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Posts posted by johnny2000

  1. Nearly 11 months now after Ht















    These are pictures of before and after Ht's.


    Nice results.

    Did you dye your hair? I Think it looks alot darker than the before pic












    Nice results.

    Did you dye your hair? I Think it looks alot darker than the before pic

  2. Hi Johnny,


    Tbh I think it looks pretty good for 5months. There is more to come.


    However, I think you need to remember that transplanted hair shaved down that close will not really ever be identical in density to your natural hair, this is because transplanted hair should give an illusion of density, which will be when it is grown out.


    Do you have pics of your hair grown out a little?


    Yeah i Think it is good growth for 5 Month.

    Im just worried that This is all there is. Because i cannot see Any signs of now hairs Popping through.

    But i just need to wait.

    I want to grow it out but it is difficult because of the gaps around the hairline where there is no growth, i Think it looks more "unnatural" when it is grown a little longer.


    But i Will try to be strong and let it grow for now i Think.

  3. A couple of days shy from 5 Month.

    Well i surely had some growth since Month 3 where i was very depressed.

    But there are gaps all around the hairline where no grafts is growing.

    I just e-mailed lorenzo to get his opinion.


    I just hope that nor all grafts has grown and there Will be more to come, otherwise it Will not look to natural


    I just buzzed it all the Way Down so it is easier to see the growth


  4. Almost 4 Month now.

    I how gotten some growth and i have had some return of native hairs.

    I Think i am at pre op State now. But some of the native hairs has not returned instead been replaced with HT hairs


    Hopefully there is alot more growth to come.

    When did most of you get the most growth? Was it 3-4 Month post op or later on?


    This picture is with flash. So it makes my hair look better than it is irl.


  5. No he was fine, he is a very laid back person. It was just a little smirk, and he said yeah when i asked him about fue. It was just me andmy mate with him, i wouldnt of asked him infront of a group of people. Because i had met him a few times before and i was going to get it done i thought id mention it I dont actually think anyone atthe club has realised. His team mates are all young lads and none of them have taken the piss apparently.


    He has definitely had crown work done aswell. His donor is very thick. But as i say, he is still in his early twenties, how he will look in ten years time, who knows ? Apparently he is signing a new contract soon, so will givevme chance to ask him where he went.


    Being from Denmark myself i would love to know if he used one of the clinics in Denmark.

    It would be awsome if we could get him to say.

    Can you try asking him carefully about it next time?

  6. Johnny that looks to be fairly extensive FUE scarring in the lower part of ur donor region. Was that caused by your 1st procedure?


    Yes that was caused by my 1st HT procedure.


    My Upper donor Area was used to Harvest 1600 grafts at my second HT wich was with dr lorenzo. And you cant see anything at all. Its like he didnt even extract a single grafts.

    A World of difference from my first HT to my second.


    My first was done in turkey, BIG mistake.

  7. also remember the risk of donor scarring if you choose a crap doctor.

    I know you have your eyes on feriduni wich i Thinkis a good choise IF one needs a HT.

    So donor Area should look just fine if you go with feriduni but nothing in This business is bulletproof. There is allways a chance that things doesnt go as planed. And i Think it happens more than we really know


    This is my donor 1 year post op after 1300 grafts.

    My second HT the doc exstracted from an higher Area and spread it more out and i Got a total of 1600 grafts. Donor looks like it have never been touched.


  8. But how common is shockloss with a HT? 10-15% of patients?



    I'm not going to lower my hairline. I am going to fill in my temples and re-construct my overall frontal hairline. Thinning on the sides that totally changed my appearance. If i change my hair style you can notice my thinning areas even more. Tried it, not an option, but thanks.

    But, i'm not happy any want my hairline back?



    No mental issues, i'm perfectly fine thanks. I am loosing my hair 15 years, believe it or not, but i am. I will try get better pics up when i get home. Looking at your pics is worrying,, but how common is that?


    Very commen i if you transplant into a thin Area. And my area was thinner than your hair.

    So if you transplant into a denser Area there is a even bigger chance of shockloss.

    I Think you need to provide more photos where you highlight the exact Area you want to fill and try to zoom in close like i did on my pictures. And get som good lighting.

    Maybe stand close to the Window or overhead light close to your scalp.


    Its your choise. But Think about This question.

    What will you do if you end up worse than before? When you have an answer for that, and you are prepared to live with it, if it goes wrong, Then go ahead and do it. Its your choise, i Can only give my advice.

    I have had 1 failed ht before with a former recommended doc wich went pretty bad!

