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Can electrolosis be done on grafts?

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  • Regular Member

I have 450 grafts in the temporal regions that may eventually become exposed as I get older. They are all 1 and some 2 hair micrografts. Is it possible to remove by electrolosis as they become exposed and hair line recedes. I don't mind losing hair or receding as long as it looks natural(not like I've had work done) This was a big mistake for me. Thay seem to look fine now but don't know how they will look down the road. Do not want any more HT's! Any advice?

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  • Regular Member

I have 450 grafts in the temporal regions that may eventually become exposed as I get older. They are all 1 and some 2 hair micrografts. Is it possible to remove by electrolosis as they become exposed and hair line recedes. I don't mind losing hair or receding as long as it looks natural(not like I've had work done) This was a big mistake for me. Thay seem to look fine now but don't know how they will look down the road. Do not want any more HT's! Any advice?

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  • Regular Member

Go try Proscar first. Maybe you'll stop your loss.


P.S. If all goes well, next month I will be starting radio ads where I tell people about my experience with Bosley and Dr. Paul Straub. My ad will ask them to go to my website to see real pictures of their work, I collect them from other people.


My lawyers tell me I should have no problem as long as I keep it factual.


I hate Bosley and Straub, they are total sociopaths. They have caused many people much pain. One of my goals in life is to educate the world about them and how they lure in young men with false promise and then take advantage of them financialy, and in the process disfigure them for life.


It wouldn't be so bad if they just took your money, but instead they take what little self esteem you have left from going bald, and then destroy that--leaving you physically and emotionally scarred for life.


[This message was edited by MeHairBeGrowin on January 16, 2004 at 06:20 PM.]

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  • 1 month later...
  • Regular Member

What do you mean by excess scarring? Can you give an example?


I am in the same position and currently thinking of electolysis over FIT/FUE... Not 100% sure which way to go but my impression was that electrolysis would leave fewer markings. I do have some pitting and scarring in my temples so not sure which avenue to take. Do you have experience with both FIT and elec?

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  • Regular Member

I tried electrolysis for my frontal plugs, but had litle luck. The electrologist said there was too much scar tissue, so the needle couldn't get at the hair roots. I went for about 10 sessions with no visible change. Maybe your result would be different if you don't have a lot of scarring.

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Guest balloonman

Electrolysis is the best way to rid yourself of the grafts provided you dont want to replant them elsewhere on the head. I have had over 100 head hair grafts electrolysis'ed and they either grow back much finer or they dont grow back at all. Even in ridged, pitted or scarred tissue, the follicle has a bulb and when the electric needle send current through it, that sucker is fried. It will be damamged to death or damaged to the poin that the hair will never be as thick and dense.


I reccomend it over ANY other method of hair removal including laser, plucking, waxing, shaving, FUE or punch excision. It works 100% and it is also very inexpensive, less than $70 per hour here in NYC.

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  • Regular Member

Can elecrolosis be done on specific hairs? If I only want to remove certain hairs as they become exposed, say in the temple areas; can they eliminate indivdual or particular hairs? I only had work done on the recession areas. Only 400 grafts total. How many times did you have to go? By the way, how does your scar look now. Could you cut your hair shorter now that you had succesful fue's?

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  • Regular Member

Electrolysis may work for some people. I just speak from my personal experience. I went to multiple sessions(10-15) with a respected electrologist and saw little or no difference.Electrolysis only has about a 25% kill rate on normal hairs, so I would expect it would be less if there was significant scarring around the roots.

Give it a try, and hopefully it will work.

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Guest balloonman

electrolysis in its current form is vastly different than in years past. IN MY CASE the person performing the electrolysis had a machine that combined both heat (thermolysis) with electric current (electrolysis). The combination was proven to kill my hair in one shot about 90% of the time. Over the years I was able to tailor the machine to my specific needs.


For example, any grey hairs in the hairline were destroyed. Any 2 hair grafts were reduced to 1 hair grafts. Any dense, dark hairs were hit with less current and little or no heat in order to damage them into regrowing thinner. By damaging the follicle and not killing it you can actually make it look as if the hairline hairs are miniturized like a natural hairline.


To answer some questions:


YES, electrolysis is the ONLY method that can truly target specific hairs, it is a needle that is doing the procedure and a needle is even more specific than a 1mm punch used in FUE.


I had to go about 3 times in total and that was mainly to fine tune the hairline.


Can I cut my hair shorter after doing FUE?


Well if you mena can I see the moth eaten effect anywhere, no I cannot but I only had 300 grafts removed.


Regarding the scar that was FUE'ed...


It is less apparant but, not concealed completely or even partially. There is some coverage in the scar and I am very happy with the results. So much so that I am having it dense packed in 3 weeks.


I will post photos for you to see, it will be a pretty killer thread when it goes up. A 3 day 3000 FUE procedure using lateral slit, dense packing of scars, lowering of hairline, increasing overall density and perhaps some crown work too.

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  • 5 years later...
  • Senior Member

~5yr old thread, fyi.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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