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Dr Dogan Turan(FUE Capilar) 4000 grafts

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Hey everyone,


I got a hair transplant in Istanbul on March 27th at FUE capilar with Dr. TURAN. I was originally going to go with yaman but when doing more research I liked that Turan was the one implanting the grafts and felt he was a more ethical doctor. Upon arriving everything was pretty smooth except the hotel I was originally stating in was pretty crappy and had to move rooms 3 times. I asked the coordinator kerem to please move me to another hotel which they did after the second night and I really appreciated. I was picked up the next day to have my surgery which would be split into 2 sessions since I needed 4000 grafts for the front and crown. The doctor doesn't speak a word of English or doesn't seem interested at even attempting to to be honest. Everyone was nice Ahmet the translator seems like a nice kid but the whole thing felt very rushed to be honest. Anyway, when the doctor began to draw my hairline I mentioned to Kerem that I wanted my crown to have more emphasis during the procedure as that was my main concern with my hair. I have fair skin and dark hair with a big bald spot which makes it very obvious. I believe Ahmet  relayed this message to Dr Turan but it seems the entire evaluation was rushed and  it couldn't have been more than 5-10 minutes.  I should have been more insistant now that I think about it but I trusted the doctor knew what to do with all of his experience. Anyway the operation took 2 days and as everyone im sure knows the anesthesia was the most painful part. The clinic was OKAY it seemed clean but at the same time not the most up to date but I have no idea what the standard is for a Hair transplant clinic as this is my first one. Honeslty the hygenic standards of the  surgical tools were questionable to me but I could be wrong. All in all I have to say at this point I'm a bit disappointed with the clinic and doctor as I just felt the entire procedure was rushed and felt very transactional. Not once did Dr Turan ask if I was okay during the operation it was only mehmet or the nurses who made the attempt to ask me if I was okay or feeling any pain. To me this is weird as the doctor is the one who should be most concerned. This could be the language barrier but I don't know.  Let's see guys I will post some pics of before and after and I would really appreciate everyone's feedback on my case as I'm pretty disappointed at this point. 































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The work looks very clean, and I'm sure will make a good positive difference.

It's disappointing to hear you werent listened to as much as you could have been. I'm not sure if you were given the grafts distribution but to me it looks like your hairline was prioritised and so I'd share your concern that the crown wasn't prioritised as you'd have liked.

That's not to say there won't be a good improvement there, I'm sure there will be.

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Thanks for your comment. Yes, overall I can see they really prioritized the hairline and i'm not sure why. I havent been given the graft distribution as of yet but hopefully will receive it soon. Perhaps I didnt insist enough on the crown but I thought I made it pretty clear. Perhaps I have already started shedding from the crown area. Too early to tell. 

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Hi, Ehayat, thanks for sharing your experience, and hopefully you will get a hood result. My hair loss pattern is almost same as you and I’m going to do the operation with same doctor in 2 days!! And honestly you’re the second person I see complaining about the process which makes me Worry! Can we be in touch ? 

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Sure no problem. I hope it goes well for you. Just make sure your translator listens to all of your concerns and if you have to be annoying and don't be shy because the doctor won't speak with you. You should be fine try not to worry. 

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I tried to send you massage directly, buy unfortunately I wasn’t able to do so. Exactly same you my biggest concern is the crown not hairline, and its noticeable they did work more on you hairline line!
Do you have any idea how many graph have been used yo cover the crown? 

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1 hour ago, Ramin said:

I tried to send you massage directly, buy unfortunately I wasn’t able to do so. Exactly same you my biggest concern is the crown not hairline, and its noticeable they did work more on you hairline line!
Do you have any idea how many graph have been used yo cover the crown? 

I have no idea because I dont have the report yet. It takes time for the clinic to send it out they said. Originally in my proposal Dr. Turan recommended 1000-1200 grafts in the crown but I told the translator to tell them its not enough and to add more to the crown. I know clinics tend to favor the hairline apparently its easier to get density there and the results are better. The crown apparently has less blood flow which means less grafts survive after implanted so you need to put a lot more there. Im sure I will have to have another transplant for the crown which im not looking forward to but it should be a lot easier this time. To me it doesnt even look like 1000 grafts were in the crown to be honest. That pisses me off because the crown really bothers me as my hair is dark and thick especially when it grows and my skin is fair so it looks so obvious the bald spot. I dont know what to do at this point.. Just try to stay calm and make sure the translator doesnt rush and you tell him a few times to focus on the crown and that you want the crown as dense as possible because the bald spot is your main concern, perhaps he has a good reason for not filling the crown for me i dont know..

