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I'm sorry you had a bad hair transplant. But using your own personal experience to condemn a procedure that has helped so many restore a natural looking head of hair is strictly your own personal bitterness speaking rather than logic and reasoning.


I encourage you to keep an open mind and consider consulting with one of our recommended physicians to see what options you have for repair.


Best wishes,



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i think 90% of HTs suck..for alot of different reasons.. and in alot of cases they are certainly NOT as good as advertised.... and YES they have been great for alot of guys(typically ONLY for patients of like 3 or 4 drs/clinics IMO) especially in recent years, but they have also been anywhere from bad, to down right life ruining for many aswell... results are being produce STILL TODAY that come nowhere near "completly natural"... IN MY OPINION....


there are alot words that could describe alot of the work produced by a decent portion of this indusrty today. but personally i find the word "suck" pretty right on, sums it up well.... um...In MY OPINION, humbly of course



.. gerrrr... me so bitter...gerrr!!!, me lack logic and reasoning tooicon_wink.gif..... just kidding, im loaded with both.... IN MY OPINION

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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think 90% of HTs suck..for alot of different reasons.. and in alot of cases they are certainly NOT as good as advertised.... and YES they have been great for alot of guys(typically ONLY for patients of like 3 or 4 drs/clinics IMO) especially in recent years, but they have also been anywhere from bad, to down right life ruining for many aswell... results are being produce STILL TODAY that come nowhere near "completly natural"... IN MY OPINION....




I'd like to know which 3 or 4 clinics you think are the only ones worth going to. Then, I will list a number of surgeons recommended by this community that I believe have proven to do high quality work over the years and ask you to give me detailed reasons why you think their work is subpar.


If you're going to make statements like "90% of hair transplants suck" and criticize the dedication of dozens of leading surgeons on this site, I'm going to ask you to back it up. Otherwise, it's time for you to re-evaluate what you post.



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Rahal(not a fan of his Armani-like aggressivness, but very good at what he does)








dont want to criticize the whole field and i DO believe that there are other docs that CAN and have produce solid results, but with far less consistancy then the drs above..


hair transplants ARE SUPPOSED TO BE NATURAL correct?? 99.9% of us would not even THINK about a hair transplant if we werent being TOLD BY OUR DR that it was completely natural looking.. would you agree?


if your asking me if i think that you and pat do a great service to the transplant community and you try very hard to seek out and and make known the best in the HT field i would say YES you do all that....


if you ask me if every single dr on this site is capable of producing natural great results on a consistant basis i would say i dont think so....i can find what i believe to be density issues, poor PLANNING issues, many of these issues i vioce publically in alot of threads in my time here, surely you have seen a few.


you can 'RonJ' me on this if you would like but keep in mind my good friend ron asked me to provide poor results for only H&W, Rahal, and Feller....2 of which are on my list YOU asked me for


so post yout your fun little list bill, knowing that it will be a giant pain in my ass as you demand i break down each one of your listed DRs... do your best to discredit and make me look stupid.. make me out to be a HThater but as you do so KNOW that plenty posters and lurkers here agree that there are but a select few who they themselves trust.. i KNOW this, and you prob do too .. they just dont get vocal about for their own 'reasons'...


but really if you want to see the ISSUES i speak of pehaps you should pull up MY POST HISTORY... because anytime i see crap i dont like im usually vocal about it...


IMO, i see results that that really cant compare to that of the above listed.. i did not say the drs here were not dedicated, or hard working, nor did i say that THEY THEMSELVES 'suck' at what they do. that is YOUR OWN spin on my words..


.what i am saying, and what i DO believe is that this is a highly DIFFICULT PROCEDURE to do consistantly and naturally. and with adequate efficiancy. and i really believe a small few have shown me that i could trust them with MY OWN HEAD.... MAYBE


i dont think ill be re-evaluating my earlier post but AS ALWAYS, and like ive told you before bill... if my opinion is one you dislike then have my permission to remove ANYTHING i post, or me for that matter. your the boss..

