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Hope you all are doing good.


My name is Tony and I live in Philadelphia. I'm 25 years old, and I have lost a lot of hair. Now I am thinking of having a Hair Transplant or FOE (not sure what is the difference, or HT means FOE).


I need help if you know any of it on:

-do you think I'm a candidate for a surgery?

-Should I meet a hair surgeon ASAP?

-Finding the best hair surgeon around Philadelphia or close.

-How much money would it cost, since I am not a rich person?


I have no clue what to do, but sure the hair loss has been giving me a hard time in the society.


Thank you all for your time and responses.






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Hope you all are doing good.


My name is Tony and I live in Philadelphia. I'm 25 years old, and I have lost a lot of hair. Now I am thinking of having a Hair Transplant or FOE (not sure what is the difference, or HT means FOE).


I need help if you know any of it on:

-do you think I'm a candidate for a surgery?

-Should I meet a hair surgeon ASAP?

-Finding the best hair surgeon around Philadelphia or close.

-How much money would it cost, since I am not a rich person?


I have no clue what to do, but sure the hair loss has been giving me a hard time in the society.


Thank you all for your time and responses.





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  • Senior Member

Hi T


At 25 you may be a bit young to get a HT. Have you considered meds first ?


You should obviously stabilize your loss first . no sense in replacing hair when you keep losing.. Go see a doctor first and do some research as you are now



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Hello Mrjb and thank you for the response.


I thought having a head with hair at the best age 25 is the best, rather than when I'm older I would not care hehe.


Another question, is HT a hair replacement? I would not replace the hair, but I would like to add more hair on the area where I lost it. I am looking for the doctors around the area, but I am not sure if they are the right ones. I had an appointment with one hair doctor, but when I looked at his bald head, I was not interested anymore for his skills.

As for meds I never took any (I am kind of natural that I never use meds) but I used Scalpmed & Shishedo, but they did not help at all.


Thank you.



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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Footballer:

I need help if you know any of it on:


-do you think I'm a candidate for a surgery?


You are a candidate, but your hairloss is likely to be high on the Norwood scale, judging from your thinning, with covers the entire top of your head. You must keep that in mind before considering a HT, that future work will be necessary.


-Should I meet a hair surgeon ASAP?


No, you should take your time, research a reputable surgeon nearby, and then meet withg him or her, and repeat the process. Do not get in a rush! This is a decision that will last a lifetime



-Finding the best hair surgeon around Philadelphia or close.


Research coaltion doctors nearby


-How much money would it cost, since I am not a rich person?


It will likely be expensive, that much you can be assured. Make sure you have a reasonable estimate of where FUTURE hair loss after any work is perfomed will lead you, price wise, as well. This is nothing to rush into, there are alot of factors to consider. In the meantime, buy Rogaine and consider Propecia ASAP




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Welcome to our community. You live close to me. I'm about 30-45 minutes outside the city of Philadelphia.


Our forum members have already given you some excellent advice.


In my opinion the best thing to do is take your time and research our community before making any decisions to undergo hair transplant surgery.


Based on the picture I am seeing, you are most likely a hair transplant candidate.


Physician selection is vital to ensure a quality hair transplant. At this time, we do not recommend any quality hair transplant physicians in PA however, there are many of quality hair transplant physicians in the surrounding states such as NY and MD who are members of our Coalition who meet our high level of membership standards.


I believe when you say "FOE", you are most likely referring to "FUE" which stands for Follicular Unit Extraction which is a specific type of hair transplant procedure. The other one is "FUT" or Follicular Unit Transplantation also known as strip surgery.


In my opinion, you are a much better candidate for strip surgery.


To learn more about the differences between FUT and FUE, click here.


To begin your research, I'd read the following: What should I consider when researching hair transplantation?


I hope this helps get you started.



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The members have given you some good advise. I hate to rain on your parade, but if you say that you are not a rich man you need to tread lightly in this area. Getting a HT that will satisfy you will likely cost a lot of cash. Looking at your hairloss expect to pay approx. a minumum of $10,000 and likely more in the future.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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  • Senior Member


Whoa my friend you gotta slow it down and do a lot of research before you make a decision. Listen like the guys said go to a family doc tallk about meds firts. (Try proscar if you are tight on cash, do a search on this site with the find feature) I'll be honest I got an HT when I was 25 now I'm 26, but I researched it for about 2 years. You are very lucky in the fact that you have found this site, there is a wealth of knowledge here. My hair loss was not as much as yours, but it would be years later. You have to find a doc that has a long term goal out for you. Please don't let travel limit your choices if you decide to go through with this. There are many great docs that you can find on this site. You have a lot of homework to do bud, but it will get addictive when you see amazing, quality, realistic, and real results. On the other hand from the sounds of it, it sounds like you have a lot to learn about this procedure. You will find out that you will never be able to have the head of hair you had when you were younger. Honestly take your time and do a lot of research. Good luck and be patient...

P.S Go Eagles! (Huge Eagle Fan)

You only live once...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Wylie, Bill, Nelly, and Arrie (ah Eagles, they keep losing and losing), thank you so much for your time to respond to me.


I appreciate you guys telling me not to rush into it. I did some research, and still researching. I found one place where I believe I will visit sometime during January. It is University of Pennsylvania Health System. Surgery: http://pennhealth.com/hairtransplant/surgery.html and Surgeons: http://pennhealth.com/hairtransplant/oms_csa.html


I went over to a family doctor, and she told me to go visit a hair specialist. It wasn't much help. As for using those products (Rogaine, Propecia...) I do not believe on those products. Or maybe I am wrong. Like Mrjb said "no sense in replacing hair when you keep losing", I am thinking to wait more until it stops from falling.


God bless you all.



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  • Regular Member

Hello Footballer,


welcome to this community. I see that you have done some research, however I suggest you should research some more.


The place you are considering to visit (University of Pennsylvania Health System) is according to their website using micro and mini grafting technology for hair transplantation.

This is not the golden standard in todays hairtransplantation industry. For more natural results you should seriously consider a HT surgeon that uses Follicular unit transplantation. Try to do some research on the surgeons recommended on this site.


And do some research on hairloss drugs like rogaine and propecia. You can wait until it stops falling, but maybe it never will stop falling and you will keep getting balder. Or you can consider using hairloss drugs that may work on you and slow/ stop the hairloss. Many hair loss sufferers have had benefits of especially propecia in halting hair loss.



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  • Senior Member

Footballer -


Send me a PM if you wish. I live near the Philadelphia area and will be happy to answer any questions you have.



DR. RAHAL - 4/4/07

3489 grafts - 7571 hairs

455 single hairs

1986 double hairs

1048 three hairs





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