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Posts posted by johnny2000

  1. Since this was my first shot at this, I went to a salon in Toronto.

    Ordered two custom ones, took about 10 weeks to arrive and then went had the cutin done. I am not sure where you are from, but depending on your location, you could either find a local salon or order it online from Toplace, HD Direct, etc..

    Let me know if you have any questions..


    If your sitting in a room with daylight and maybe overhead bright light and people sitting next to you and in front of you.

    Is it still not possible to see that it is a hairpiece?

    if you have your hair combed back or up in the hairline and a person is talking to you face to face up close, really close, Then what?

  2. I read about the 2nd ht being a harder process will more possible pitfalls but im 2 months post op from my 2nd ht and so far ive found the whole thing a lot less stressfull.


    Will the first i was checking the mirror every few minutes and worrying about shedding or shockloss or lost grafts but with the second im doing none of that i could go two days without specifically looking in the mirror to check my hair.


    So its going well as with the first one i havent shed much id say maybe 20% so far with the first i probably only shed 50% of grafts through the whole process so it probably wont help much but if you try not to obsess over it and relax and let it happen youll have a much easier time.. .


    Who did your surgeries?

    And did you experienced shockloss if native hairs? And did they return?

    Im 2 Month post op from my second HT and i Think it is alot Harder This time because i had pretty amount of shockloss on my native hairs so i look like crap now.

  3. Im referring to the tech' clinics where the input from a surgeon is likely to be minimal ie. marking out the hairline . The results they publicise will be the best of the best , so posted results don't always tell the whole story .


    Erdogan posts some tremendous results and wouldn't condider Asmed as a tech clinic .


    Allmost Everybody who had a HT with Erdogan us telling that Erdogan spend very little time in the surgery and almost entirely techs are doing the work.


    Have you had a HT with him since you wouldnt Call it a tech clinic?

  4. Hello Guys,


    I have been reading this forum for years and I have been researching and suffering hair loss also for more than 15 years.


    I had my first HT (crown and hairline) with Dr. Jim Harris (ARTAS) in 2013 with horrible results (very low density plug like results) then in 2014 I had a second HT with Dr. Harris this time with manual FUE (SAFE System) and I got a little better results (I would say 70% happy with the hairline but only 30% happy with the crown). Dr. Harris offered a heavily discounted 3rd surgery to repair the 2 previous surgeries but again what he offered was very conservative, low number of grafts and he even recognized that he prefer to do several relative small surgeries vs one or two high density ones. I totally disagree. Every surgery is 10 days that I need to take off of work, 2-3 months of recovery to have a presentable hair again (I do lectures and public presentation to large amount of people) and a full year to see the results. I am 41 years old single and I can't waste more of my time with small surgeries to enjoy my hair while I am still young. Money was never an issue and donor area was very good according with several doctors. On a positive side from Dr. Harris is extremely friendly and his customer service is great but at the end results is what matter to us.


    For this reason I decided to look even around the world to see the best high density doctors and two names came to my list. Dr. Rahal and Dr. Lorenzo in Madrid, Spain. Dr. Rahal representatives after receiving my form and photos ruled me out saying that they didn't want to work in my case because of the two previous HTs (very disappointing) but Dr. Lorenzo immediately decided to take my case and he was completely sure from the beginning that he can deliver high density results with the donor area left in my scalp. I booked with him and he completed my surgery on November 2015.


    Info of my previous surgeries:


    Dr. Harris ARTAS October 2013: 1973 Grafts (Crown and Hairline) Horrible punch scars in my donor area from the ARTAS punch and terrible density plug like hairs in my hairline


    Dr. Harris MANUAL SAFE System 2014: 1926 Grafts (Crown and Hairline) much better density in the hairline but again low density in the crown. Much better punch size and less scarring from this surgery in my donor area.


    Dr. Lorenzo Manual FUE November 2015: 2800 Grafts! (1800 Crown, 1000 Top/Hairline). Amazing density in the crown and full repair of the hairline.


    I don't know if I can post a link to my blog where I already have years of info and photos from the moment where I started to lose hair, the past two surgeries with Dr. Harris and now with Dr. Lorenzo. If that is the case please let me know and I will post the link here for you to see all the details of my surgery. I have too many there to start uploading and writing everything again on each forum.


    I will answer any question here in the forum.


    Thank you,


    Congratz on your recent HT.

    I had my HT with lorenzo on 29 october.

    Right now im in the ugly phase and is worse than before because of shedding of my native hairs.


    Did you Shed all the HT hairs yet?

    Did you loose Any of your native hairs to shockloss?

  5. I have been informed that this is a recent hotspot for hair transplants that are affordable. As with anything affordable: I am worried about quality. I was wondering what some who have had experiences with it would say about the whole experience? I've looked at before and after photos at a few places, and they seem good, but I was looking for a general perspective.




    My advice would be stay away.

    I had a transplant in turkey and that was a Big mistake.

    If you cant afford to go to some of the best, Then i would wait until you Can afford it

  6. This patient told me he got the corners of his hairline done for free. Does it look ok to you, or do you see some issues? Try and guess how many grafts he got. Look at the close up before you answer.


    Dr. Feller

    Feller and Bloxham Hair Transplants

    Great Neck, NY


    I dont Think i would be happy with that result.

    I would say it look alot worse irl than on the photo.

  7. Created an album Cant get the pics to load directly.

    Heres the link- hopefully it works



    Looks great!

    Wouldnt you say that you look better now than pre op?

    Did you look bad after 1-2 Month and did you see an improvement This last Month?


    It doesnt look like you suffered from shockloss at all like i did. And you had alot of grafts put in between native hairs Right?

