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26 years old, and some questions

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First I would like to say you all rock. This site is the most informative place out there and I couldn't be happier to have found it/you.


I have a couple of questions for you guys/girls. I am new to this so please bear with me if these questions seem stupid.


So you know, all of my hair loss is on the top of my head. The sides and back are completely unaffected.




1) Can you tell me what Norad level you feel I would fall under?


2) Judging from the pictures (using your best guess) what do you think I can expect in the way of future hair loss?


3) Roughly how many grafts do you think it would take to create a fuller head of hair?


4) What kind of results would someone of my type expect from a HT?


5) What would be the best kind of HT for my type?


6) What would be an estimated cost to create a fuller head of hair?



I'm sure that I will have more questions, but this is a start. Thank you all in advance.

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  • Regular Member

First I would like to say you all rock. This site is the most informative place out there and I couldn't be happier to have found it/you.


I have a couple of questions for you guys/girls. I am new to this so please bear with me if these questions seem stupid.


So you know, all of my hair loss is on the top of my head. The sides and back are completely unaffected.




1) Can you tell me what Norad level you feel I would fall under?


2) Judging from the pictures (using your best guess) what do you think I can expect in the way of future hair loss?


3) Roughly how many grafts do you think it would take to create a fuller head of hair?


4) What kind of results would someone of my type expect from a HT?


5) What would be the best kind of HT for my type?


6) What would be an estimated cost to create a fuller head of hair?



I'm sure that I will have more questions, but this is a start. Thank you all in advance.

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  • Senior Member

I think you are (or will be) a great candidate for Hair Transplant. The reson I say this is because the pattern of your loss -- it looks like while there is a little loss in the crown, most of the hair is strong.


Also, sine most of the hair in front is gone, you are far enough along that HT will not have negative effert on native hair.


I would go to a clinic that can do mega sessions like H&W. I bet they coiuld dense pack the front with 3500-4000 grafts and give you a very full look. They might even sprinkle some in your crown. That would cost around 15K.

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Welcome to our community.


But you are going to have to have a little patience. You only posted this thread today, and instead of interacting with "TheEmperor" who took his free time to post, you brushed it off asking for more comments.


1. From your pictures, you look to be approximately a 3V or 4 on the norwood scale of hair loss.


2. There is no way to predict this with any degree of certainty. But it appears you have miniaturization all the way back into your crown. You could very well potentially lose hair up to or further than a Norwood 5A. Propecia and Rogaine may help slow down, stop, or even reverse your hair loss to a certain extent. Only hair transplant surgery is proven to grow hair in completely bald areas.


3. Even 1500 grafts will help you achieve a "fuller" head of hair however, based on your current hair loss and assuming you want to cover the bald areas and thicken the thinning ones, you may need approximately 3000-3500 grafts. Feel free to use our animated graft calculator as a tool to help you, but nothing should replace an estimate from a qualified hair restoration physician.


4. It depends. Hair transplant surgery is an art, and can often create a nice illusion of density, but not a full head of hair, especially those with extensive hair loss.


5. Are you referring to FUT verses FUE? You'll get varying opinions on this. But most leading physicians and patients agree that FUE is less consistent with growth yield though it's often more attractive because it doesn't create a linear scar. FUE though, is not a scarless procedure.


6. Graft costs typically range from $3-$6 for strip and $6-$10 for FUE. Multiple the number of grafts you need by the cost per graft to learn approximately how much you'll have to pay to accomplish your goals based on your existing hair loss. Of course, you should plan for the possibility of future hair loss both financially for surgery and medically. Many clinics will also provide discounts after a certain number of grafts in a single session, assuming you are a candidate.


In my opinion, consider Propecia and Rogaine immediately to help prevent the further loss of hair before surgery.


I hope this helps.



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  • Senior Member

I agree, you look like a fine candidate for an ht. i would suggest you get on meds to hold up the vertex/crown but it looks quite strong. a good way to see into your hairloss future is to look at your genetic history, too.


i'd say 3-4k grafts (depending on your donor characteristics) would give you an awesome result. My top choices were feller, h&w, rahal, alexander and shapiro. do as many consults as possible and make sure to see as many patients in person as you can.


also, you seem to be a tad impatient. if that's a personality trait please keep in mind that an ht is a long process in which growth takes anywhere from 6-8 months before you see significant cosmetic improvments and a full 12-18 months before you see the final product. best of luck.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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  • Regular Member

That does help, and I greatly apologize if I sounded ungrateful for Emperor's time as well as everyone else. I guess I kind of forgot that I posted this today and got impatient. It won't happen again. Thanks again for everything

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I just thought of another question, largely in part of your input Bill. Is getting a HT a good idea if I am likely to lose more hair in the future? I guess I'm afraid that I would end up with only the transplanted hair if I do end up looking like a 5A which greatly resembles my father. Should I put it off for a while, or should I do it now and expect do get another one in the future if in fact my loss does progress?

