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Looking for Post-Op Follow-Up Advice


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Hey everyone. I've been reading the threads on here for over a year now. I've learned so much from you guys -- know that it's been so appreciated!!!


So i just signed on and wanted to give quick background on me then ask my question.



I'm 39 and my hair started to thin 9 yrs ago - was a very slow process. But 18 months ago the right side of my crown became whispy and under the right light, was easy to see my crown. My crown had also began to receed a little - about 1.5 inches. At the same time just one of my temporals (the right) receeded and thinned pretty fast over a 9-10 months period utnil it was bare like a baby's butt -- it went back about an inch+ further than my other temporal that looks "normal."


So here i was - a lot of thinning on the left of my crown and the right of my front. My overal frontal area thinned over the past 18 months also but i still have "visible coverage" -- but stand it up with gel, scalp galore, baby! icon_smile.gif


So earlier this spring it seemed as though (I HOPE!) my hair stopped thinning - least the front/hairline. So we'll see what happens with that.


But after 18 months of on/off research on cost, side effects, etc with medication, surgery, and my personal results, I opted for a HT.


I'm a nerd when it comes to research - i want the most bang for my buck. But i also understand sometimes you get what you payfor. My keyword there was "sometimes."


There's an agency here Dallas charging $10.00 a graft. They seemed really great and knew their stuff. But at $10.00, i just thought that way too much for a procedure that i'm sure others could do easily at 1/2 that cost. So after more research on docs, cost and end results i chose Dr. Mark Boles from NuHart.


Now before anyone takes a hatchet to my head ... ha ha ... I did want to say that I was skeptial about them from some of the threads i read on here. But honestly a lot of the threads i read sounded as if they had only heard that Nuhart was badnews, don't remember seeing a lot from people who themselves had actually been there. But I did take comfort from a user called IslandGirl who went to Nuhart and sounded like she had great results - though she didn't mention the name of the doctor.


I know the "hairmills" can have a bad reputation and have read else where some bad stories, Bosley in particular. But i also know that a private doctor outside of a "hairmill" can be just as destructive.


I had my procedure of 830 grafts 3 months ago, about 6500 across my crown and the rest up front around my thinning temple. I had my hair cut tonite by my sister who's been in the hair/makeup for entertainers for 17 years. She was impressed with the results so far. I called some of Dr Boles clients before hand and even searched online for his name in case he had been named in some wierd/freak accident on a patients head. icon_smile.gif But couldn't find anything. He has been in the industry for several years and i thought the cost was very reasonable. Another thing that kind of impressed me - while i went in wanting a large number of grafts, he reigned me in and suggested a much more conservative number. He said he didn't want to waste my donor hair inc ase i needed them later -- i liked that he was thinking down the road. By the way, their staff was great too!


So heres my question:


I've read some amazing things about other doctors on this site. I almost feel like i know them. icon_smile.gif But for the price and what i've experienced so far, is there any reason why i should not go back to Dr. Boles for a 2nd procedure?



Thanks everybody!!


Also, you guys who moderate this --- THANKS!! I'm sure this site wouldn't be up if not for you two. I know it takes a lot of time to maintain so thanks!

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Oh my God when I read Boles I almost feel off my chair,and then punched the screen.

That guy ruined my life for years.

Ask him why hes not in Pittsburg anymore?

That guys still being alive just ruined my day.

Hes suppose to the the head surgeon at Nu hart ,but someone needs to decapitate it.

Tell him I wish he would of flew to Chicago instead of that toupee wearing consultant that quit shortly after he "bumped" into me.


That being said I hope you experience was better then mine.

If not there are plenty of docs that will make you really happy . I believe theres are 2 or 3 really good ones in Texas .

Theres only 2 things in Texas steers and Boles and I dont see any horns on him . Oh yeah I do but they are red.

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Wait until the final results are in before making any decisions about who you go to for another HT!

Personally, if a saw a strong negative review like PGP's I'd be grateful that I got away once and would run the other way, but having said, choosing a surgeon is a very personal choice.