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1 hour ago, Shadman said:

Overall work looks good, best wishes 👍

Thanks man lets hope. Just wish the crown was denser..

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Posted (edited)

Really clean work from dr Turan. I wish you the best...could you tell us the cost of your hair transplant for the 4000 grafts?

Edited by Miller1980
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12 hours ago, Miller1980 said:

Really clean work from dr Turan. I wish you the best...could you tell us the cost of your hair transplant for the 4000 grafts?

€5000- €250 discount since I booked it last minute. I was originally going to go with Yaman but I changed my mind two weeks before the operation. 

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Posted (edited)

Happy growing. It is clear that more grafts were implanted in the hairline which has high density compared to crown area. In general doctors always give more emphasis on hairline compared to crown area, because it is what most people observe.  However you could always try smp on crown to make the contrast between hairs and skin less visible.

Edited by Gramatik
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2 hours ago, Gramatik said:

Happy growing. It is clear that more grafts were implanted in the hairline which has high density compared to crown area. In general doctors always give more emphasis on hairline compared to crown area, because it is what most people observe.  However you could always try smp on crown to make the contrast between hairs and skin less visible.

Hey thanks for the comment. Yes I was thinking about some smp but I also may go back to do another 1000 grafts in the crown. I dont see how he even cou,d have put 1000 grafts there and I told him to put more than the quoted 1200 in my analysis. Im a bit annoyed by this.

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On 4/6/2024 at 9:41 AM, Ehayat said:

I have no idea because I dont have the report yet. It takes time for the clinic to send it out they said. Originally in my proposal Dr. Turan recommended 1000-1200 grafts in the crown but I told the translator to tell them its not enough and to add more to the crown. I know clinics tend to favor the hairline apparently its easier to get density there and the results are better. The crown apparently has less blood flow which means less grafts survive after implanted so you need to put a lot more there. Im sure I will have to have another transplant for the crown which im not looking forward to but it should be a lot easier this time. To me it doesnt even look like 1000 grafts were in the crown to be honest. That pisses me off because the crown really bothers me as my hair is dark and thick especially when it grows and my skin is fair so it looks so obvious the bald spot. I dont know what to do at this point.. Just try to stay calm and make sure the translator doesnt rush and you tell him a few times to focus on the crown and that you want the crown as dense as possible because the bald spot is your main concern, perhaps he has a good reason for not filling the crown for me i dont know..


You had 4000 grafts, so there probably wasn't any way to add more density to the crown without taking away density from the front. Most people would rather have a nice frontal 3rd and a thin crown rather than be thin all over because they tried to get more into the crown. Don't let it bother you too much. As long as it all grows then you'll be in good shape. You can always go back to add more into the crown, but at least you will have a nice improvement even without doing that. If you added more to the crown on the first procedure then you'd probably be going back again anyway to add more to the front.




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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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20 hours ago, SeanToman said:

Impressive density!

thanks and I agree. I believe Turan is a good doctor just wish there was a better way of communicating with him. All in all Turan is an ethical and good Doctor especially for the price.

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20 hours ago, Al - Moderator said:


You had 4000 grafts, so there probably wasn't any way to add more density to the crown without taking away density from the front. Most people would rather have a nice frontal 3rd and a thin crown rather than be thin all over because they tried to get more into the crown. Don't let it bother you too much. As long as it all grows then you'll be in good shape. You can always go back to add more into the crown, but at least you will have a nice improvement even without doing that. If you added more to the crown on the first procedure then you'd probably be going back again anyway to add more to the front.



Prior to surgery his crown looks more attention drawing (negatively) than his hairline. If you are going to go through the whole process you want to address and prioritize what bothers the patient first. 

his crown is still gonna look bald given the density distribution and he is going to have to go through the whole process again, not to mention the juicier follicles are used up for the hairline.


but I guess that’s the trade off or sacrifices you make when prioritizing cost.

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3 minutes ago, shiba1985 said:

Prior to surgery his crown looks more attention drawing (negatively) than his hairline. If you are going to go through the whole process you want to address and prioritize what bothers the patient first. 

his crown is still gonna look bald given the density distribution and he is going to have to go through the whole process again, not to mention the juicier follicles are used up for the hairline.


but I guess that’s the trade off or sacrifices you make when prioritizing cost.