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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I have yet to see a poor result from Dr. Konior, Dr. Alexander, Dr. Bernstein, Dr. Reed, Dr. Keene, Dr. Paul Shapiro, Dr, Parsley, or Dr. Arocha. Granted, that in and of itself means little because I have only seen a very small percentage of their work, but your opinion is based upon the EXACT same photos that are available to all of us. Either you and I share dramatically different opinions as to what looks good, or you have not closely examined the doctors I listed above.


I respect your viewpoint, and I'm not attacking you personally, but I would really appreciate some support for your sweeping generalizations. By the way, if you have looked over every doctors work and are dissatisfied with some of it, that is your prerogative and I would completely understand. There are some doctors on this site who everyone seems to love, but from whom I would not even accept a free surgery because I am not satisfied with their results.

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Originally posted by PLEASE GROW PLEASE:

I would say for NW 234 the field for good clinics are higher but for 56&7s I would only consider 3 or 4 clinics


and i would say thats a VERY good point PGP.... one i would agree with.. but what i also feel should be considered is how many of those NW 2s and 3s will LATER become 4s 5s 6s and 7s

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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TC--- im going to try to leave as many drs name out of this publically as i can.. because im not trying do damage cred of anyone in particular...


will say i agree with you on konior, alexander and reed, for the most part.. but can we really say we have seen alot of patient-posted results? and yes i do think there is a difference


personally not a fan of arocha or bernstein for reasons i believe can be found in past posts of mine. and we can always speak in detail thru PMs AND THAT AN INVITATION TO ANYONE OF YOU. WETHER YOU AGREE OR DISAGREE WITH ME ABOUT ANYTHING...i always try to be as real, and as open as possible but as you can see it does get me into messes like this one alot, and given that i type 4 words per min, and USUALLY need to edit mistakes like 4 times this crap get real tiring real fast for me..icon_smile.gif


i do generalize, i must admit... its difficult not to when you speak of the industry as a whole like i tend to do... its something im working on, and again.. its why im really only good at pointing out my "issues" as i see them


****EDIT***** TC-- in the future if you see me commenting on what i think is bad work, and you feel the opposite tell me about it next time, even if its thru PM... id love to hear your views as your a poster whos opinion i respect.

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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I don't delete posts just because I disagree with people's opinions. All I ask is that posters are genuine and respectful towards other members.


There's no doubt that the 4 names you mentioned are doing first-rate work. They've certainly earned their stellar reputation and I would never do anything to take away from that.


However, there are many other world class physicians doing first class work recommended by this community that I don't think you're giving proper credit and respect. TC17 has named a bunch of them. Others have shared their opinions on other world class surgeons on the topic "Most Underrated Docs". When you read through everyone's posts, you will see a much larger variety of doctors and clinics mentioned based on both objective and subjective logic.


Everyone is going to have their personal favorites for their own reasons. However, I would feel confident working with any surgeon recommended by this community to map out my long term hair restoration goals. Like everyone else, I have my preferences and have selected my surgeons based on objective and subjective data.


Are there density issue seen in some patients? Maybe. After all, not everyone can achieve a super densely packed look in a single session or sometimes at all depending on a number of factors other than pure graft and hair counts. Though I haven't had a chance to respond yet, TC17 started a topic on other important variables to consider that make for a successful hair transplant. These other characteristics can make or break the illusion of density even more than the number of grafts or hairs. See TC17's Topic Most Important Characteristics for Successful Surgery.


If you are going to talk about poor planning however, I think we'll need specific examples. Many doctors who present results don't share the patient's history or long term plan but rather only the results from a single procedure. Thus, I'm not sure how anyone could judge "poor planning" without asking the doctor to explain the long term plan for each patient. I admit however, I do wish some doctors would be more descriptive in the album introduction which includes the long term mapped out plan for each patient.


Swagger, I think you mean well. You are entitled to your favorites like everyone else. But all doctors recommended by this community have met our high standards for recommendation and certainly deserve your respect.


Best wishes,



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One issue is, you can pretty much make a result look flattering in an office photo, but view the same one after running up and down a basketball court or on a windy rainy day outdoors for a true assessment.

