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22 years old looking to do a transplant?

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I am 22 years old and i have been losing hair since 16. At this age its hard to have confidence especially when you are reminded and made fun of. I am wondering how much it will cost? Live in st.louis area, any good doctors in the area? If i get the transplant and then rest of hair will fall out what can i do? Can i use rogaine or anything else that could help? Pics below. Any input is appreciated.







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You do seem to be experiencing some significant loss.


First, Are you on any form of topical or oral medication (rogaine, propecia, et cetera)? You're a bit young for a transplant (though your loss seems extensive), and normally medical intervention can really help maintain and even regrow lost hair.


Second, have you consulted with any physicians regarding your hair loss? Not just transplant surgeons, but your primary care physician or a dermatologist?


Now, with regard to your questions:


1. The cost of a transplant is not standard. Clinics use various pricing methods, but be aware that you shouldn't bargain shop when seeking hair restoration. You could very easily end up with sub-par results and greater costs at a later date.


2. St. Louis, Missouri? Currently, the Hair Transplant Network does not recommend any physicians in Missouri. However, they do endorse physicians in both Illinois and Kentucky


3. If you get a transplant, the transplanted hair will not (baring any unusual circumstances) permanently fall out. Hair Transplant procedures utilize grafts that are resistant to baldness-inducing hormones. As far as future loss (of your native hair), it is a very relevant question and possibility. Your best bet is to utilize medications and a transplant to maximize the outcome and sustainability.


Good luck, and please keep us updated on your progress.


I think meeting with several physicians (dermatologist, hair restoration specialist) as soon as possible is a good idea.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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You are in a tough situation. only 22 years old and have quite a bit of hair loss. Due your due diligence. You will most likely need to travel to get this done. I recommend you start off conservative and understand that you will probably need several procedures over the years. You do not ever want to be in a position were you are wishing you never started this process.

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im going to give you some advice ... coming from someone else who is young, and already been down the transplant route.


firstly, i really feel for you, but the good news is, you have crown loss (ha, good news?)...good news in the sense that it can likely be treated non surgically. 1/4th proscar pill everyday will cost you about $20 a year. topical spiro s5 cream, $20/month, and since you are in a desperate state, while i hate minox (because it doesnt the get to the root cause of hair loss), it would really help you. but please dont rely on minox, think of it as a cosmetic aide only, it will make any hair grow longer and thicker, but your hairs will still be under attack by dht. oral and topical anti-androgens such as finasteride (proscar) and spironolactone actually help fight the cause. research all of this! there are no guarentees with hair loss treatments, but after all the time ive researched hair loss, crown loss sufferers tend to respond great to treatments, and ive seen many guys regrow their crowns completely.


i dont think a hair transplant is good for you for a few reasons. you havent given meds a chance yet. you have significant loss, no transplant will give you the density you need at 22. again you're 22, and hair transplants, depsite what people say, do not look natural (color, texture, thickness, etc), especially to younger people who tend to be more detail oriented. scars, never invisible, unless you opt for FUE hair transplant, which ... may not be right for you. hair loss is not permanent, but strip scars are, and you will lose that excised skin section forever, chances are you'll never get it back, no matter what advances come about in science. and lastly, surprisingly, there are great options for hair peices out there. you can have one custom made to fit only your bald spot, glue it on, and it will last three months. i know this sucks, but hey - it's something to buy you time until a real cure comes out, or until you're confident about getting a hair transplant. people our age will likely not have to live a bald life...sometime in our lifetime there will be a cure. these hair peices are undetectable, secured by nearly invisible lace. if you wore it on your hairline, someone you're intimate with (or if your a public figure photographed at high resolutions) might be able to notice. another reason you're lucky you've got crown loss.


with that said, im not anti-hair transplant for young people in any way, i'm totally pro, if you were doing your hairline, and much smaller area, i'd opt for a hair transplant - because, you can't really conceal a hair peice in the hairline. not trying to talk you out of getting a hair transplant at all, just want you to go into this knowing you need to research it, it's risks, benefits, etc, thoroughly, and have the right mindset to commit to it.


please please research all avenues, from treatments, to transplants (pay attention to the color/texture compared to native hair), and think it thoroughly. if you go transplant, choose A GOOD dr, don't let travel stop you, money is one thing, but you have no excuse to let travel stop you from picking the absolute best your money can buy.


good luck


p.s. if your serious about treatments, or anything really, pm me, i'd be happy to help out and answer any questions.

