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FUE with Dr. Konior, about 2000 grafts

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Hello everyone!
Today is my day, I had about 2000 grafts with Dr. Konior and his staff.


About me:
I had the first idea of the operation around 2010, when I was about 20 years old, now I'm 34. I started having a very high hairline already in my 20s, wearing my hair long in the previous years, this caused me some problems I wanted to address.
I began to listen to many surgeons and forums but fortunately many advised me against intervening so soon and continuing with the treatments.
So I did, and luckily over the years I have forgotten this problem, having had satisfaction in other areas and being married.
From that situation to today, I have not had any particular worsening, taking Fin and Min, perhaps my hair has thinned slightly but the shape has remained the same. And so it seemed like it was time to give it a try.
Another of the reasons that pushed me is the presence of a patch of triangular alopecia since I was born or a little more, another reason for annoyance in styling the hairs, and which I wanted to intervene on.

Dr. Konior's choice:
Coming from Europe, I inquired on various forums looking for the best choice, no matter the place, but no surgeon seemed so consistent in the results, not even those considered the top in the world. There are negative cases that affect all surgeons, so I looked for the one that demonstrated the least of them, and the one whose post-op effects were as invisible as possible. Dr. Konior seemed like the right choice to me, even if recently there have been some topics of dissatisfied users. Of course it's not cheap, in fact I think it's one of the most expensive in the world, but I didn't feel like relying on low cost clinics like those in Turkey, even though there are certainly good ones. And Konior gave me the impression of being almost infallible.

The procedure:
I arrived the day before the operation, and the dr. Konior wanted to see me, we designed the hairline and he explained the procedure to me. So I walked around all day with the hairline drawing :) and the next day I came back at 6.30 in the morning for the operation. All the staff of Dr. Konior was already there and everyone treated me with great kindness and concern. I'm a pretty fearful person when it comes to surgery, and I was worried about the pain. But for those who have the same fear as me, I can assure you that once you get over the pinches of the anesthesia, you will feel practically nothing and the only problem will be passing the time. I am also a person with sleep problems and I don't fall asleep easily but after valium I was also able to sleep. The procedure lasted about 12 hours from 7.30 in the morning to 7 in the evening, for a total of about 2000 grafts, I have not yet been given the precise count.
I was also told to take ibuprofen for the pain, but I practically didn't need it as I only felt a very small amount of discomfort that couldn't be called pain.

The sensations:
The procedure was as easy as a walk in the park contrary to my expectations, I really like the design I see on my harline, all the staff proved to be very professional. The only note that I have today and which I will talk to the doctor about when I do the cleaning check-up, is my triangular alopecia on which I notice that few grafts have been placed.
Having said that, I hope that the magic comes true and that I have great regrowth, and I wanted to thank all of you and your very useful experiences that contributed to my choice.

I'm very happy in this moment, and cannot wait for the regrowth. Just a little concerns about the trianglular alopecia, but if everything going good I will hug ad kiss Dr. Konior and his staff :D

I wanted to share my report to thank you for all the free advices I have acquired over the years, and thank my wife for her patience caring for me, and obviously the Doctor and his amazing staff. :)

What do you think? Please share your feedback. Today I'll meet again the clinic for cleaning, they advised me to rest few days, I planned to visit Chicago and closer cities but they told me better to avoid mess and have rest.

Pre op photos:








You can see my triangular alopecia here:


Immediate post op:

This pictures worry me, about triangular alopecia, like it was not fitted properly:



Edited by TheDemon
fix pictures
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Just now, TorontoMan said:

Looks incredible man, he used 2,000 grafts so efficiently. At what age did you start taking fin and min, because your hair held up really well if you noticed you were receding over a decade ago

I started taking meds almost in that period but being very discontinuous, I think I really started daily just 6-7 years ago.

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This is gonna be historic 🙌

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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5 minutes ago, Sunset Dune said:

Great surgeon choice, interesting to see you coming from Europe to choose Dr.K 

Many from Europe go to many famous clinics in Canada, so it's almost the same :) 

We have good surgeons in Europe too, but to travel a lot was not a problem for me, I simply wanted to have peace of mind selecting who for me was the best, so to not have regrets. In a few months I will know if I did it right. :) 

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I met today Dr. Konior again, and I told him my concern, he told me that all the extracted grafts where used for the front, but he offered me a touch up of about 100 grafts to fill the remaining area.

I show you the donor area and the post op of this little surgery that lasted 1 hour.



Tomorrow I have to go again to the clinic for the cleanings. The staff advised me to don't use Ice for swelling seen that is not too much.

For the moment very positive feedback about the doctor!

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Day 4 update

I consider this as day 4 because is 4 days after my second little procedure, but really my 5th day.

I didn't have real pain but just discomfort, also because I didn't take the ibru caps as suggested.
All these days I went to the clinic for cleanings, including Saturday and Sunday (today) where the great staff took care of me and instructed me on how to wash my head and what to be care about.

They told me that the donor is healing very well with no ointment needing, but the recipient zone is a little dry so I may need to apply a spray they gave me. Yes, I have still the marker drawings on my head :) 

Here are the pics. Please don't note the red zone in the top of my neck, that is a birthmark I always had.

I also had my exact graft count, but dr. Konior told, that more then graft count is the hair caliber that in my case unfortunately is not very thick.

  • 1’s – 229
  • 2’s – 1794
  • 3’s – 325
  • Total – 2348


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Day 8/9 update:

This is the situation now.

I started to shampoo also the recipient area with direct shower stream, do you think is normal I still have a lot of little crusts?




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Day 9/10:

Crusts did shed. I have had just a lot of dry skin in the recipient, and I have still some. The doctor told me to don’t concern about this.

I add also a very bright pic of the donor. Please share thoughts.











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Day 11/12

I see previous pics weren’t really clear, I post again now.

Updates: all crusts and dry skin shed. Waiting for ugly ducking phase, and hoping for the magic 🪄 

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9 minutes ago, TheDemon said:

Is possible the transplanted hair start to grow before shedding? I believe they are a little longer than the surgery...

It’s possible, yes 



I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Great looking result . Did doctor K do 100 % of the extractions and 100% of the implantations ? What did the technicians do ? How long was the extraction phase and how long was implantation ? I am trying to correlate quality with doctor participation in the procedure vs tech participation 

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I think so, he was always in the room and only left during breaks.

In the room there were also 2 or 3 technicians but honestly I don't know what they did, because I had bandage, but I heard dr. K talking with them all the time and he was just behind me.

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On 2/25/2024 at 4:27 PM, TheDemon said:

I think so, he was always in the room and only left during breaks.

In the room there were also 2 or 3 technicians but honestly I don't know what they did, because I had bandage, but I heard dr. K talking with them all the time and he was just behind me.

Often techs sort the grafts and prepare them for insertion again. As you can imagine there’s 1000’s of hairs to sort 😃

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18 hours ago, lakes9925 said:

were you blindfolded for your surgery? were you allowed to speak at all? 

Yes I had like a mask on my face, but I was allowed to speak.

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