so strongly pushed can get tiresome. I'm glad to see you took the time to update though....and can't wait to see your 12 months!! You are going to definitely see some more improvement from 6-9 months.....so enjoy those changes =) Cheers!! Mike
  7. Thanks a million Great! It's actually not nearly that short.....I used a 4 guard on the sides; although my cousin does hair for a living and said that the particular clipper set I use to cut my hair probably is an equivalent of a 3-guard in other clipper sets. I used an 8 on top, which she said is the equivalent of a 6 in other sets......And I really need my hair for the Winter here (it gets cold here), but when the weather warms up a bit I'll buzz my hair down really short to share the scar outcome with the forums. I think it is really small and barely noticeable!! Spanker, it's a great poster buddy!! I know I can't compete with a pretty lady in red.....I should have used another backdrop!! :rolleyes:
  8. I honestly can not believe almost a full year has passed since my procedure in Ottawa. What a crazy and awesome adventure/experience the whole thing has been. First off, my apologies to everyone for not being super active and posting these photos last month when I took them. Sometimes life just gets in the way…..and on top of some family things that came up, I am back in school full time….and it’s really taking a lot to keep that 4.0 GPA up! =) Maybe I’m just an over-achiever!! There haven’t been too many changes really from about 10 months on to now….however I do notice that my transplanted hair is finally “maturing”, and that the wavy/curly hair that started to come through is finally straightening out, and is much easier to style again. Although I’m going to miss the curly hair a bit, I’m happy at the same time that I have my original hair back. As far as the current state of my hair, I am extremely pleased with how it all turned out. On a scale of 1-10, I would rate my success a solid 8……and not a 10 ONLY because the hair greed has set in, and I really won’t be fully happy until I have my second procedure with Dr. Rahal next year……there are still a few thin areas we didn’t address the first go-around, and I want to have some density added to my mid-scalp and crown…..maybe a slight addition of follicles to my temples as well. But otherwise, there is no doubt that this made a tremendous difference, and the whole aesthetic look of it all easily shaved 10 years off my age!! WOOHOO!! I finally updated my phone last month, so these photos are taken on my new iPhone 5s, instead of the 4s (which the first 10 months were snapped with). The photos were taken in the living room of my friend’s apartment, under the harshest and brightest light I could find…….and taken without a flash of any sort. There is a tiny bit of hair “wax” in my hair for product….and I think I pretty much found the length I like the best. I really like my hair short-ish on the sides and longer on top (as seen in the photos below). I tried to snap several different angles to show you the “full tour” of around my head. I honestly think my hair looks better in person than it does in photos as well…..so you could say that I am very excited about the outcome. The photos were taken 11 months and 2 days from the date of my procedure, although I’m just 2 days short of my one year mark……so these are a little late to make it up here on the forums! Since I will be taking one year photos, I will save my big post for that milestone…..and end it here for now. As always, please feel free to comment/ask questions/provide general feedback…..I’ve gotten a lot of messages, and it’s really great to hear the encouraging words. Here is a link to my 11 month post-op photo album: AGENTEYE- 11 MONTH POST-OP PHOTOS Looking forward to posting my 1 year update in the next week……. Best, Mike
  9. agenteye

    11 Month Post-Op Photos

    These photos mark my 11 months post-op date....from my 4737 FUT transplant with Dr. Rahal. I am THRILLED!!!
  10. Mr. P- It's really looking terrific buddy! Can't believe what a difference it made for you. You definitely deserve it...and congratulations. Can't wait to see your 6 month update.....that's when the fun really started for me! =) Best, Mike
  11. Looks fantastic. Great work Dr. Doganay!!! You and your patient must be thrilled!!
  12. Can't- I definitely appreciate all that you do on these forums. You were one of the main reasons I chose Dr. Rahal for my procedure, so don't take these negative comments personally......you should post your updates when YOU are ready to do so. With that said, has it really been 3 months already? Crazy how quickly it flies by.......I can't believe it. I am really excited for you....and really looking forward to seeing your updates and progress as you continue your journey. I am really expecting we are going to see big things this time around......and you definitely deserve it!! Hope you're doing well my friend...... I'm posting my 11 month photos this weekend.....so be on the lookout for those! =) Best, Mike
  13. Looks great!!! Thank you for sharing! Excellent work from H & W like usual!
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