Thanks for your feeback and I agree with you. I'm not sure if things got lost in translation or the doctor ignored my concern altogether since  he doesnt speak English but yes,my crown was the biggest concern. The front is much easier to hide as nobody walks around pulling their hairline back. I didnt think Turans price was cheap for Turkish clinics to be honest...Yes it sucks that I will have to go through this process all over again. Any recommendations for clinics in europe at a reasonable price? I cant afford more than 2 euros per graft and think I will need about another 1000 at least for the crown, DHI seems to be the least invasive measure..

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On 4/8/2024 at 11:14 AM, shiba1985 said:

Prior to surgery his crown looks more attention drawing (negatively) than his hairline. If you are going to go through the whole process you want to address and prioritize what bothers the patient first. 


Yes thats true. I don't disagree with you on that. This is a downside of going to a Dr who doesn't speak the same language as the patient. What you want can get lost in translation and you won't even know it until it's too late and it's not necessarily the Drs fault. We really don't know in this case.




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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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Posted (edited)

Happy growing...You did a great choice of surgeon and you will have a very dense hairline. I think hairline is the most important part and it needs high density so it doesn't look see through. You can always go for a touch up next year to add some density for crown , so thats not a problem at all. Be patient for your final result.

Edited by Divinehair
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20 hours ago, Divinehair said:

Happy growing...You did a great choice of surgeon and you will have a very dense hairline. I think hairline is the most important part and it needs high density so it doesn't look see through. You can always go for a touch up next year to add some density for crown , so thats not a problem at all. Be patient for your final result.

Thanks a lot. Im curious to see if the multiple grafts they put in the crown will add more coverage as the hairline is mostly singles. Perhaps this is why density needs to be higher in the hairline, I dont know what it is but i just hate having a bald spot. I feel like peoples eyes burn a whole in the back of my head which could be paranoia but it just bothers me lol. 

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To be honest I don't think your hairline needed any work at all. It will probably look great when it grows out but from a planning perspective I would've focused only on the crown for now and save the hairline for later or at least only minimally touch the hairline. It's just a pretty darn aggressive hairline and you might wish you had saved those grafts later. Are you on Fin and Min?

For reference, our crown's are fairly similar in size (I had a bit more loss than you I think) and I had 2000 grafts put there and it still looks "thinning". I also had A LOT of 3 hair grafts which aided my coverage. So hopefully Turan put close to 2000 in the crown but looking at it I think it's closer to 1000 or less. 

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On 4/10/2024 at 2:03 PM, GoliGoliGoli said:

To be honest I don't think your hairline needed any work at all. It will probably look great when it grows out but from a planning perspective I would've focused only on the crown for now and save the hairline for later or at least only minimally touch the hairline. It's just a pretty darn aggressive hairline and you might wish you had saved those grafts later. Are you on Fin and Min?

For reference, our crown's are fairly similar in size (I had a bit more loss than you I think) and I had 2000 grafts put there and it still looks "thinning". I also had A LOT of 3 hair grafts which aided my coverage. So hopefully Turan put close to 2000 in the crown but looking at it I think it's closer to 1000 or less. 

I was using topical finasteride on and off and now decided to switch to oral 0.5mg everyday since topical was so messy and annoying to apply. I agree with you. Im pissed about the crown and I dont know what to do. Im sure they wont refund me partially thats for sure. I just cant understand the logic when i specifically told the translator to tell him to focus more on that crown and that i wanted 2k in the crown and 2k in the front max. I dont know what to do at this point...

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On 4/9/2024 at 4:54 PM, Al - Moderator said:


Yes thats true. I don't disagree with you on that. This is a downside of going to a Dr who doesn't speak the same language as the patient. What you want can get lost in translation and you won't even know it until it's too late and it's not necessarily the Drs fault. We really don't know in this case.



Thanks for your response, I dont know if its the translators fault or the dr but I clearly emphasized and told the translator to tell the doctor I wanted to focus on the crown as it was almost if not completely bald. I told him i needed much more than 1000 grafts and to prioritize the crown. It doesnt make sense to have such a dense hairline and now a still bald crown and thinning top. He took over 4000 grafts and there are mostly in the hairline which was not nearly as bad as the crown.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Your crown will definitely require a further hair transplant. Perhaps Turan didn't put too much there because blood flow is smaller at the crown, and so putting more than 1000 at a time would result in some dead grafts? 

He clearly didn't communicate it to you properly, or at all, but I think he had a reason for not packing so many grafts in the crown in one shot. Most people I've seen here who went from bald crowns to mostly-filled crowns had to do it through two or more surgeries, as it seems the crown can't support as many grafts in a single surgery as much as the front can. I'm no expert, but it's just a humble observation.

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