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Mick from Farjo

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Mick from Farjo

  1. Its no wonder i am going grey, anyway to put this to bed finally 1. We did not want to operate on a diffuse thinning crown. 2. Reasons; (a) Age (b) His family history indicated that he could lose a lot more hair. © The length of time on medications was not sufficient to judge benefits. 3. Dr Farjo agreed that he could do a very small area to the safe zone of the crown but not on the whole area hence the small number of grafts but as Richie pointed out Our preference was to wait and review in several months before making a firm decision. Richie made up his own mind to have a large session but that was his choice and he chose a top notch doc.Different opinions will always be present when it comes to the crown. We now do not offer FUE.Re the cost issue we have minimum charges. Frog if you want to ask me anything please e mail me at the office rather than making statements on here , summising what may or may not be between people.I am not going to discuss specifics between patients here or anywhere else. Finally as i have said previously i will not be on here much over next several weeks and i never tend to look at the whole site so i missed this.Re your scar issue it may be worth contacting the clinic's Pat mentioned in Europe if you do not want to travel to the States. Mick
  2. I find it very very interesting that once we have been admitted to the Coalition that funny stories start to surface. I am not in the office so can't fully comment. What actually is being repaired, the fact that more hair has been lost or a wider than expected non tricho scar. I find it slightly offputting also because this is the first time i have ever heard that this patient is in any way disappointed,We cannot help continual loss and his surgery was done 3 years ago;the circumatances surrounding it i have no doubt were appropriate for that individual at that time. I am not going to add anymore for now. Mick
  3. Fallenstar thanks for putting your story up and i know you will keep people updated with your progress. Fallenstar's breakdown. 3426 FUT 604 1 hair 2394 2 hair 428 3-4 hair. Mick
  4. Chucky, This one is easy, its because HTN is the best.Look at the quality of the regular posters here,and all the other information available.Just because they may have had surgery at their Doctor's clinic they continually act in a non bias mode only offering genuine help for the person seeking information.If you read my comment above " be given the opportunity to meet patients to see results first hand." you will note that this is how we operate.We have quite an extensive list of patients who are happy to talk or show their results.Sometimes for logistical reasons it is not always easy to arrange.One point on this i personally feel that it is better to see someone who has had quite extensive work ,this is my view only and to me it shows a better perspective to what your Doctor is capable of.Where people choose to have surgery is of course their own choice,lets face it there are a lot of good places to choose from.One final point is that Pat Hennessey is nobody's fool,remember that he visits and evaluates literally dozens of Clinic's on an annual basis.He is a hard task master and if he says that people can get great work done in Europe then it is worth listening to him.As i have said if people don't want to come to us Belgium is only a short train ride from London.If a patient wants to go to the states or canada then the choices are great also, i mean i would not hesitate to say go to Dr Shapiro in a minute.(or of course some of the other great Doc's)Anyway chucky i hope this helps. Mick
  5. My hair was restored by Dr Farjo 15 years ago and part of this was improving older type surgery from the very early 1980's and it still looks pretty good for the older techniques.At a medical conference a few years ago some great doc's like Dr Shapiro and the late, great Dr Seager thought it was very good.Therefore there is no point simply because it is not indicative of modern FUT.
  6. Pat, Thank you for the endorsment and public support.As Pat has said it is possible to get top class surgery both in the UK and Europe with Dr. Jean Devroye and Dr Bijan Feriiduni.People do have a choice but if they follow similar guidelines the answers should present themselves.ie look about the market place, visit a few different clinics,use the internet as a guide for gathering information,meet and have a consultation with your actual Surgeon and be given the opportunity to meet patients to see results first hand.In my opinion HTN is without doubt the best site on the web for hair loss sufferers and we will continue to share our work and other projects we are involved in. Mick Bill,i appreciate your comments and look forward to many more in the coming years.