I'm curious about the number of grafts you had done. 830? 6500 in the crown?

Hope you continue to grow well...good luck!

- badger

3279 grafts with Dr Gabel - 06/12/08


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Gabel

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OK now I can think straight .

I want you to know that the plugs he did plant grew except in the hairline so more then likely things will grow.

Hes also had years to butcher guys over and over so hes got to be better then when I saw him.

You also had crown work so as long as he finally learned which direction to make the sites you should be ok.

My grafts stood straight up.

I wouldnt go to him again if I was you unless its too ,well never mind.

Anyway dont let my anger upset you or bring you down because there are alot of repair doctors and who knows your results might turn out good.

This was years ago with me and Im still angry .

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I'm becoming a believer in anti-nuhart now. ha


First, man, i'm totally sorry, PLEASE. I've read some bad stories and sorry you were the crap end of that. I guess all that's left to do is the repair work, right?


And sorry - type, 650 on my crown. My sister said that that looks like many of the transplants on the crown stayed put, still growing. But that tehy are falling foward like the natural hair. That's good, right?


The other doctor i had looked into that seemed like a trusthworthy guy was one of the Limmers, Arocha or Frayser in Tulsa?

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Yeah sharptooth I was repaired but some guys have no donor left and thats who I feel the worse for.

I glad your looking good. That actually suprises me as I heard negative reviews even this year.

I wouldnt give Nuhart another dime just for the thousands they butchered back in the day.

Thats obviously your choice.

Maybe Boles got his stuff together but Ill never forget pulling out mini grafts out of hairline the next day with tweezers and blood runing down my forehead at 18 years old.

You had a small amout of grafts so as long as they grow in the right direction you should be ok.


Never heard of Frayser but these guys have shown their work on here and look pretty solid.

Hopefully you grow well and can move on but taking a chance on Nuhart again is a huge mistake imo



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Hey Please -


I think when i first started reading the posts here about a year ago, i was more focused on the procedure and not necessarily on the doctor - though i knew that was a key factor.


But after reading more posts on here and thinking about WHO the next physician would be, I think i'll sleep better. I realized i chose Boles b/c i couldn't find anything negative about him anywhere. And though he may have possibly perfected his skill -- i don't really know. That's just enough for me to now choose a physician that this site raves about. Also, i was reminded - as a lot of posts says - don't let geography stop you from traveling. icon_smile.gif


By the way, having done social work for a while and working with abused kids, the phrase "child molestor" and Boles are now stuck in my head. I don't think i could ever go back now. icon_smile.gif


But again, man - really sorry you got hacked but really hope the correction has helped!


And guys, thanks for the heads up/thoughts.

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At least you did not go to Bosley in Dallas. That was my mistake in 1994. I do not remember the doctors name (I think my mind partially has one of those traumatic black outs on this topic). They have done people worse than they did me, but it was still pretty bad. Initially it was okay, because I still had native hair and it just reinforced that, but they did the now infamous minigraft thing, and when my native hair faded it got pretty sketchy. In retrospect, I was such a fool, and they saw me coming a hundred miles away. I was so insecure and naive, and my goodness they were there to take advantage. I got 132 grafts, a number which makes anybody knowledgable on the topic shudder. It was such a damn sales pitch. I actually recall being concerned that they would not accept me for surgery (I seriously mean I was NAIVE). I also seem to recall them using some sort of power tool on my head, like maybe a drill or something. It was a horredous experience. Just to add the final insult to injury, what do you think they charged per graft? I mean I was REALLY stupid. It's hard to even admit this, but since I am in like company here, take a guess, and I will confess. I suspect the price I paid will top pretty much anybody on here. - Stimpy

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32 dollars per graft is what I paid. 32 freakin dollars. I was truly a sucker in this instance (I swear I was a reasonable person in general). The job Bosley did has never really been anything but trouble. Like I said, though, I am far from their worst work. Personally I would recommend against the chain outlets for HT's - Stimpy

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Stimpson - don't feel bad/embarressed. Seems to me since this field is still relatively new, hard to maybe make great choices - esp if it was that long ago and i'm sure there was so little literature (and forums like this) to help educate! icon_smile.gif


Please - yea, although it wouldn't be another several months before a 2nd procedure i've competely gotten rid of the geography issue. That's for the reminder. icon_smile.gif

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  • 3 months later...
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I'm back!


