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Posts posted by johnny2000

  1. After a shower i Can scratch it off and its like a paste (see picture)

    And that is only one scratch with my nail, i Got all that chunk.

    It is all over my scalp, Also back and sides. :(


    My scalp itch all the time.


    - I am on finasteride for 5 years+

    - Not using minox

    - nizoral shampoo does not work

    - tried cold showers for a short period, and i Think it worked a tiny bit. But not sure

    - tried clobex wich was prescribed by derm, maybe worked a tiny bit.


    Well WTF Can i do?


    My forehead is Also oily all the time.

    2-3 hours after shower the oil on forehead starts and by 5-6 hours i am shiny and oily on forehead.


  2. I totally get it. What you're feeling and experiencing is completely normal. Think about it, how counterintuitive it must feel in our minds to associate "hair loss or shed" with positive. We've all watched hair after hair hit the sink for years so of course this is a mindf**k at first.


    But remember through the research you've presumably conducted and insight provided countless forum members, that "the shed" is healthy and normal and part of the process. A wound cannot heal before the skins closes--just as new hair cannot push through and blossom without the shed. Just keep reassuring yourself of these facts. Those hairs are destined only to be temporary, accept in rare cases when some hairs do stick around. The majority should and will go, as they should.


    After the 14 day mark you can and should shampoo as you normally would.


    Well your Right about that.

    I should proberbly wash normal and just accept the Shed.

    We have an early Christmas party at work tommorow, after that i Will shampoo and massage my hair a bit Harder and see if the HT hairs Will Shed.


    But what should i explain at work when i show up looking alot more thinned on top than i did a couple of days earlier ? ?

  3. Be careful that you're not "too careful". Those hairs meant to fall out will stick around and inhibit the new growth if you don't massage it well enough. I had alot lingering at 6 weeks, I shampooed a little more liberally and they started falling. Its obviously tough to part with the temporary new hairline ;)


    Well i am kind of carefull.

    I do NOT rub the shampoo in, i very gentle use some og the foam i created from the shampoo when washing my hair at the back and lightly dap the shampoo on the HT area.


    Why should the hairs block for new growth? If the new hairs are growing Then that should mean they are "alive" Right?


    I just cant handle the Shed at the moment i am praying Every Day in my head, that the hairs Will just stick around.

  4. I hope my healing goes as well as yours Johnny, looks superb!


    Thanks guys.


    When do you Think the hair Will Shed?

    Offcourse i have had some shedding of HT hairs along with scabs.

    And some other hairs have shedded here and there.


    But when Will i have shedded Them all?

    It is now 1 Month post op and i still have a good amount of the HT hairs left in the scalp


    Could i be so lucky that they Will stay?

  5. Please find attached my 10 month post op pictures with the pre op pics to compare.


    Im very please with the results so far, obviously the crown takes longer to fully regrow and thicken up and I wont see the final results untill 18 months post op which will be July 2016. But so far so good and Im very happy


    Dr Hakan and the team have been in constant support and provided reassurance every step of the way. January (when I ahd the operation) seems a long way off now and I remember thinking how good I would feel if the operation was successful and that is the case. I now no longer feel the need to wear hats at the gym and walking the dog. My confidence has increased ten-fold. I ditched my cover up routine using Nanogen back in May and haven't looked back since.


    A big thumbs up to Muslum, Dr Hakan and the team , keep up the good work guys, and as mentioned I would highly recommend treatment and service !


    Sorry bit This can't be serious!

    We live in 2015 and that is the best pictures you Can take?

    Come on, if you REALLY are that pleased with the results, why dont you take some pictures with some light and closer to your head?


    What is the point of taking a picture like that?



  6. hi johnny,if i was you i wouldn't concetrate on the hairline so much,it looks like you're starting to thin on top,keep your donor for later on,you'll probably need it to cover top and crown.


    Well yes i am thinning on top and a tiny bit on the crown but the crown has stayed the same since i started finasteride 5 years ago.

    The thin spot on the top, dr lorenzo did Also put grafts in there as you Can see.


    But my concern is that there is a Big difference from native hairs and HT hairs.

    What i would like to know is that do the HT hairs become less thicker as time goes by?

    Maybe it is because Many of Them has more than 1 hairs in it that it looks that thick?

  7. 3,5 weeks post op.

    I pray that i dont loose native hairs, but i suspect i might :(


    I am still concernd about the difference there is between the native hairs and the HT hairs

    If you look at the picture i Think the difference is Big. Even at This lenght (short)

    In my head i had a backup plan, and that was to buzz my hair off, if This HT Also failed on me.

    But maybe that is Also gonne be difficult because of the difference.


    Has anyone buzzed their head after 1 year or so after a HT to see how it looked?

    Does the HT hairs change in Any Way?

