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Everything posted by jerzig

  1. Hey Raph. Looking good! I'm a few weeks behind you and dealing with similar issues. I've been keeping my hair longer than usual and that has made it easier to cover the donor area. I didn't have to shave my head for the procedure so that was a big help. I've been using Maderma scar cream on my scar and the redness has been gradually fading. Hang in there! We're in for some great things.
  2. I've heard and seen great things from both doctors. I would research which doctor has the best track record for balding patterns similar to yours. Good luck!
  3. Just googled them. I would not consider them. They do not specialize in hair transplants and offer "cheap" cosmetic surgeries. Research doctors that are recommended by this site and start making decisions from there.
  4. Definitely get on Minoxidil. I am also anti-Propecia but you are at a much more advance level of balding than I am. You may not have enough donor hair to achieve your ideal results, but with some careful placement you may be happy with the coverage.
  5. Yikes! Doesn't look good at all. How long has it been since your procedure?
  6. Exactly. The old adage "you get what you pay for" is in full effect here.
  7. Hold off and keep researching! You can never do enough research. There are dozens of doctors out there with clear proof of excellent results and happy clients. Why settle for anything less?
  8. Congrats and best of luck!!! This forum is also what made me feel confident in going for it. Keep us posted!
  9. Yeah, my temple grafts are hanging in there awesomely. It's hard to see the ones on my frontal area because my native hair is fairly long right now, but when I touch it it feels like velcro just as much as it did right after my procedure.
  10. I'm five weeks out and have barely shed anything. I'm trying to just not worry about it because I know it's coming.
  11. Looks like you are just starting to grow into your "mature" hairline. Like the others said, do what preventative things you can now, but don't worry too much about it. My balding pattern started the same as yours but advanced quickly. You may be lucky and not progress, and if you do you can make a decision about an HT then. For now, enjoy your hair and don't worry about it!
  12. Those are all fair points that the doc made. However, I would continue to do research and consult with more docs before jumping into anything. I researched for over two years before pulling the trigger.
  13. I had a FUT and shaving was not required of any area of my head. I looked pretty normal after about one week.
  14. Wish I had some answers for you, but most of your questions are ones that I am also wondering about. Let's hope the awesome people here chime in with some info!
  15. Well, all permanent dyes are pretty harsh. Checked my post-op instructions and it says four weeks. Guess I shoulda checked there first. Still a little wary of it, though.
  16. Hi everyone, My hair is naturally dark brown but I've been dying it black for about ten years. I hadn't dyed it for about a month prior to my HT, and it's been a months since my procedure. So at this point I have crazy two-tone hair from my roots growing out. Is it safe to dye my hair at this point? I don't want the chemicals messing with my grafts but my hair is starting to look ridiculous. Thanks!
  17. I'm with Tommy. Had just over 2000 grafts and was WAY farther along than you are. But who knows? Maybe the other doc is predicting your future balding pattern and wants to do some preventative work.
  18. Doesn't look like you have much of an issue. If I were in your shoes I would start using Minoxidil just in case. With the family history you could possibly stop future balding before it starts. Generic Minoxidil is not that expensive and is an easy way to take some preventative action. Wish I had started it way sooner.
  19. I too started with a Bosley consultation and got no facts about the actual surgeon who would do my procedure since I only met with a saleswoman. Thank god I found this sight right after that consult. There may be decent Bosley surgeons but you have no idea who will be cutting into you before you get there. Also, they are way more expensive than other, better doctors, partly because you are helping to pay for their huge advertising and marketing budget.
  20. Thanks again, David! Guess it'd be worth picking some up and adding it to the regimen.
  21. Totally agree. When I started scabbing I was really worried about what to do. An email to my Dr's office cleared up all my concerns.
  22. I used this site to narrow down doctors and was lucky to find a great one near me so I could avoid travel costs. I agree that you should not rule out FUT. The scar is not a big deal unless you plan on shaving your head. But if you were planning on shaving your head, why would you want a transplant, right? Please don't use a Groupon to decide where to go for a procedure. I can't imagine that a Dr. that needs to use Groupon to get business has a solid reputation.
  23. Thanks David! Excuse my ignorance, but what exactly does Nizoral do? I've googled it but it doesn't give any specific info about hair loss treatments, etc.
  24. Hi Everybody! Today marks 4 weeks since my FUT procedure with Dr. Rosanelli. Had my final suture removal two weeks ago. Dr. R said everything had healed perfectly. I look pretty normal at this point. No noticeable redness or anything. I haven't had a haircut since about 4 weeks prior to my HT so it's getting pretty shaggy. I ordinarily spike my hair up but have just left it down since my procedure. This allows me to completely cover my donor area and grafted area, though it wouldn't be noticeable even if I didn't cover it. How long should I wait to have my hair cut? I still get some sore spots and I'm afraid of my hair stylist being too rough on it. I also have been dying my hair black for the past ten years and my roots are out of control! How long should I wait to dye it? I don't think I've had any noticeable shockloss or shedding. Is there anything I can do to ensure I don't get any? I can feel the fuzzy grafted hairs on top of my head and it makes me excited to know that eventually I will have permanent hair in those spots! My grafted area is still a bit tight and numb. I understand that loss of feeling can last a little while, just feels weird. The donor scar still feels tight from time to time but otherwise I don't even remember that it's there. Using Maderma scar cream on it 2-3 times a day. So everything seems to be going well! The healing process hasn't been too bad at all and now I just need to play the waiting game. I'm very happy with my decision so far. Here's hoping for optimal growth in the coming year! Any tips on a shampoo regimen to help growth? I'm currently using a rotation of Tricomin (supplied by the Dr's office), Nioxin and T-Gel (I get dermatitis that itches like crazy, especially in the cold months) Thanks again for all of your help! Wouldn't be here without you guys. I also updated my hair loss website. -Jerzig
  25. Looks awesome! Very similar to my balding pattern. If I get results like this I'll be beyond happy.
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