It's been 7 months since my first procedure of 800+ grafts by Dr. Boles of Nuhart. So far i've had no complaints other than feeling the # of grafts was just too conservative.


After having "been there, done that, got the t-shirt" i'm scheduling a 2nd procedure to rebuild my hairline and build up my crown. So after more research on experience, skills, cost (not location), etc, I've opted to go with Dr. Keene of AZ, recognized by this forum.


I know maturity of grafts can take up to 18 months, but after viewing my pics and a phone consultation, Dr. Keene confirmed my thoughts - the first procedure had only minimal mprovements.


I'm really curious what she will think of a "hair mill." Thought some of you too would be interested in her thought. I'll update this post later in the month.


Wish me luck. icon_smile.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by SharpTooth:

My 2nd procedure's been set for Wed Jan 28.


I'm feeling the greedy hair monster within stir ...


Hello, I am new to this forum; I am considering contacting Dr. Keene as well, please let us knowing your experience. Any experience with the work of Dr. Melvin Mayer of MHR or Dr Frayser of Tulsa. Thanks.

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Hey Tom5 -


I will. But as just about everyone has said, I'd stick with a doctor from here unless you knew someone personally who'd used those other doctors.


Again, I'll be curious about Dr. Keene's thoughts on my head and the results from Dr Boles of Nuhart. But will post her thoughts afterwards.

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I like Nuhart. I used to watch them all the time when I young and sick from school. What ever happened to Bob Nuhart??? icon_rolleyes.gif


On a serious note I have heard only good things about Dr. Keene, good luck!!!!

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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K - had my 2000 graft done last nite. Everything went great


254 1-hairs

596 2-hairs

750 3-hairs

448 4-hairs


( felt great when she told me some of the 1-hairs were actually multiple-haired grats cut to make the 1-hairs for the front of the hairlne.


But I did ask for her opinion on my results from Dr. Boles:


1) she thought his translates were good, in fact, she said she couldn't tell the difference between his transplants and the natural hair!


2) I had a large triangle bald temple area that Dr. Boles in. Again, i knew it took a while for hairs to mature. But to me, that filled in area (almost 8 months later) just seem so sparse. Dr Keene said there were about 5 grafts per sq cm! I just reminded myself, "what the point was that amount??" Just still make me feel like he was just way too skimping on hair.


3) Her only other concenn was the donor area from Dr. Boles. First, the scar is a little wider than she'd expect. Didn't sound horrible, just could have been closed better. Also, Dr. Boles had pulled a strip of hair from an area of the back that had thinner/finer hair. Dr. Keene didn't know why he didn't pull a strip from where the hair was better/thicker - which is what Dr Keene did, that will give me much more thicker results.


So --- there's an opinion of a "hair mill" doctor.


Overall - I loved working with Dr. Keene!!


I highly recommend her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi SharpTooth,

Glad it went great for you. I have a concert about the scar. My hair is sort of medium weight in the back and I have it about 1/2 inch long, I am worried that the scar will show trough. How is your hair in back? Would you be willing to show me a picture?


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  • 1 month later...
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Hey Tom ---


I've not been back on here since my last post. But to answer your question, my hair was about an inch long: no scar/stitches could be seen. If anything, you could grow your hair out just a bit longer. I'd doubt at that point anything would be seen.


But also, by week 6, i could barely feel any of the cut in the donor area!! So much better suture job than Dr. Boles, of which after 9+ months, I can still feel a little ridge. grrr.....

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  • 2 years later...
  • Senior Member

Hey naveed. Got pics? Otherwise everyone is going to think you are a spammer.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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  • 4 weeks later...

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