    Right now they are just alot darker Any thicker than the normal hair.


    And Also my concern is that they Will knock out the native hairs in the areas on the reciepted area.


  8. Just wondering is it safe to get Botox into the forehead after a transplant (just hairline).


    If not, for how long do you have to wait it out? Whole year?


    It paralyzes the local muscle but should not effect blood flow.


    I have no idea but i would like to know a little bit about your experience with botox because i have thinking about it myself.

    Have you had it before? Is it for the horisontal lines? Does it makes you forehead appears larger?

  9. Hi johnny,


    Sorry only just read this.


    I started getting the scabs of from about day 9 and by day 12 most were gone, and yes some came off with small scabs and hairs nothing to worry about and as you know over the next month you will shed upto 80-90 percent of them again nothing to worry about all totally normal. Then from about month 3 the fun part the growth keep positive all will be great in the end.






    Great ?

    1 more thing.

    I am still kinda numb on the reciepted areas.

    For how long were your scalp numb?

  10. How do you guys Think the transplanted hairs and the native hairs Well blend in?

    Because i Think it easy for me to see the difference Right now because the HT hairs seems darker, thicker, and spaced a little apart uf compared to the native hairs.


    Will it look natural with both short buzz and grown out abit? Or Can you allways see the difference?

    Here is a pic where you Can see the difference a bit more


  11. Remember to protect your head from UV rays though.


    Did Lorenzo ever comment on that "yellow stuff"? Curious as I had the same issue. No one ever said it was bad but then again no one ever told me straight up what it really was.


    I still didnt get an answer from lorenzo, but the yellow stuff is gone anyway along with the scabs, so i dont know how importend it is?


    Here is a picture Day 11 post op


  12. scrap that I used the search and found a pic. Your pattern not too far from me so will be watching this with even more interest.



    Yeah keep an eye out.

    I am going to Update my thread once in a while for sure.


    Its been 10 days since surgery and i have been out the Whole Day without a cap and enjoying my new hairline until the grafts sheds in a couple of weeks.


    I tell you there is no eveidence of HT for ordinary people. I dont even Think people that have had a HT would notice anything if they were talking to me face 2 face now.

    Really Quick healing

  13. Looks great Johnny! Work looks clean and the pink is a good sign of healthy blood supply (from what I understand).....I think you are gonna be happy with your results this time.



    Hopefully in 6-8 Month i Can get my happines back and enjoy life more.

    If This fails i Will buzz my head all the Way Down and move on with life.

    But lorenzo Can create miracles, and my hair wansnt even that bad compared to Many of he's patients, so i only need a small miracle.

    Lets hope i have been blessed ?

  14. Hi Johnny2000


    Hope it works out for you this time fingers crossed. Given recent posts i count myself really lucky. How did it compare to your first HT with Dr Hakan ?


    The yellow looks like saline build up to me and should fade within several days.


    In the donor area if you keep it short you could try Dermatch to blend in as i do on my right temple as Dr Hakan didnt place enough grafts or regrowth was not above 80%.


    Wish you well


    Thx buddy.

    Well This time it was much more proffesionel.

    Dr lorenzo did all the implants himself and the directions This time seems to be Right. (The few that did grow from the HT with hakan had bad direction)


    I gently soften my grafts earlier and removed Many of Them.

    I Think in total, 100 hairs felt out with the scabs more or less.

    This is how my reciepted area looks at Day 8 post op.


  15. Shouldn't be a problem after day 7 but do not scratch. You might have bacteria under your nails.


    To remove the scabs gently pad the area in growth direction with your fingertips while showering.


    Hair you're losing now is part of shedding. Unless there's a trickle of blood you did not lose a graft.


    Allright il gently try to remove some today

  16. Hey mate,


    Please keep us updated, I am Australian, but I am Spanish borne & raised. I hate that there aren't reputable doctors here; was ready to go with DR Path. in Thailand but heard bad stories about him no longer operating & now am back to research!!!


    I am considering Lorenzo (my country man and city :) )


    I like his website true answers for questions that many doctors avoid.


    Could you please let me know his rate? $$ i need to start all my comparatives again :(


    Best luck with the procedure!


    Hey buddy.


    He charge 6euro Per graft for the first 1000 grafts

    4 euro for the next 1000

    2 euro after that.


    Check out my thread here http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/181406-1600-grafts-dr-lorenzo-johnny2000-5.html

  17. Yes oozing is when there is discharge coming from the wound and it doesn't dry or heal


    I am on Day 7 post op.

    I just started rubbing gentle on the reciepted area after i softend the scabs with a long shower and shampoo.

    This Picture is Right after shower with the scabs wet and soft


    When i lightly scratch a couple og scabs of there was hairs att. To some of Them.

    But after 7 days that shouldnt be a problem Right?


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