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Everything posted by aWidowsPeek

  1. Well Bill he said the h&w sales people so i guess they were a little pushy with him.
  2. Hey Stuart,since it's been 7 months i would love to see some new pics of this patient. Have you kept up with him at all? Think you can get him back in to take pics?
  3. I talked to an Ht doc and he said he likes to do max of 25 grafts per square cm. That is just too low to look worth a crap right? Seems like most good doc's do 50-70 grafts per cm/2
  4. 1 year update time is right around the corner E! Update that journal too! How is the mop E?
  5. Amusing short read. Here's my fave... http://lifestyle.msn.com/your-...1238753&imageindex=4 Jude law needs to FUE his head already. Money is not an issue so just get it over with.
  6. Amusing short read. Here's my fave... http://lifestyle.msn.com/your-...1238753&imageindex=4 Jude law needs to FUE his head already. Money is not an issue so just get it over with.
  7. He always had a nice head of hair too!
  8. hey Bash77 looking good man. I think after this ht you should grow your hair long again. Looks good on you. Severn, you can clearly tell bash77 had something done.i mean it looks great but c'mon with the "you don't look like you had anything done" People don't usualy have redness and lil scabs in a perfect hairline pattern on their head. Do they?
  9. RE-TARD-ED Dude must have money flowing out his damn ass. People sure get hang ups about the craziest things hey? You don't need chest hair to be manly. But i DO have a shat ton
  10. This guy looks a LOT better and closer to his actual age now. Keep up the posting Stuart!
  11. I dunno M1A1,if this guy lives in california he just might walk around with a pink hairband on his head! I've seen a lot stranger things in L.A.
  12. Seriously guys i failed a drug test from taking hair vitamins you can get at walmart. Never did a drug in my life,took a test,came back positive!
  13. Hey djdennis glad your ht turned out ok and that chick on your lap is cute. It's nice anytime a dude on here posts a pic with a chick cause lets face it these sites are 90% lonely balding jacking addicted hermits
  14. This guy needs to go have his 10 billion nape-neck & Uni-brow hairs FUE'd by Umar and put up there too Looks great as i hope it would after spending what? $28,000 on hair? yep
  15. Hey Dr. Paul, thanks for taking the time to get on here and answer my questions i'm sure lots of other members and lurkers were wondering about that info as well. The Shapiro FUE work looks great so far. I'm very interested in seeing how they all come along. Have a great 4th of July weekend.
  16. Hey Janna, Since Dr. Shapiros office took 2 days to do this amount of FUE do you think 2 days straight of numbing meds will affect the graft survival? Also if this patient only does FUE i wonder what is the max amount of donor grafts available? Thanks!
  17. Just saw a Top-Down shot of Jon and it looks "ok" not "great" He needed a lot more than 2000 grafts in front
  18. PGP i hope you don't believe everything you read? 8 kids and a bitchy wife are great reasons to run tho
  19. I feel bad at all the drama Jon & Kate are going through in the press,but man does his hair look better!
  20. Wantego,i hope your spotty side evens out. Why have you taken your blog down twice?
  21. Have you talked to Rahal about the gaps on your one side?
  22. Hey Danny, like others have said i think you really need to just relax about your Hair for awhile. I remember following your posts on Hairlosshelp and you seem to really dwell on every aspect of your hair (which looks fine). So you were 22 on your first HT? Sheesh! I remember you had great hair BEFORE your Ht. Just take it easy man.
  23. Hey Raphael, i know that Dr. rahal accepts credit cards,Bank transfer,Paypal,and cash. If you set a date you will have to pay to confirm a date which will be $1000 or $1500 in canadian dollars. That converts into $800 and $1200 u.s. dollars with the latest conversion rates. Have you tried just emailing Adrian? I always got a quick reply that way.
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