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One issue is, you can pretty much make a result look flattering in an office photo, but view the same one after running up and down a basketball court or on a windy rainy day outdoors for a true assessment.


So very true.

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Dr. Rahal is nowhere near as aggressive as armani.


He seemed hesitant about where my hair line was even placed, and in case you didnt notice my forehead is HUGE.


I consulted and paid a down payment with armani, my hair line was supposed to be much lower and use 3500, dr. rahal suggested 2500 and got 3000.


he's an awesome doc man, so dont give people the wrong idea.


i am also a bit bias, lol

2998 grafts/ Dr. Rahal/ 9/11/2007


My Hair Loss Weblog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Rahal


Pretty damn happy

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i think this site would be a lot more helpful if there was some sort of rating system with the doctors that are recommended. the drs recommended are in no way all equal. it is virtually impossible for them to be equal considering the subjective nature of hair transplants. i would suggest criteria being set up in order to be recommended.


lost my swagger and pgp seem very insightful about the realities of hair transplants. they are a life safer for people with limited amount of funds and donor hair. because of this, very careful selection must take place in order to get the full benefits. i think that the "list of recommended surgeons" is very misleading in the sense that conveys that once you make it to this list as a doctor the patient should have absolutely no worries about proper results.


i am in the camp who believes that the very consistent good to great results are coming out of a few doctors. maybe it is because i haven't seen a lot of the other doctors results or maybe because the other doctors don't post a lot of their results.


like pgp stated it is much different going for a HT as a norwood 2 than a norwood 6. if you give me the average run of the mill tech i could make a norwood 2 look natural with 2000 grafts.

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think this site would be a lot more helpful if there was some sort of rating system with the doctors that are recommended. the drs recommended are in no way all equal. it is virtually impossible for them to be equal considering the subjective nature of hair transplants. i would suggest criteria being set up in order to be recommended.




Developing a rating system is an interesting concept and an idea that we toyed with. We haven't eliminated this idea fully however, given all the subjective logic people use to select surgeons, the rating system may end up causing more hindrance than benefit.


That said, we already do have criteria all doctors must meet before they're recommended. To see our high standards for recommendation, standards all physicians recommended must meet, click here. We collect this data in various ways including private interviews, private and public evaluation of a clinic's work, observing the physician and their staff in live surger, patient testimonies and results, and feedback from patients and leading physicians worldwide.


That said, there is no such thing as a perfect system. However, we are serious about recommending only those who produce consistent excellent results which is why we collect as much data as possible before even presenting doctors for potential recommendation.


Best wishes,



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This is the only site that makes an effort to thoroughly investigate surgeons yet we still find fault.

I for one am grateful that this site exists because it has saved so many guys from the hacks out there.

Sure there are clinics that are better then others but everyone on here is twice as good as the Bosleys of the world.

There are so many doctors doing transplants out there that have no business doing them.

At least the surgeons on here are competent and held accountable

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i agree with that also pgp...this site is by far the best site for research and like Bill said there is no real remedy for such a subjective topic. if you do enough research on here you should have great results. i for one almost went with a less than stellar doctor and would have been extremely disappointed. many people jump into the decision out of desperation or lack of funds. the decision should be made with great detail. if you do enough of it you will find the perfect fit.

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Some good points have been made. I personally think there are only a handful of doctors (perhaps 4 or 5) who are consistently producing results where the transplanted hair looks natural enough and gives good illusion of density.


Also, it seems that different docs have different degrees of expertise for hairlines vs. crown areas.

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Don't forget...while we do prescreen doctors and believe in the integrity and quality work our physicians perform, all patients are responsible for their own research and decisions. Thus, it's imperative that all patients research all physicians they are considering thoroughly.


Since there are over 7 years of experiences and photos shared by real patients, this discussion forum is a vital tool for seeing what real patients are saying about doctors. Be sure to read everything with a critical eye and don't believe everything you read. On other other hand, it will help give you an overall picture of over dozens of doctors recommended and not recommended by this community.


I hope this helps.



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