    And This second one i had is only 2,5 Month post op so i cannot speak of the result. But i wansnt prepared for the amount of shockloss i got.

    That has causes me into a depressing and anxiaty because my hair is at the worse stage ever.

    But again if you are prepared to take the chance, wich i dont Think is in your favour, Then by all means, go ahead.

  9. If you Think the pictures are bad, why dont you take some better pictures with the worst lighting conditions?

    Part your hair exactly where you Think it is thin. Mark the areas you Think needs to be filled.


    If you want our opinions, you need to show us exactly what is bothering you with your hair.

    And if your bothered by the Way your hair looks at those 3 pictures you show, Then my friend you dont need a HT, you need proffesionel help.

    Sorry to be so Honest But thats the truth.

    Have you ever seen a HT in Real life?

    I am willing to bet that you have not.

    If you did, you would realise that what you Think could be fixed with your hair is 99 % imposible.


    I am 100 % positive you Will end up regretting it if you go ahead with it.


    This picture is before my HT with one of the best FUE docs in the world

    It is taken with flash so my hair looks thicker than it really is.


  10. Sorry for the double post. I have no idea why the forum flipped my pics. Here is another though.


    Im 100% Honest here.

    You could end up worse than before if you go ahead and transplant between your existing hairs.

    Your hair is just to dense.

    If i had This amount of hair i would stick to the little amount of toppik for now.

    After the HT there is no turning back.


    Is feriduni even considering doing a HT on you ?????

  11. These were the some of the questions I had, when I started researching hair systems up. Having used them for over a month now - here's my take


    1) The lace systems are very good nowadays, and it is almost impossible for folks

    to notice you are wearing one!

    2) Having your hair combed back, it is difficult to notice. What I have observed though is after about 14-17 days, there is a slight lift - that's because the hold of the tape is decreasing and it's time to apply a new tape

    3) I have met a few of my friends after about a few years - and they did not notice my system at all!!




    What about hold?

    For instance, i was skiing today with 18 others from my work. At one point Many of Them started wrestled eachother in the show and pulling off the hats and throwing snow and so on.

    They Also took me Down and we were Rolling Down the Hills.

    How do you think that would be like if i was wearing a piece?

  12. I thought I'd revisit the forum and post my 2 year results from my procedure with Dr.Arocha. I can't tell you how pleased I am with my results and a huge credit to this fine forum for the wealth of knowledge that helped me throughout my journey. The best thing I ever did for myself, no regrets whatsoever.

    The 1st pic is pre op1 and 2. The 2nd pic is 1 year post op, the 3rd is 2 years post op and growing !

    Hope these pics look ok and thanks for viewing.

    Good to you all ,



    The first picture with the yellow background wich is a bit blurry. At what stage are you on that picture?

    Your hair looks very bad there but the on the other pictures it looks so good.

    Just wondered if it was in the ugly phase?

  13. I had bad shockloss, and was basically half bald 1cm each side of my strip and noticeable thinning around my recipient area.

    Native hairs grew back 100%, so I don't think you need to worry. Some people are just prone to it.


    Who did you HT? And when did you start to see return of native hairs in reciepted Area?

    The hairs that was shocklost in reciepted Area, were they former transplanted hairs og was it your normal native hairs?

    I dont have Any shockloss in the donor Area. I had FUE done so maybe thats why.

  14. Yes i was worried about shock loss as i had 1900 grafts into hairline and midscalp into native hairs but so far i havent but im sure yours will grow back its just the process my secret is i made the rest of my life so depressing that this doesnt really worry me and it seems to be working.


    How long post op are you from This HT?

    My natives hairs and transplanted started falling after about 5-6 weeks very aggressively within 2-3 days after i was rubbing more when i washed.

  15. No shockloss with the 1st just poor growth and weird planting it was done in turkey the 2nd was dr resul yaman in istanbul and so far its way better did you notice a diffrence in the healing process with the 2nd i healed a lot quicker with a lot less redness .


    This second is causing me alot more shockloss but that is Also because he transplanted more into native hairs.

    So the healing is slower This time.

    But im nervous because This time i went to dr lorenzo who is one of the best in the World at fue, but i had so much shockloss that i am scared an depressed.

    But i emailed lorenzo and he seemed confident that it Will grow back

  16. no i dont think i ve had any shock loss which was one of my main concerns for the 2nd ht it could still happen but so far ujst normal graft shedding at about two weeks after all the cuts had healed i just buzzed it to a no1 i do that once a week and i forget about it.


    What about your 1st HT? Any shockloss there?

    Who was your surgeon?

    Mine was dr hakan with the first. (Bad mistake)

    The second was dr lorenzo

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