  7. Bill, Thanks for the endorsement.You will continue to see updated pictures of everyone i have put on so far and more,especially video's which i have been working on for a while. Mick
  8. Bill, It's all hotting up again on this subject, the amount of interest generated is unbelievable. Although I hasten to add that I am not directly involved in this, I do have a closer link via Dr Farjo of course. At the moment phase 2 is continuing and more volunteers have been added to the program. However, I do know there have been some exciting developments. At the recent International Hair Research conference in Vancouver (where Dr Nilofer Farjo was invited speaker), Intercytex demonstrated growing hair follicles in the lab out of the multiplied cells (cloned cells). Dr Farjo says it's exciting because pending further research and trials it could mean the future is about planting hairs produced out of cloned cells rather than simply planting cells. He added that this would potentially make growth and aesthetics far more predictable. I hope this adds a bit of light. Mick
  9. Forgot to add the above was Pat's report on his visit to us recently. Yasser is not looking for hair transplantation, in his own words he had a very poor job abroad,he is trying to improve his donor area. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=152861 Mick
  10. Having recently visited the Farjo clinic (see report) and watched Drs. Bessam and Nilofer and their staff in action, I feel that their work and technique is on pare with some of the very best hair transplant clinics in North America. I also had an opportunity to see many of their patient before and after photos and some actual patients - all of which were impressive and natural. Mick
  11. Bill and B spot, You're right , it was really an inappropriate term to use, sorry. The point i was trying to get over was really that it was an inappropriate response from a person who has not got anything good to say about the UK and you know what i can understand Hairworthy, having had work from a certain clinic he will be biased because in 15 years i have never seen a good result from them.Normally i am calm, reasonably cool but i do occasionally see red mist,it normally happens when the UK is slated.We have worked hard over the last few years to overturn this bias.I would be more than happy to invite Hairworthy to visit our Clinic and see result for himself.We all know that the web has enabled knowledge to be spread widely and quickly and sharing of knowledge can be a great thing, but sometimes it needs to be more constructive rather than destructive.
  12. I forgot to add the following information,the patient is not losing hair but developed recessions in his mid twenties,his situation has been stable for over fifteen years.There is no history of hair loss in his family. There is no such thing as an aggressive hairline here,as we all know each case is different and decisions are made after consultations with your doctor and all the issues have been factored in.Including additional treatment requirements.the guy is on our website under graft placement if anyone wants a look.(video)
  13. As usual thanks for your comments, as i have said on previous occassions everyone is entitled to their views.The guy you mentioned will be posting his results as his hair develops,although how you as a lay person can comment on what "top"doctors like Dr Shapiro,Dr Cooley etc would do is questionable to say the least.I am not interested in getting in to a debate with you on this subject,mainly because you have a bias against the UK but lets just wait and see his hair.
  14. I just noted the comment from PB ,first time i had looked at anything he had posted.I believe that both Dr Rogers and ourselves have performed quite a few operations in excess of 3000 FUT,where there was the need for such a a case. I will put plenty of cases for review over the coming months.I still feel though that there is the wrong impression being created by certain camps that more is always better,surely it is the goals of the patient that have to be matched and not just the ego of the Doctor.I remember about reading of a mega-session about 12 years ago,How many grafts ? 1000.How times have changed.There are always going to be people who push the boat out and sometimes it goes a little bit too far.The average no. of grafts transferred by the top doc's is in thr 45-50 /cm2,I remember reading that this was what was termed a safe level,re yield issues etc.On a bald scalp,over a reasonable area this would make quite a difference.Janna from Dr Shapiro's office made a comment on this site saying that she thought that 2837 FUT (6000 hairs) was a lot of hair and of course she is right,especially on one with a little hair to start with.She also pointed out the practice of splitting follicular units which had been reported to her by patients of other clinic's.Is this an increasing common practice, is it being done with money in mind or with the mentality that we can do better than you.? Over the course of time i have no doubt that all will be revealed but until then we have to take one graft at a time.
  15. Bill, I had to read your note a couple of times because i wasn't quite sure what you actually meant.We have a pot of hair that will only diminish rather than enlarge as we age.Due to the above points etc do we do more units and diminish the pot or do enough that will satisfy the patients goals and leave plenty of scope for the future.The point is to use the pot wisely and as you know each case is different.I think i would say this is good medicine.I will post a picture of a recent guy with the opposite scenario.There is no right or wrong but one thing i keep noticing as i am out and about is how bald we can become in old age,Those rims seem to be getting lower. I am away now for several days
  16. Bill and Hairbank Dr Farjo's recommendations re numbers of course depend on a number of factors,patients age, future hair loss potential,,area,patient requirements, scalp laxity etc etc. Balody is still a young man and we don't and won't take chances. 2381 FUT 321 (S) 1324 (D) Hope that helps. Mick
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