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Saw a guy on poker show shaved with a strip scar

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This is kind of random but I was just watching a poker show when I noticed a young player with a shaved head (looked to be #1 guard or lower) and a visible strip scar. You know what? It didnt look that bad at all. The reason I am posting this is because I'm sure many guys here including myself feel like they want to shave their heads but cant because of the scar. Because I don't wish to have another procedure I will be shaving my head when my hair no longer looks good. It is comforting to know I can always look good with a shaved head. (plus I bet 99.9% of people don't know that that is an ht scar anyway, I had to look close to realize it was)

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Wanthairs shaved his head and felt quite confident when he was out. Pretty sure I know the guy in question, btw.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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plus I bet 99.9% of people don't know that that is an ht scar anyway, I had to look close to realize it was

i would disagree with this and say that it's completely the opposite.

HTs are so "out in your face" procedures nowadays and i'm pretty sure that pretty much everyone knows about them or at least heard of them one way or the other, except select few that still live under the rock. i would also guess that most people got general idea as in what is involved in HT process, what is cut, and where the hair comes from. just yesterday i was riding a bus and saw a huge overhead ad across from where i was sitting from one of the local HT surgeons here where i live. i mean it's not like transplants are still some underground procedure and only select few millionaires know about them. i also think if a real head trauma patient would of shaved his head and expose his scars (assuming that his injury was at the back of his head), i think he would have hard time selling it to others that they are scars from a major surgery made by real surgeons while they were reconstructing his skull. but hey if it makes you feel better to think that way, then all the power to you. and you know what they say - ignorance is bliss.

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Ya, I agree, too. You have like guys like Joe Rogan giving worldwide, prime, TV time to talking not just about HTs but about his scar, specifically.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Back in '03, a stylist kept rubbing the back of my head and saying something about a "line" in the back of my head. I was suprised she hadn't noticed my plug transplant but it was the first time she had. She assumed it was a hat line or something after cutting it down.


On the other hand, a few people over the years had noticed my transplant and made comments about it.


I can spot a scar from a mile away, but I don't think everyone will or even can. Most people are so worried about what they look like they'll never notice the rest of us. On the other hand, some people want to see something bad about everyone, and they'll look closely for any flaw.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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On the other hand, a few people over the years had noticed my transplant and made comments about it.


I had a Bosley minigraft session of 132 grafts for my first HT at a young age. I have no idea if it was ever spotted or not early on. I used to wear a cap so much that it was rare for anybody to even see me without the cap. Yet, on occassions where I did NOT wear a cap, I do not recall anybody acting like they had noticed.


I think maybe my paranoia was actually worse than the reality. I know Parsley made an 1100 graft cover job for those Bosley mini's go a LONG way a few years later. Lots of mileage for such a small number of grafts (which was not such a small number in 1999).


I hate even looking back trying to figure out if it was noticed or not, in the days/years after the first Parsley cover job of 1100. I think the particular crowd I was around in college at the time WOULD have said something. Plus, there are instances that I can think of that clearly indicated it was NOT noticed. I remember after NOT wearing a hat for about a week (just an unusual bout of boldness), I was sitting around talking with a guy and a few girls. The guy was VERY bald, like a diffuse norwood 6 who did not have much hair left at all (about 22 yrs old). Now granted, I was wearing a hat at this instant. It was in the days previous that I had not. One of the girls said something to this guy like "just let it go, don't try to get a transplant, people don't think we can tell but we always can...". This was NOT a jab at me (I know we are so used to being negative here). Mine had really NOT been noticed, after not wearing a hat and sweating in the sun for like a week. Also, I remember a guy I was having beers with at a bar one night saying that if he started to go bald, he would just "do that thing where they move the hair to the front of your head...". He also clearly did NOT know I had an HT, and he saw me without the hat all the time. The reason this gives me hope is that if ANY one person in that large group had known, they ALL would have known. So end story I don't think anybody knew. I know Parsley thought the Bosley work was not THAT bad. He pointed out that at least they stayed way behind the hairline, and also the angling of the grafts was not too far off.