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Welcome to this forum! icon_smile.gif


I really know and feel your situation. Firstly, you should start out with minoxidil and finasteride and try those medications, and gauge your response (good or bad), watching for side effects.


In the mean time you can begin consultations with reputable doctors.


Additionally, you have to wait until your MPB stabilizes. This may be a few years.

take care...



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Short term solution would be a concealer. Long term may include restoration, however give propecia, minoxidil, and concealer a full year and then re-access your situation. Because you are so young you are lucky enough to be on the cutting edge "no pun intended" of some possibly great advances in hair restoration. PLEASE be patient and do your homework before rushing to a decision that you will have to live with for the rest of your life. If you do decide that you can't wait please dont let traveling discourage you from going to the very best doctors. While there are no doctors that I know of in your immediate area you are a short flight away from the best ones. H&W, Konior, Cooley, SMG are all relativly close and IMO are the best of the best in this field. Good luck!!

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Hi Mike, I'm the same age and I just got a HT with Dr Feller. I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I found that meds/rogaine etc weren't working for me so I went for a HT. It's too early to see the results but I'm glad I went.


Sparky, may I ask why you regret going at such a young age?

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Hi Mike,


Whilst all the advice on these forums is useful and definitely worth considering I think the biggest thing you need to do is go to a HT surgeon and get a consultation. I'm not suggesting you get an HT, but a reputable and considerate HT doctor will look at your situation in far more detail than any of us could on here, talk to you about your goals and concerns, and above all come up with an excellent plan for you that is based on their expert opinion, their close examination of your hair loss and many other factors.


In you situation a professional opinion is vital (and a personal discussion with a professional). It would be money well spent (and shouldn't cost a huge amount) and you'd really feel you had an experience and trusted friend on your side if you saw somebody.


Finasteride and Minoxidil are both useful drugs and well worth looking in to but do bear in mind they're much more likely to halt hairloss than reverse it. Halting your hairloss would be a positive step forward but the frank truth you probably wouldn't grow a huge amount of hair back (it's certainly possible to grow some back though, although there's no telling if this will happen).


So my advice is get to see a HT surgeon or dermatologist who will empathise, understand and be as enthusiastic as you are in solving the problem. Only they will know what's best for you and only they will be able to give you a detailed examination to base that verdict on; this forum is a great tool for learning and advice but it won't replace an expert looking at your hair and your history.


Lastly, don't lose heart! Today there are some great drugs and great surgical techniques that can work wonder on giving you a good looking head of hair back. You only have to look at some of the people on this forum to see the amazing transformations that can be made.


In addition at only 22 the future is bright for you with all the new scientific advances coming our way in the next 10 years. Nobody can promise "it'll all be fine" but, if you think that just 15 years ago propecia wasn't even an official hairloss pill and the modern day HT techniques were only just being refined and perfected, you'll realise how much is coming our way every year in the world of hair restoration.


So, best of luck, and go see a professional! Once you've had their honest opinions you'll be in an infinitely stronger position!

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Thanks everybody. Your replies definitely cleared some questions i had. I don't want hairpiece, but i will try to stay positive and try methods other than ht. What can i try? I saw you guys talk about Finasteride, Minoxidil, proscar pill, spironolactone, Rogaine etc... I want to go see a doctor who knows about all of these treatments. Who can i try first? Dermatologist, physician etc...??

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