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Suggest me safe and economical hair transplant in Turkey

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Hi everyone ,

I just joined this group while searching for best hair transplantation hospital.Can someone please suggest me safe and effective hair transplant clinic in Turkey?

my Norwood type 5A. Went Bosley for consultation here in US and they are asking $12000 for Transportation which I can't afford. After researching Turkey seems better option but it's completely new place to me and don't know anyone who did surgery there. Confusing with lots of clinics and YouTube videos. Everyone claiming  they are the top in the world. Got quote from few clinics ranging from $3800 to $4500 . Grafts approximately 4000-4500.

i am looking for safe , effective and better price ( up to $4000 ok) . 
Could you please share your valuable suggestions. I really appreciate.

thank you .

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11 hours ago, Bdp52 said:

Confusing with lots of clinics and YouTube videos. Everyone claiming  they are the top in the world.

If you've done your research on what is required of good and natural hair restoration then you should be able to critically assess the results you're seeing and be able to separate the wheat from the chaff.

It appears that you're not at that stage yet, so you need to slow right down, forget about specific clinics for a minute and learn about best practice in hair restoration. There's lots of educational content available on YouTube; The Hair Transplant Channel has some really excellent educational stuff that shows what good versus bad HT's look like and what is needed to achieve the good and why we often see the bad. I wish we had some content just like it to link to from this site more readily (maybe we do, @Melvin- Admin?).

You've not provided photos, but if you're needing 4,500 grafts and have a budget of $4K then you're fishing in the $1 per graft market and under - not a great market to be shopping in if you want "safe, effective", let alone natural looking surgery.

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Check out our podcasts 

We also have a lot of articles: 


Here’s a video I did on cost

In Turkey, good affordable options charge between 1-3 dollars per graft. FUECapilar is a good affordable option. Dr. Nader in Mexico, Dr. Camacho in Colombia, Dr. Espinosa in Mexico. There’s also more options in Asia (Thailand and India).

Heres our full list of forum approved surgeons: 


I suggest sending multiple consultations to get cost estimates.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Posted (edited)

Within your budget the good clinics that you could select and get a good result are Dr Yaman, Dr Gur, Dr Turan, Dr Demirsoy and Dr Altan Ahmed. All of these doctors are located in Istanbul, Turkey and they participate in all of their hair transplants.

Edited by Reina
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Thank you for the reply, if I can spend little more like up to $5000 is the list remains same, few quotes I got so far as below.

Dr C**** (Dr name not allowed) - grafts 3500-4000 price €3300

Dr Serkan Aygin - grafts 4500 price € 3350

Estenove - grafts 4500 price €4500 including stem cell

Vera clinic - grafts 4000-4500 - price $4700 including stem cell 

Smile hair clinic- grafts 3900 -4599 , price €3290

Hermest hair clinic - grafts 3000 - price €2300

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For $1 per graft or less you are not going to find any high quality clinics. A hair transplant is much more than just adding some hair to your head. It has to look natural. The hairs must be placed at certain angles. The angles need to match the native hair. There is hair line design. This matter s a lot. The hair line is what everyone sees. It has to look like you didn't just throw some hair there. You want people looking at you thinking you look great, not thinking you look like a freak. The hair has to actually grow. This is surgery. Just because someone can take hair out of one area of your head and place it into another area doesn't mean it's going to survive and actually grow. Then you need to look at what is being done to the donor area where the hair is being removed. You don't want to end up with patchy scars are over the back and sides of your head.

If you want to find Drs who have a good track record of performing high quality hair transplants, then start by reviewing our recommended list of Drs.





Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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