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4700 Grafts with Dr. Hasson - 4 and a half month update

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Your shave down is growing back rather well but that was to be expected. You are basically back to square one. I'm really looking forward to your results and wish you the best. Thanks again for sharing.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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he had alot of hair in the mid front area and I think he only needed to fillin the temples why did the doctor shave his head and implant in the middle, from looking at him and the calculation thing you have on this site it seems to me 5000 grafts is way toomuch for that little area. did he cut the grafts into ones to get more hair? how do you convince a guy with so much hair in the middle to implant in that area when he obviously doesn't need it.

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I'm going a little bit from memory, so Jotronic, feel free to correct if I say something wrong.


This patient had some diffuse thinning in his forelock but it was still pretty strong and you'll see that the dense planting of his recipient area was his temples where no hair existed. His hair loss was also stabilized, making him a good candidate for 'true density' vs. 'illusion of density'.


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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M&M you are right! There was diffuse thinning in my forelock so Dr Hasson added grafts for density but unfortunatley I might loose my native hair in that area one day so adding some now may cut down on the amount of times I have to have this done in my lifetime. Anything to add Joe?

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At the dreaded two month stage, the adrenaline is long gone and there isn't much to show for your efforts...a tough time, searching for scraps in the mirror, etc. At four months, things really begin happening and beyond 5 months, it's all gravy. So, by my estimation, you're almost half way there. Way to go.


Concerning the diffuse thinning in your forelock, I had a friend years ago that had a tuft of hair (like an island) in the center of his forehead..thick and lustrous. He had some plug work done in the late 1970s with very little attention paid to the tuft. I remember him saying, " if I ever loose this, I'm going to be in deep sh-t". Well needless to say, his worst nightmare came true. Anyway, point being, the decision to plant was a good one.


"Temples 'n Crowns Forever"


Uncjim's Hair Loss WebLog



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I have spoken w/Jotronic regarding permanent shock loss as a result of transplanting within native hair, and they feel it is pretty much a non-issue. This is why they shave down your recipient area.


I agree. I have been advocating this very point on several threads You will have shock loss, but you will not see it becasue the hairs are shaved down.



The thread below summarizes the understand shock loss issue: definitions to understand.




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Suprisingly enough I had very little shock loss, there is some I would say about 10-15%. The only reason I had so little is due to Dr Hasson's skill obviously and the fact that they shaved the area prior to making the lateral slits. So there was no transection of the native follicles! Pretty impressive!

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lol i really like your attitude. your captions on your picture about the one where you lost all your transplanted hair, funny stuff lol. can't wait to see this in like 7 months

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think most of it has at this point Joe. I think I am done with wearing a hat my hair has grown out enough to cover the redness in my scalp. I do have some new growth coming in at this point I have had quite a few in grown hairs and I see a lot of light hair poking through so maybe in the next few months that hair will start to thicken and I can really show some good pics.

And for anyone else thinking about a HT go see Dr Hasson and his staff they do great work!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Dear Bill and others,


Irrespective of the argument that propecia has stabilized hair loss in the case of this patient and that for this reason he could have gone for a transplant, what is the guarantee that he will not be forced to stop taking propecia sometimes in future, especially taking into the fact that propecia may effects one's libido? In that event this patient may end up in having too dense hair just below the forehead and nothing beyond (if that is the area what you say is STABILIZED by propecia) . I am of the strongest opinion that baldness is as common in males and we must get reconciled with it up to a certain extend and should go for a transplant if and only if we feel that the area affected is STABILISED BY BALDNESS and that even in the event of hair loss in non transplanted area, the hair still looks natural even with the former transplant.

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Very good points. Unfortunately, nobody can ever make a "guarantee" when it comes to hair loss. Stopping Propecia is a decision that the patient may or may not make in the future, and you are right, there is a possibility that anyone will continue to lose more hair beyond the transplanted area.


I believe firmly in keeping a good bit of donor hair in reserves in the event of future hair loss and long term hair restoration goals should be discussed with your physician, not just the initial surgery.


Best wishes,



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I'm not sure if you understand how the medication works but if someone is going to have side effects they usually know it within a week, two weeks at most. After this point there is not really any to reason to expect that a patient would have to stop taking it. The model of using Propecia for preventative maintenance and surgery to rebuild areas of loss has been proven to work and is a sound approach. Mike didn't have his hairline lowered to his eyebrows so I am not convinced that your concern is warranted.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Tis' 'a brewin'! icon_smile.gif


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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this will most assuradly be a mop of epic proportions, a mop the great men, the noble men, the wise men, and the strong men will speak of for ages to come. A mop men will both gaze upon with envy and turn away from blush with fear, a mop women will lust and adore, a mop by which kings, fortunes, and empires have been overthrown...a mop which will be telled and taled on the tips of the tongues of children's children many suns and moons, centuries to come...you my friend will be a hair god, immortilized in the heavens amongst Zeuss, Apollo, King Solomon, & Ali Baba bA boo boo...


can you web cam me some more pic's? icon_eek.gif

I am zee capt'N!!!

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