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Everything posted by hockeyman

  1. Good luck on Tuesday. Hope everything goes smoothly. Looking forward to some post-op picks.
  2. That would be sweet. Looks doable. Just out of curiosity, what made you opt for Dr. Wong or Dr. Hasson?
  3. That totally makes sense. Sounds like you have really thought things through. I haven't looked into microneedling too much. I should have asked Dr. Wong's opinion when I had my consult.
  4. So far so good with the fin in terms of no side effects. Application is still problematic in terms of getting it rubbed into the scalp as opposed to coating the hair. Are you considering giving it a try?
  5. That's good to hear about your donor. I appreciate the regular updates, and look forward to seeing your growth kick into high gear in the coming months.
  6. Things are looking great. The redness in the recipient area is really fading. How is your donor looking? Are you happy with it?
  7. Everything is looking great. Do you seem to be shedding many of the transplanted hairs yet? I can relate to what you're saying about a buzzcut revealing the true extent of your diffused thinning. I experienced the same revelation when I buzzed down.
  8. Looks terrific - very natural. Does the patient have any plans to address the crown? How many grafts does he left for future procedures?
  9. Did the doctor mention how many grafts he thought you have in reserve for future procedures? Do you have any plans for your crown?
  10. So far so good with the topical fin. It may be a coincidence, but since starting fin my erections have definitely been firmer. Increased libido too. I should probably knock on wood when I say that, because its only been a month and the wheels could come off anytime. I debated whether to go oral or topical. The advantage of the oral is the fact that all the hair on the top of your scalp (and your donor to) can benefit from the reduction in dht - simply swallow a pill. That would be advantagous for me because I have some diffuse thinning. The downside, of course, is the greater reduction in systemic dht and increased risk of side effects which is what ultimately led me to go topical. As far as the topical goes, the more hair you have the harder it is to actually get it applied and rubbed into your scalp. Pretty easy to miss spots. Just for kicks, I had buzzed down to a #0 at the same time I started the fin. Application was a breeeze at the point, as I was essentially rubbing it into a bald scalp. Now, a month or so later, I'm having to get through a bunch of bristly 3/4 inch hair which isn't fun.
  11. You've got great looking hair. It'll be even better when Dr. Wong gets done with you. Your donor looks to be in good shape after two previous surgeries. How many grafts were implanted in your prior procedures? Any idea how many you have left in the bank?
  12. Thanks for your response. You seem like a good dude. I had never been on meds previously as had been pretty much stable for many years. However, at my consult in August, Dr. Wong reccomended that I get on the Xyon topical finasteride which I did. Been on it since September 1st.
  13. Actually, my existing hairline is at 7cm. Dr. Wong thought it would be wise to leave it where it is, and just rebuild it, along with the frontal area immediately behind. The only reason I'm hesitant to book my surgery, is because of concerns about my crown. From April to August, my crown deteriorated more than it ever had before. I don't want to rebuild the front and not have enough donor for full coverage (he estimated my donor capacity at about 8000 graphs).
  14. Thanks alot for posting those pics. It's hard to believe you are only four days post-op, as your donor is already looking terrific. How do you like your buzzed down look?
  15. Your recipent area is looking terrific. Nice and dense. Really clean looking. You have a great attitude about the whole thing which is admirable. I was wondering if you had any pictures of your donor - Pre-op? Post-op? A few days post-op? Thanks for keeping us updated.
  16. Actually my consult was with Dr. Wong as well. I'm really interested in following your case, as you and I share some similar hair characteristics (ie. density, texture). One thing that really impresses me about Dr. Wong's work is that he seems to be able to achieve good density while being economical with the # of grafts used.
  17. That looks great. Not too high and not too low. You look like you have good temple points too. I was curious about your hairline height because I had a recent in-person consult and the recomendation was a hairline that was 7cm from my eyebrows.
  18. I was wondering about the height of your new hairline. How high is the middle of it from your eyebrows?
  19. Looks great. Did Dr. Wong provide you with an estimate as to your total donor capacity?
  20. Antlor So your using the xyon topical daily and oral fin/dut? What is your reasoning for doing both?
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