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past and present how do you feel about your HT? Regrets?


When all has been said and done, if you had to do it all over again what would you do?  

32 members have voted

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  • Regular Member

Looks like most people regret their HT for one reason or another.


That does not suprise me. For most people it is a major mistake.


For most people, HT's do not solve their Hair loss problem they only make it worse.


A lot of people want to believe that their HT will fix the problem. I believed that, mind you bosely.com did their best to convince me of that.

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I am not going to get into an argument about if cosmetic surgeries are a mistake or not.


I would just like to point out that there are so many factors that everyone must consider to feel that they are "happy" that you cannot draw much of a conclusion from this poll.


So anybody reading this "poll" please be realistic and make up your own mind. Do not be totally scared away by some of the comments on here or all of the horror stories.


Take them (and all the others) into account and make up your own mind.

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I'm a pretty average Joe, and don't really consider myself vain. But, having this operation was the best money, by far, I have ever spent in my life.


It was about $13,000, and worth 10X that. I got rid of that *(&%*)&^ hairpiece I hated, and never have to think about my head again.


I thought I looked freakish being talll skinny and bald without the piece. Now, I'm not like Stalin or anything, but very, very happy with the results.


Make no mistake -- choosing the right doctor is 100% of this whole thing!


My Pix and Hair Mentor page with advice on Choosing a Doc, anti-swelling and healing advice

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If given the choice all over again,I would elect no to an "HT" and yes to a traveling/vacation or remodeling/addittions to my home.Truth be known!


[This message was edited by solid on February 16, 2004 at 07:34 AM.]

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Maybe that is another thing to throw into the mix. Some people may be able to afford the HT and the vacation. So does that really mean you should have one or not? I guess it is up to you and your accountant.


For me it was not that much of a burden. Still a lot of money, but if it helps get rid of how much I HATE the way I look with less hair then it is all worth it.

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I think getting a HT may be necessary for some people and not for others.


If you're happily married, etc. and losing your hair, and your wife doesn' care, then there probably isn't a real big reason to get an HT, other than to improve your appearance in general. Some guys look good bald, some don't. I'm in the latter category, and I'm not even bald, just receding.


But I think the guys that get killed by hair loss are younger, single guys who just can't compete in the social arena. Face it, you can be the nicest, most outgoing guy in the world, but hair loss is the kiss of death. That's been my experience. Some women claim that appearance doesn't matter, but truth be told anyone who says that is full of crap. Women, even the really nice, down to earth ones, are very superficial, as are men.


True story: My hairline started receding as early as 19. By 22 it had receded a decent amount. Nothing attrocious, but it was noticable. So I went into a hair system, which was the most horrible experience. The hairs kept falling out, it was loose, etc. We've all had those horror stories. However, one thing I noticed with the hair system, at least when it was on right and looking decent -- I GOT WOMEN. Believe it or not, it's true.

The difference between balding and hair (albeit fake) was like night and day in social circles.


I'm a pretty good looking guy, with a great personality and good income. But the hair loss has been devestating. It's like preaching to the choir, but might as well be said since I'm among peers. It's like having one strike against you before you even go to bat.


I had my transplant in December and am confident it will turn out super. And I am also looking at having a second procedure done in coming months, whenever a doctor determines that is is prudent. I want this done right and in the best manner possible. It's one thing I can't handle worrying about any more.



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I'm a pretty good looking guy, with a great


personality and good income.




with a big mouth and full of himself...




Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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I dont understand why you would get a HT to get girls. This is such a long and expensive process that should be done for yourself and for your self esteem. Face the facts, if you cant get any girls when you are balding, you wont be mister gorgeous when you have hair on top of your head.

Get it done when you cant live with it and your self-esteem becomes nihil due to the fact you have hairloss.


Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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Every once in a while I see blatant spam from someone claiming to be a patient from MHR.


They always talk about how they "get lots of dates now" ever since they got their hair transplant at MHR. That must be in the MHR company handbook.


But maybe Buttercup is legit and it's all a coincidence. I hope so. But a bunch of guys in the past turned out to be MHR ringers.

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I wish I had postponed my first HT for another year. Just a waiting 12 months could have saved me from my scar.

I do not regret it so much because I did not have an alternative at that time (besides of course not doing a HT at all)


1800 grafts strip followed by 2100 FUE by Dr. Jones for who I am doing consultation work in Europe.

Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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Jesus, quit the MHR bashing. I'm 9 weeks post-op so I can't say anything about it one way or the other. I certainly am not a ringer for MHR. In fact, if I do another procedure I likely will go to one of the highly recommended surgeons listed in this forum.