Flash forward about 6 or 7 years, the native hair got more sparse (plus the fin/minox shed), and I KNOW some people at my current work place noticed. It's funny though. I don't really care. I also see some people looking at me funny after HT #3 came in (a year ago). I think it's the classic "something is different" look. Like I said though, I don't care. It's not a social job anyway, I'm like in the office for about 2 hours a week on average. When I see people, it's "hey, how have you been??". Even those who I KNOW noticed the HT treat me exactly as they always have. Again, bottom line, nobody really cares.


It all comes down to paranoia if you have a bad HT. It's kind of unfortunate, but a lot of people who are worried about looking bald are naturally kind of paranoid. And a bad HT will make you SO paranoid you will LONG for those blissful days of just looking bald (but natural). Even a so-so HT can make you paraniod and cause problems worse than the so-so HT itself really calls for.


Bottom line is that you REALLY need to think before embarking on this journey. HT's can cause you MUCH greater unease than just being bald. On the other hand, though, they have gotten SO much better in recent years...



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I don't know guys, I think we all judge by OUR OWN STANDARDS. For example I didn't even know that there is going to be a scar until I came to this site a year or so ago. Now, call me obsessed, I look at people's hair, especially the ones that show a little sign of receding. I always look at their hair line and if I have a chance I always look at the back of their head. icon_smile.gif


I don't think the secret is a secret anymore. I think anyone who lose hair and research just a little about HT will quickly find that there is going to be a scar.


Another funny fact, I drove my uncle to a barber shop. I was waiting for him while he was getting his haircut (he has full head of hair at the age of 60)...anyways, the barber who was cutting his hair was positioned the way where I can see the back of his head and guess what I saw....under his hair - STAPLES. I just thought to myself, I hope this guy went to a good doctor in Phoenix like Dr. Alexander otherwise I don't want to bring my uncle back for his haircut months later to see a butchered barber icon_biggrin.gif


Just my $0.02

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IMO people who don't have hairloss don't even think about hair let alone know that HT's leave a strip scar. I shave my head and am slightly more self concious about the scar than I am about my hairloss now, but I've had people ask me if I've gotten in an accident, had brain surgery, ETC... but have never asked if I've had a HT. In fact for some reason more people think that it's cool "I know wierd right" than think it's hideous. Of course if you have some outrageous story about wrestling alligators in the everglades it makes you look like a badass! LOL!!!

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For 1 year now, I have shaved my head with a 'zero' clipper. My scalp isn't glossy like with a razor, but it's shaved and exposed.


However, as per my recent post, I simply leave a #2 length of hair on just the donor scar area. Since the donor scar looks like a 'smile', a leave a rectnagle shape of hair there.



1) You get to shave 98% of your head

2) From the front, and side, you look perfect

3) If you have hair on your head, people can tell, and you look like a guy with hair shaving his head..a turn on to many woman / men

4) You are free !

5) Most people will compliment you.



1) You have a small patch of hair the shape of a rectangle on the back of you head, about 1 inch in width. About 4 inches wide.


HT Veterans, shave your head !!! But have a good game plan before for your donor scar. The shape you leave is key. Dont make it look like a smile, the same shape of the scar. And feel free to expose to the tails of the scar, this allows you to shave more of your head. And nobody will think you have an HT scar.


This will just think you have 2 little dings on the back of your head, which most guys do...


Good Luck !

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Posted August 16, 2009 03:28 PM Hide Post

For 1 year now, I have shaved my head with a 'zero' clipper. My scalp isn't glossy like with a razor, but it's shaved and exposed.


However, as per my recent post, I simply leave a #2 length of hair on just the donor scar area. Since the donor scar looks like a 'smile', a leave a rectnagle shape of hair there.



1) You get to shave 98% of your head

2) From the front, and side, you look perfect

3) If you have hair on your head, people can tell, and you look like a guy with hair shaving his head..a turn on to many woman / men

4) You are free !

5) Most people will compliment you.



1) You have a small patch of hair the shape of a rectangle on the back of you head, about 1 inch in width. About 4 inches wide.


HT Veterans, shave your head !!! But have a good game plan before for your donor scar. The shape you leave is key. Dont make it look like a smile, the same shape of the scar. And feel free to expose to the tails of the scar, this allows you to shave more of your head. And nobody will think you have an HT scar.


