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I took the first step

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  • Regular Member

Hello all!


I have been a silent reader of this community, until today. Thanks to everyone for posting some good info. After reading enough; about the process, the doctors and individual experiences; I took the first step and got HT procedure done. Here are the details:


Doctor: Dr. Robert Jones, Oakville

HT method: Strip

# of grafts: 3850 in one session

Medication: regular pain medication and antibiotics

Swelling: Little swelling in the donor area, none in the transplanted area.


I am very excited and looking forward to speedy recovery and hair growth. I will post some snaps as I go thru the process of getting hairy, again!




[This message was edited by ISO_GoodHairDay on October 26, 2003 at 08:32 PM.]

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  • Regular Member

Hello all!


I have been a silent reader of this community, until today. Thanks to everyone for posting some good info. After reading enough; about the process, the doctors and individual experiences; I took the first step and got HT procedure done. Here are the details:


Doctor: Dr. Robert Jones, Oakville

HT method: Strip

# of grafts: 3850 in one session

Medication: regular pain medication and antibiotics

Swelling: Little swelling in the donor area, none in the transplanted area.


I am very excited and looking forward to speedy recovery and hair growth. I will post some snaps as I go thru the process of getting hairy, again!




[This message was edited by ISO_GoodHairDay on October 26, 2003 at 08:32 PM.]

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Guest Pumpkinhole

i can't tell from the pics but it looks like you weighted the transplant a bit. i look forward to seeing your progress!!

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  • Senior Member

congrats, looking fine ! You will be surprised how things will look 6 months from now.

You will NO longer need to put suntan lotion on your scalp next summer !




1800 grafts strip followed by 2100 FUE by Dr. Jones for who I am doing consultation work in Europe.

Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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  • Regular Member

Storage, Mr T, Whoops, bverotti,


Thanks for your kind words.


In fact, I was inspired to read bverotti's story before I decided to go for HT. Now, I am excited to see a new hairline emerging day by day.


I am not on rogain, propecia or any other medication. I know many people prefer to use rogain for crown, but I was not sure how it is going to react with my new hair and existing hair. Plus, I know that I can't keep up with twice a day schedule. So, I am still contemplating about it. I don't like chemicals. (I hope I dont start another debate here!) I just kicked up protein in my diet a few knotches and I massage the scalp with herbal hair oil to increase the blood circulation.


[This message was edited by ISO_GoodHairDay on January 28, 2004 at 08:08 AM.]

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  • Senior Member


It looks like you will have a nice result, good for you.


You still have "high sides" and that can be a big help with your appearance. If you can keep the existing hair high around the fringe, that would be a very good thing.


You may want to rethink your stance on Propecia, but I know that is a personal issue and some guys do not want to use it.


But I think you will be happier if you can prevent yourself from progressing to a Norwood 7. You may be able to do that with Propecia. That extra fringe you have does make a difference!


Good luck no matter what you decide though. I should probably mind my own business on this...

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