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shaving and MPB


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Hey everyone,


I would like to know: Does shaving your head (with a razor) for someone who may be likely to suffer from male pattern baldness in the future, increase the rate of baldness?


In my case, i don't have a family history of baldness. I had a full set of hair at 16, but then decided to shave it off with a razor by visiting the barber, and continued doing so for a year. It was after all the Stone Cold era (think WWE). The barber put on a very generous amount of after shave each time. When i started to grow it again around 17, they never really grew back, and i realized i was going bald.


So is there any link between the two, or is this a bad coincidence?



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  • Senior Member

Shaving does not cause MPB. Your thinning hair could be caused by any of factors, but it is not from shaving. 17 seems rather young to begin balding, but it is not unheard of. You should visit a doctor to ensure that you have no health issues that are causing your hair to thin.

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  • Regular Member

What a load of rubbish if you research,you will see that receding at 17 is very normal.

I'm 45 I started balding at 17.Between the years of 17 - 20 I went to a NW2-3.I stayed that way until mid thirties,when I noticed thinning again,then when I got to 42 I got concerned,worried,panic,etc.

I'm a NW3-4 now.I have done a lot of research regarding having an hair transplant,only to realize that its to risky.Socially in the work group I'm in I'd also have the piss taken,so I think its a no go.

What I have done for the last couple of years is shave my head every day,it looks better than a thinning hair look,which is more acceptable these days.

No balding at 17 is quite normal,look to your Dad older uncles for future reference

Heres another thing if you are reasonably good looking with hair,you will not look to bad without,and a total shaved look looks good if you keep in trim,no one wants to be fat and bald.

At 17 its annoying,and whats worse is you can look up information nowadays on the internet,when I started losing hair I always thought you never went bald until your older,how wrong I was.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree that shaving does not cause permanant hair loss. Losing hair at age 17 is very dramatic but if you have a strong family history of male pattern balding and you received that hair loss gene, it is quite possible. You may want to consider Propecia to slow things down and hopefully get control of your situation.

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Heck I started losing hair at 15 and was being teased about my bald spot at 16. I was doing a combover by 17 and by 18 I could no longer cover my balding with the combover look.


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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Dr. Glenn M. Charles:

I agree that shaving does not cause permanant hair loss. Losing hair at age 17 is very dramatic but if you have a strong family history of male pattern balding and you received that hair loss gene, it is quite possible. You may want to consider Propecia to slow things down and hopefully get control of your situation.


Hey Doc,


If you have a "bump" on your head, the kind where you can move it easily and is thus not dangerous, how would you advise on shaving the hair in that region? Should i use a clipper slowly over it or just try my best not to touch it and just get rid of the hair surrounding the bump?



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

I would suggest you get that BUMP off surgically. See a local doctor to be evaluated. That bump likely will get bigger with time, could be something serious, and removing it is usually easy.


As to shaving...I've been shaving my head about 10 months now, every Friday. I can tell you that MPB is all genes and luck, and in no way related to shaving.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Thanks for your reply Doc. I had spoken to a dermatologist in the past and she had told me that although a removal of this kind is easy and quick, there will be a mark (scar?) in the area.


She told me that this "bump" wasn't the dangerous kind because of the fact that it is movable and it is the same color as my skin. By shaving it and buzzing it, the "bump" has been enlarged a bit.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Depends on the bump. But many times we can get a scar line that is way better than the bump was. More importantly you'll know what the bump was and if it had the potential to cause other problems, it'll be gone.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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