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Everything posted by Vincent

  1. Great result mate!! I went to Dr Path in Feb of 2011 with a fantastic result like yourself. You look about on track to what I was going through, so you will see some more thickening up yet to come. I just had a shed as well it seems. Freaked me out as I was lazy and ran out of Propecia for over a week. How long do your sheds last for normally?
  2. Don't even bother with clinic's in Australia. I went to Dr Path in Thailand and the price although was half of what I was quoted in Australia the quality was much better. Don't let location be a deciding factor or else you will surely regret it in the end. A Melbourne clinic did a consultation with me and said I could only get around 2500 grafts and that will only cover till about half way on the mid scalp. In the end I got over 3800 grafts and only have a small patch on my crown that is noticable. But if price is also a deciding factor, the whole procedure in Thailand plus airfare and 5 star acommodation (for 2 people) was about $5KAUD less than what I was quoted by the clinic in Melbourne. Plus I had an absolute blast in Bangkok!!!!
  3. Forgot to mention, only downside to my procedure is the scar. I can very obviously feel it, as it's raised and lumpy. Cannot see it even with the short sides I have in the posted pictures but to the touch it's very obvious. Elasticity has returned to about 90% of what it originally was, but I don't know if it's me or not but sometimes I feel some numbness to the donor region. I might go to my doctor and have his opinion on this.
  4. Hi all, It was surely a long and agonising wait but at 18 months now the results have overcome my initial expectations and I am thrilled. Please check out my blog for pictures.
  5. Looks like it's gonna be a winner outcome. Congrats!!!
  6. Hi all, I have updated my blog with a 10.5 month milestone
  7. I could not find a surgeon I was comfortable with in Australia so I went to Thailand to Dr Path and haven't looked back since. Seriously travel should not be a limiting factor, you need to take some time off work to recover anyway so why jot pick a good surgeon that is overseas? Came very close to NHI in Melbourne but I was not satisfied with the fact they could only do little over half of my balding region. Also due to the bad reviews I saw on here I was not all that positive going with NHI.
  8. Definitely get the spray applicator for hairline. But it appears there isn't much hair for the Toppik to cling onto there. Wouldn't hurt to try thou. Good luck.
  9. Looks great!!! I think it's gonna be a home run for you.
  10. Also my redness went away significantly after 2 weeks but was still slightly red. It probably didn't fully dissipate until around the 2-3 month mark as you have said.
  11. Hi JHBB, Looks like you are a little more than a NW3 as there seems to be an island slowly forming in the forelock there. Are you on any medication yet? As Corv mentioned around the 2K - 2.5K number of grafts sounds about right to give you great density based on the second picture. Since you asked that second question regarding if a HT being a long term multiple procedure commitment I am guessing you haven't quite gotten what to expect out of a HT? Realistic expectations is a crucial key to grasp before jumping into a HT. After discussing HT's with multiple people who have no idea, their consensus of a HT is that it will 100% restore your hair back to when you were 18 years old. A HT in most cases will give you about 50% on average of your original density and it only creates an illusion of density. However with a good haircut and clever styling you can get it to look very good, check out my blog photo's. Vincent.
  12. Thanks Corvettester!!! In my MPB days and the comb over it was absolutely horrible for me on even slightly windy days without a cap (I can't wear one at work). You would see me quickly hand on hair and running for some wind cover when outside going and leaving for work. A so called friend that previously annoyingly commented on my hair loss and why I always wear a cap saw me the other day and said for some reason I look slimmer and different somehow. Then I saw him peeking at my hairline, it was an absolutely satisfying feeling shutting him up Also everyone saying that the waiting game is the worst part is all true. During the early stages as you can see in my blog, I really couldn't see how I was going to get any sort of decent result out of this. But low and behold it suddenly came out strong at 5 months and I am loving every bit of it so far. For all considering a HT, don't jump into one without proper research. I went to Advanced Hair and lost a couple hundred dollars due to me realising what a bunch of scam artists they are and cancelled the $7K AUD they wanted to charge me for a rug. Then I almost went with an Australian HT clinic that quoted me double the price of Dr Path and only being able to do MAX 2500 grafts and that was only upto about 3/4 way of the mid scalp. I will continue to update my blog to show people as I found frequent blog updates from others to be a great help in my research on this forum.
