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Everything posted by agenteye

  1. It won't be long now until it starts growing in. By month 4, you're going to start seeing some really great things start to happen. Keep us posted. I can't wait to see your next update! Cheers, Mike
  2. Holy Crap. Your hair looks AWESOME, Nick. You definitely don't even look like the same person. And it's crazy that you had your procedure almost 7 months ago. It really is excellent work and made a huge difference for you. Keep us posted in the upcoming months. I can't wait to see your 12 month post! Best, Mike
  3. Mr. P. Wow!! Your hair is looking great at 5.5 months. You can clearly see a big difference from just your 4 month post. How are you feeling about it all. You must be excited. It's great when guys regularly update their progress to show where they started from. It really helps others on the site. My big growth months were 5-8…..so I'm sure you're in store for some huge things in the next few month. Keep us posted buddy. And if there is anything I can do to help you along the way, don't hesitate to reach out. Congrats again! Mike
  4. WOW! Looking terrific at 7.5 months! Doesn't look like you've ever suffered from hair loss in your life! Congrats on your impressive transformation. Can't wait to see what the one year mark holds for you!! Best, Mike
  5. Thank you Can't!! I really appreciate it and everything you have done for me personally!! Looking at your signature, it is CRAZY to me that you had almost 8000 grafts. I'm hoping after my second procedure that I am near the same, and I hope that I look as good as you do! Cheers!!
  6. Well, I finally made it guys! I finally hit my one year anniversary from my procedure with Dr. Rahal. On this day last year, I boarded a plane home from Ottawa, where I underwent my 4737 FUT transplant. I can't believe it's been a whole year....... I am happy to report that my hair restoration journey has made me feel like an entirely new man....and has far exceeded my expectations. I no longer feel the need to wear a hat every time I leave my house. My family and friends still can't believe it, and when we look back at old photos, it really reminds us all of where I started from. It really makes me grateful that I did my research and made the decision to go through with this. It is easily one of the best things I have ever done for myself. I took a lot of photos for this particular post. Please feel free to compare them to my other albums so you can see where I started from and where I am today......I successfully created an album for every month since my procedure (including a couple of my pre-op photos) and I think I did a pretty good job of capturing my progress throughout the journey! The photos were taken on November 16th....EXACTLY one year from my procedure date. I used my iPhone 5S to capture the images, and I used the harshest light available in my house.....the bathroom.....and did not use a flash in any of the photos. Also, I cut my hair short......the shortest it has been since around month 3. I needed to trim my beard a bit, so I decided to take some off the top while I was at it. At this shorter length, you can see that some of my hair is a bit thin still. Mainly my mid-scalp and the areas of my crown that were not addressed the first pass. I am planning to have a second procedure with Dr. Rahal the end of 2014 to address the thin areas. I'm thinking a couple thousand more grafts to tie everything together so I can finally be done with all of this! As always, please feel free to leave any comments, concerns, or feedback. I could not have made it through the ups and downs of this "roller coaster" without everyone here in these forums to support me along the way. My deepest gratitude to all of you who have helped me; both directly and indirectly! The advice and encouragement has been a tremendous help in making a hair transplant an easier thing to endure. Thank You Guys!!! :cool: I fully intend on sticking around these forums, and posting photo updates every couple of months (or as I find a new style I like as I experiment with my hair clippers a bit....hahaha). Until next time, thank you for reading! Very Sincerely, Mike P.S.- Photos are here: ONE YEAR PHOTOS!! WOOOOOHOOOO! Sorry for the repetativeness of some of them.........I just wanted to get as many angles as I could....and I had a couple of requests to pull my hair back. Since it is short, I tried to pull my hairline back with a comb so everyone could get a better idea of the condition of my hair in a "close-up". Thanks!!!
  7. agenteye


    I am now 12 months post-op from my 4737 FUT procedure with Dr. Rahal. It's been a long journey, and I'm grateful to have hit this milestone finally!
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