This will just think you have 2 little dings on the back of your head, which most guys do...


Good Luck !


Thanks for your thoughts but can you tell us how long is your scar? Many scars now are around 30 cm or 12 inches so doing what you said there would still be 4 inch long scars on either side plus the 4 inches covered at the back. Still it could be an idea worth pursuing for some guys, especially those with shorter scars. If it works for you great!

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Originally posted by imissthebarber:
Posted August 16, 2009 03:28 PM Hide Post

For 1 year now, I have shaved my head with a 'zero' clipper. My scalp isn't glossy like with a razor, but it's shaved and exposed.


However, as per my recent post, I simply leave a #2 length of hair on just the donor scar area. Since the donor scar looks like a 'smile', a leave a rectnagle shape of hair there.



1) You get to shave 98% of your head

2) From the front, and side, you look perfect

3) If you have hair on your head, people can tell, and you look like a guy with hair shaving his head..a turn on to many woman / men

4) You are free !

5) Most people will compliment you.



1) You have a small patch of hair the shape of a rectangle on the back of you head, about 1 inch in width. About 4 inches wide.


HT Veterans, shave your head !!! But have a good game plan before for your donor scar. The shape you leave is key. Dont make it look like a smile, the same shape of the scar. And feel free to expose to the tails of the scar, this allows you to shave more of your head. And nobody will think you have an HT scar.


This will just think you have 2 little dings on the back of your head, which most guys do...


Good Luck !


Thanks for your thoughts but can you tell us how long is your scar? Many scars now are around 30 cm or 12 inches so doing what you said there would still be 4 inch long scars on either side plus the 4 inches covered at the back. Still it could be an idea worth pursuing for some guys, especially those with shorter scars. If it works for you great!



The length of the scar is 8 inches, and the width is 1 inch....I shave the tail off. So about 1 inch on each sade is shaved off totally, leaving about 6 inches covered with hair.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You know the bald Korean guy on LOST who was the rich lover-on-the-side of the Korean woman back in Korea before they got, well, lost? He has a scar. Not an old-school strip scar. The new kind that isn't very noticeable. But, in the light, on camera, from a certain angle, I saw it.

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I noticed the guy from losts scar too. This is embarrassing but there is a nineties porn star with a shaved scar Ive seen, forget the dudes name. I would imagine due to the increasing number of plants being performed we will be seeing an increasing number of shaved scars in the near future, due to poor planning, poor results, whatever

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Nicko3105

hey guys i have been loking for this kind of thread for ages, this might be a really really stupid question but if u have adonor scar and you want to shave ur head down to a number 1 can u ill the scar in with a FUE session and it would be alot less noticible??

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Yes, FUE into a donor scar can, in some cases, help to hide the scar. How short you will be able to cut your hair afterward is going to depend on many factors. A #1 clip may not be a reasonable expectation.


You can see examples of FUE into donor scars in the following threads:


Dr Feller patient Spex - Exposed sunlight Update and Buzz 2#


FUE into black male donor scar by Dr. Lindsey McLean VA


Another option may be Scalp Micro-Pigmentation (SMP). This is currently being performed by Dr. William Rassman in Los Angeles.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Dude I'm the guy that originally posted this thread years ago. Jamie Fox has a shaved head, exposing a scar, but has a tattoo. You can google him and see it. I would get a Tatoo before any surgery. If you wanna shave your head bald, fue in a scar will help for a very short haircut, but the only way to do a number zero, or truly shaved head, IMO is a cool Tatoo.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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1) You have a small patch of hair the shape of a rectangle on the back of you head, about 1 inch in width. About 4 inches wide.

Actually that can be cool too, a guy I knew had the full shaved head look with a single thin ponytail from the back, looked really awesome.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I hate my stretched scar. Everyone notices. I live about 2.5 hours outside of Los Angeles in a middle class neighborhood. For the past year I've had people ask me if "I've been in an accident," but nobody has yet to ask me if I'd had a HT. Then again when I notice people like me I don't even bring it up since I know it might be a sensitive issue for them like it is for me so perhaps more people know about it but just don't say anything?


Sometimes I'll wear DermMatch on the scar area to cover the white but that "step," is still visible and makes it look like I was just wearing a baseball cap.

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