  8. Gary,

    Sorry to hear that. You are not the first person I know who has had that happen at one of their clinics. If you'd like I can get you in touch with someone who had the same experience. He successfully had his lasered off using a picosure laser. I think it only took two sessions. Is your existing hair from transplants?


    Thanks johnny boy!



    We may have done some temple point work but not a lot. The TPs do play a very important role in a natural look and I will address them when it's needed. Sometimes that area can be very sensitive though and therefore tougher to work on.


    Does smp Hurts the same Way as getting a tattoo?

    Is it a bad idea to get it done permanent?

  9. Oh yes its 7 weeks post op, sorry my mistake.

    But i know i Sound like a unpatient complaining bitch, but its mentally tough

    Especielly when i have 1 failed HT under my belt.

    The thought of not knowing if it Will succed or fail is not making it easier.

    If i was told that i had a 100 % garantie that i would get a good result Then i could be more calm.


    My hair is at the same lenght all over so i cannot do anything about the haircut as you mentioned esrec.

    And i cannot take a cap on at work so thats fucked up too.


    I do use consealer wich offcourse Can help i little bit and thats what im using Every Day, but it does look abit "fake" because there is alot less hair than before my HT

  10. Do you ever notice anyone staring at your HT hairline and wonder if they know you had work done?It happens to me most days and really makes you wonder what they are thinking!This is concerning and makes me want to avoid close contact with people grrr


    Could someone give me some advice on a hairstyle that will make things less noticeable?.The problem is my hair is fairly fine so with any length it looks very scruffy ,and the sides have no weight so it looks fuzzy.


    lastly what would you rate my hairline work?I got fue 2300 grafts, i'm 32 stable on propecia


    Thanks everyone for the help!






    I get the hairline stare alot an it makes me unable to focus when talking face to face with people.

    But i Got it Also before my HT but anyway my hair was thin before Alsox

    But i am using toppik so that could Also be the Reason for it.

    It makes me feel bad because i do t know the Reason why they look.


    But your HT looks ok, Can you post a pre op picture?

    Who did your HT?

    And how do you get your hair to "stand up"? Are you using hairspray to keep the hair not laying flat on top og your head?

  11. Hi guys,


    Just quickly updating my current conditions.


    Nothing special, but just the middle hair line is still quite thin, and I think it may not be able to reach a good result for that area. Anything other than that is fine. In the meantime, Dr. Lorenzo has also keeping in touch with me via email for updating since I came back home.


    I hope the pics can give you guys some references.


    Merry Christmas!


    Are you going in for a second HT to ad density?

  12. @Johnny- yes the bulby look is normal. The hair should grow back fuller and more texturally appealing as the months go by. That's at least what I've seen and been told. I'm only at 10 wks post op myself.


    @Louis- I think the growing then falling out happens if you're a late shedder. After 6 weeks I had some longer hairs that were still holding on that you could see were bulby and destined to fall...and they did eventually.


    Headaches aside its a pretty fascinating process.


    What i mean by bulb, is the hairs when they Shed, there is a small bulb at the end of the shedded hair after it has Shed. Wich looks like a grafts attached to the hair.

    But that should be normal Right?

  13. I apologize I must not have been clear. I understand how/when the shedding happens. My question is after the HT, say from Day 1 - Day 21, before the shedding, I would have the hairs that have been transplanted shorter than my native hair. Do these hairs feel like a buzz cut under my native hair to the touch? or by day 10 or so, will they grow to the point where they are at least a little soft, and not so noticeable to the touch.


    After 10 days they Will still feel like buzz cut

  14. I think it is true that the majority of hairs will fall out, but some hairs will never fall out and just start to grow after a period. Not sure about growing then falling out...


    Hairs Growing for 1-3 weeks before they Shed should be normal Right? I mean they take the graft WITH a hair and put it on top of the scalp. Why should it stop to grow?

    Only when the hair Shed and the grafts go to the resting phase it stops to grow.

  15. Agree wtith above. I wondered that too. I had a pretty late shed and still held onto some. The transplanted hair was definitely growing, but at closer examination ( I bought one of those small magnifying mirrors) you can see the bulb at the root and textural differences compared to native hair.


    Pure speculation, but one would think if hair that's destined to fall out and be replaced is growing, then underneath the surface things are looking pretty healthy. Blood supply must be normal if that process can take place... would one assume.


    So you are saying that your HT hairs that Shed Also had the bulb at the end.

    Did your hairs still succesfully grew out after a couple of Month ?

    Or was there Many of the HT hairs that never grew?

  16. I realised that i don't know if the grafts continue to grow after they have been transplanted, before then falling out and begining the resting phase before growing again.


    When i look at my gfafts that have been transplanted they look like they are growing in line with my native hair, if so then logic suggests that these follicles are alive and will regrow.


    Does anyone actually know if this is correct?


    I had my HT with lorenzo asswell and yes my hairs did Also grow before they shedded.

    So yes they should be alive.

    When my HT hairs shedded alot of Them had a Black bulb at the end, i hope that it is all normal.

    Try to see if it is the same with you.

  17. Hey Johnny


    I do remember our conversations :)


    It is indeed a full cap. That decision was based on several factors. First, I had lost a lot of hair in my temple/sideburn area, which made it look thinner than I wanted. Second, with a full cap there are no worries about blending issues, color mismatching etc. Third, you don't have to worry about your own natural hair outgrowing the length of the toupee. And finally, the scar I had from my strip surgery had left the hair on the back of my head a bit thin, and did not allow me to keep my hair even as short (which I like) as you can with a full cap without it being visible.



    How did you go on about it afterwards? I mean people most have noticed the drastic changed on your hair? Have anyone said anything ? Im talking about co-workers and friends and strangers when you talk to Them, Can you feel them suspecting anything?

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