For as bad as MHR is alleged to be, there's never been any type of negative publcity, lawsuits, etc. For the thousands of patients that they handle, where are all the bad transplants? You'd think people would be lined up bashing them and showing their results. Instead, we get the same people criticzing them over and over. It'd be different if it was 10 people critizing them one time rather than one person critizing them 10 times.


It's sure funny that there are certain people who like to bitch about HT's. Face it, if they didn't make a difference in people's lives, people wouldn't do it. That's the whole point.


I am at rock bottom in terms of self-esteem, and I laugh at the person who says I am "full of myself" Yeah, do you have any idea how it feels to be a nice guy with a lot to offer, only to get the door slammed in your face because of the lack of hair on your head and a freakin' gigantic forehead glaring, knowing that you got screwed by genetics, mother nature, etc? It sucks. Actually, many people on this board probably do know how it feels. I am not alone.


So yeah, my self esteem is in the toilet and I got tired of it. Should have had the procedure years ago, but didn't because like a wuss I believed it would hurt. Stupid me.


I'm looking forward to coverage of my damn bald head. Girls aside, I trust I will look a lot better, unless that corrupt surgeon Dr. reese is a total quack and just butchered my head like some people would lead me to believe. Geesh.

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There are a lot of people here who got screwed over by hairmills like Bosley and MHR (there are actually a few patients from MHR and they don't have kind things to say about them). I really hope yours works out for ya...who knows, maybe your doctor is a little more skilled than some of the others. The real bummer though is that you live in Minneapolis. You have one of the top five HT surgeons (Shapiro) right in your back yard.


Anyway good luck and keep us posted.

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Everyone wants you to have good results, including me. Especially me. I've had bad results from a doctor who now works for MHR, I know how bad it can suck if it doesn't turn out good. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


Stick around and keep posting from time to time. There are occasionally hit-and-run posters from MHR who have made asses of themselves. Show up around the forums more than just this once, and you will find that folks will welcome you. There are some helpful people here.


Stay calm and heal well.

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Well quite a few women out there want no part of balding. It's up there with teeth for some of them. Fortunately for testosterone-mongers, many don't have that attitude. Lotsa baldies with hotties. Bald don't make you ugly, either. Being ugly and/or carrying yourself poorly makes you ugly icon_smile.gif.


The thing is, a single transplant basically makes a person go from bald or balding-looking to less bald or balding-looking. Not from a bald troll to knockout stud with a full head of flowing hair (unless you are Futzyhead icon_smile.gif)

And I suspect the mills would like you to believe a few thousand bucks buys you instant everlasting appeal.


I don't regret mine at all, even though I did it uneducated.

I have a good feeling about my doctor, and know now that my penis will get larger from my HT, just like he promised.

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your doc promised you a larger penis?...was there some extra fee for that??...all my doctor told me when i went to see him last..was that my penis was still horseshoe shaped...and when i get an erection, my lucks runs out...



4600 grafts/ 12/10/2003/ Dr. Jerry Wong

Aren't you glad you know me, and have such easy access to my dementia???

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"I had NO problems with women. I mean NONE."


OK Joe... Now that I've picked myself up off the floor laughing my ass off for 2 days, I finally have the strength in my arms (They've been holding my sides from spitting open for low these many days) to respond.


The women you pick up are in two dimensional form- ("Playboy", "Penthouse"...)


Do you remember Marti? The waitress who you thought had the hots for you? And the next time she saw you she had no idea who you were?


Sorry to burst your fantasy bubble, but SOMEone had to! OMG... I'm laughing again... Too oo hhhahaerrrrdd ttooo ty[[[ppe... gooottttaaa rururuunnnnn!!!!

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Hey man- Just gotta set the record straight...


Regardless- I agree with you on the MHR strategy- It's total BS.- No- You don't need hair to "get chicks"- You just need a 14" personality! (jk) But- When you have hair- You CAN feel better about yourself- and everything snowballs... HOWEVER- There ARE those who DON'T have hair who are babe magnets..


Hair doesn't matter... But- If it makes you feel better about yourself- It DOES matter... That's the case with me...


But don't listen to Jo- He's just full of himself... ;-)

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Futz I'm glad you mentioned the waitress because I didn't want to.When you have 3 hours travel time to talk to Ferko that was one of the funnier topics he mentioned.Of course the best stuff was of Doug that boys life had me almost popping a couple of staples on the way back I was laughing so hard.Sorry Doug gotta love ya!

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