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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Dear Wylie, Bill, Nelly, and Arrie (ah Eagles, they keep losing and losing), thank you so much for your time to respond to me. I appreciate you guys telling me not to rush into it. I did some research, and still researching. I found one place where I believe I will visit sometime during January. It is University of Pennsylvania Health System. Surgery: http://pennhealth.com/hairtransplant/surgery.html and Surgeons: http://pennhealth.com/hairtransplant/oms_csa.html I went over to a family doctor, and she told me to go visit a hair specialist. It wasn't much help. As for using those products (Rogaine, Propecia...) I do not believe on those products. Or maybe I am wrong. Like Mrjb said "no sense in replacing hair when you keep losing", I am thinking to wait more until it stops from falling. God bless you all. Tony.
  2. Hello Mrjb and thank you for the response. I thought having a head with hair at the best age 25 is the best, rather than when I'm older I would not care hehe. Another question, is HT a hair replacement? I would not replace the hair, but I would like to add more hair on the area where I lost it. I am looking for the doctors around the area, but I am not sure if they are the right ones. I had an appointment with one hair doctor, but when I looked at his bald head, I was not interested anymore for his skills. As for meds I never took any (I am kind of natural that I never use meds) but I used Scalpmed & Shishedo, but they did not help at all. Thank you. Tony.
  3. Hope you all are doing good. My name is Tony and I live in Philadelphia. I'm 25 years old, and I have lost a lot of hair. Now I am thinking of having a Hair Transplant or FOE (not sure what is the difference, or HT means FOE). I need help if you know any of it on: -do you think I'm a candidate for a surgery? -Should I meet a hair surgeon ASAP? -Finding the best hair surgeon around Philadelphia or close. -How much money would it cost, since I am not a rich person? I have no clue what to do, but sure the hair loss has been giving me a hard time in the society. Thank you all for your time and responses. Sincerely, Tony.
  4. Hope you all are doing good. My name is Tony and I live in Philadelphia. I'm 25 years old, and I have lost a lot of hair. Now I am thinking of having a Hair Transplant or FOE (not sure what is the difference, or HT means FOE). I need help if you know any of it on: -do you think I'm a candidate for a surgery? -Should I meet a hair surgeon ASAP? -Finding the best hair surgeon around Philadelphia or close. -How much money would it cost, since I am not a rich person? I have no clue what to do, but sure the hair loss has been giving me a hard time in the society. Thank you all for your time and responses. Sincerely, Tony.
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