  13. Hi all, Updated my blog at 6.5 months. Hair Restoration Site for Vincent
  14. Congrats mate. Looking real good there, glad to hear you have so much more left in the bank there. I would guess your hair loss situation has stabilised?
  15. I have been on 1mg Propecia for about 8 months+ now. No real side effects to tell you the truth, in hindsight it may be the opposite to what everyone says it does to your sex drive for me ;-P Also you definitely pull off the shaved look very well.
  16. Hi Rod, I bought it off eBay here: TOPPIK HAIR FIBER 25g AUS Supplier - 9 COLOURS | eBay Received it the next day. Total for 30g bottle with sprayer and postage was $95 to my door. This seriously works like a treat. Just don't go all crazy and dump a whole heap on, which for this the sprayer helps alot so I recommend you get that aswell.
  17. So I ordered some Toppik and it arrived 2 days ago. I gave it a quick test and to my surprise it worked quite well in filling the gaps. So today I took the plunge and went to a hair stylist and explained my situation. I haven't had a proper haircut like this in......well I can't really remember . The hair stylist hadn't used Toppik or any other type of hair concealer before and he was absolutely amazed. From now on I will have to rely on some Toppik everyday until I go for my second HT next year, but I am absolutely over the moon right now. I haven't had a chance to take a shower and wash it out yet so I don't have any pictures without Toppik, but I would say 80%+ is my own hair and the remaining is Toppik hiding gaps here and there.
  18. Scar was very dry to begin with and lumpy in some places. The gel seems to help with the dryness a bit. See how it goes.
  19. Hi all, I recently bought some Dermatix silicon gel as recommended by my GP to help with the donor scar. The scar was extremely lumpy in some places and was like canyons and at almost 6 months post OP it was still pink and detectable. Been using this gel for a week now and although I was told it would take months to show results, it definitely has evened out the lumpiness some what and reduced the pinkness quite a lot. By far not a cheap product (about AUD$60 for a small tube) but seems like it works. Has anyone else tried this before? Cheers.
  20. Wow nice result for only 4 months. Does he have a cut on the left mid scalp there in the last photo?
  21. Thanks Rod. Let me know what Dr Path says as my case is very similar to yours. Also post some new pics when u get back. Cheers.
  22. Dr Lindsey, wish the best for your little girl and family my thoughts are with you all.
  23. Hi all, It's now 5.5 months since my HT with Dr Path and it's starting to grow in. I can still feel some stubble that is only beginning to sprout (not alot). Feels like this is all the hair I am going to get and it's only thickening up from now on, am I on track? Also I have been on Propecia and Minoxidol for roughly 8 months and as of late I have been experiencing some shedding of miniaturized hairs when applying the Minoxidol paste (Can see a bunch of these small thin hairs in my fingers). Should I be concerned about this? The scar is a slight pink, still a little tender and numb here and there nothing to write home about thou. Some parts are quite lumpy and some are almost completely flat. Should I expect it to flatten out overtime? Let me know what you think of the results so far. PS. Yes I know the sides are quite long, I normally comb it over as I am still not confident enough to show the results. Hopefully by next year with the help of some concealers it will look decent. Cheers.
  24. Hi, I also got motivated to get a HT because I am getting married next year, but your finance does seem quite young. If you are to go through with it may I suggest not to make locality a deciding factor. I initially had the same mentality of only wanting to get it done in Australia but after talking to RodG and researching alot I realised Thailand (Dr Path) was going to be a good choice. I only stayed there for a week and the price was half the costs compared to Australia (airfares included aswell). Most importantly he is a top notch surgeon and so far it's looking good. Have a look at my blog.
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