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As Bill, mentioned above it is highly recommened that you try the meds Rogaine, Proscar and maybe Nizoral before considering a transplant. (for atleast 1 year)


The above will likely slow down your loss, stabilise your loss and may even regrow some of your lost hair.

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I would get on Proscar at the very least now and start your consults. I think my hair loss is similar to yours, check out my profile.


I recently had my HT with Rahal. One of the best tips I have taken from this site, is that a HT is rarely a one and done type of thing. Your hair loss could get worse, however if you have a HT now (approx 3000) to rebuild the front and stengthen the middle, then maybe down the road you may only need another for the crown and a few weak spots.


All the best in your quest for hair!


3500 Grafts

Dr. Rahal

Jan 12 09


My Hair Loss WebLog


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  • Regular Member

God you guys are the best. Thank you so much for your insight. I have tried rogaine (both the liquid and the foam) but it seems to irritate my scalp to the point where I not only have flakes all of the time, but it seems like there are cracks in my scalp that are so deep they hurt a lot when Rogaine is applied. It is pretty much to the point where it is not an option. I thought about taking propecia, but I found a website where people have listed there sexual side effects and there are many many people who wish they had never taken it. I am too scared to try it at the moment. Does anyone have some information on Proscar? Thanks in advance. I haven't done anything except read your message, yet I already feel 100 percent better about myself.

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  • Senior Member

GTL do yourself a favor and check ALL the good HT forums for the whole picture. This site is indeed great but a wealth of info can be found at hairsite.com and the now getting defunct hairlosshelp.com still has great old stuff to read.

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gtl, the side effects from finasteride are temporary and will go away when you stop using it. i personally never had a problem with loss of libido when i was taking it.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Primarily, welcome to the forum my friend. You have found the right place for information to assist your hairloss regime.


Okay, my thoughts. Having viewed your pictures, whilst obviously experiencing some hair loss, you also have other strong characteristics. With this is mind you would potentially be a very good candidate for a future HT. Im sure that you would achieve very succesful results. However, just like all the other posts have mentioned, as will any and all coalition docs, it is hugely important before even considering any HT, that you try FDA approved meds. I see you mentioned that Minoxidil aggitated your scalp, but that you have never tried using Propecia. Propecia for me is the primary necessity, with minoxidel(rogaine), an important yet secondary(to Propecia) product. I also see that you asked about Proscar. The way that your question sounded to me, it seems that you are unaware that Propecia/finasteride/proscar are all essentailly the same product - Finasteride. Proscar is a chemically arranged(sorry for lack of scientific vocabulary), exact of Propecia except for the fact that it is 5 times the strength(and instead used for problems related to the Prostate Gland). So, when broken up into quarters or fifths, is essentially the same product as Propecia, yet significantly cheaper.


Regarding you concerns of possible side effects, please follow this link to a previous post:



Hope this helps.

Much luck!



Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcH4PY1OxoYFwSDKzAkZRww

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Hi man wellcome...first of all i would not give up on rogain.I had some of the problems you mentioned and they were solved either by using dr.Lee'minox or by using the standard 2% version(i currently use the second)


As for the transplant my advice is first try hairloss drugs like propecia or rogaine for a year.For me personally propecia was a nightmare in regard to sideeffects but if i didnt try it i would never knew... another very good alterantive if you dont want to try propecia is nizoral 1%.


but my last advice after many years on this sites is...only three things work enough to make a difference propecia,minoxidil and nizoral...as for transplants its an option but if you can just buzz your hair and move on with your life you will save alot of money and you will not get yourself involved with any of the risks of surgery or need for future procedures or whatever else.I for once i am against transplants unless you are nw6 with realistic expectations

should we believe everything?

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by GTL:

God you guys are the best. Thank you so much for your insight. I have tried rogaine (both the liquid and the foam) but it seems to irritate my scalp to the point where I not only have flakes all of the time, but it seems like there are cracks in my scalp that are so deep they hurt a lot when Rogaine is applied. It is pretty much to the point where it is not an option. I thought about taking propecia, but I found a website where people have listed there sexual side effects and there are many many people who wish they had never taken it. I am too scared to try it at the moment. Does anyone have some information on Proscar? Thanks in advance. I haven't done anything except read your message, yet I already feel 100 percent better about myself.


Many members already answered some of your questions. I would like to add my input regarding medication. I would wait at least a year of using Proscar before going for HT, to see the effects on you. I have seen some dramatic results, whereby, the patient no longer needs to go the HT anymore. Side effects on Proscar/Propecia is overrated and occur only on about 2% of patients according the Merck study. Many people who have side effects with Proscar is, in my humble opinion, purely psychological. Try it, in any case, if you have problems, just stop taking it.


As for Rogaine: it is one thing to use a product that rarely produces, if any, results. It is another to use it and on top of that, it gives you scalp irritation to that extent. Therefore, stop it immediately!


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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