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Dr. Sethi/Eugenix 4290 grafts FUE


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Surgery Date- 29/12 + 30/12 (2 days)

Age: 37

Norwood grade: 4


Total Grafts: 4290 (My first hairtransplent) 

Singles – 740

Doubles – 2250

Triples – 940

Quadruples – 360


No. of grafts implemented on each area:

Crown: 1180

Right temple: 528

Left temple: 558

Hairline- 2024


My hairloss journey and how it affected my life

I first started balding when I was 18. Over the years it progressed and I started to always wear a hat and became a heavy user of topikk to the point I applied it on my skin where I don’t have hair to have a “lower” hairline. Sometimes it looked decent and sometimes it looked ridiculous but I was so self-conscience about my baldness I preferred to rather look ridiculous than to be seen bald. I felt embareced and even humiliated if someone would see my baldness so I made sure it will never happen. It really affected my confidence and self-worth that’s for sure. 



I believe that surgery is the last resort so I tried medication and non-surgical treatments both to keep my native hair and slow my hairloss progression as much as possible.

Finasteride (oral)- I started using branded finasteride since I was 22 (now I’m 37). It may have slowed my progression but for sure didn’t stop it. I was Norwood 2 when I started taking it and now I’m a Norwood 4.

Minoxidil (topical)- I tried topical Minoxidil over the years and stopped numerous times since it was very itchy (especially when I wore a hat at all times) and honestly, I didn’t see much improvement.

 Minoxidil (Oral)- Tried that for 6 months. Didn’t see much improvement and experienced sides effects such as dizziness (which I never had beforehand), chest pain so I discontinued use.

Dutasteride (oral)- Been using it for the last 2 years. Taking it twice weekly based on the advice of Dr. Bisanga. Didn’t see much improvement but I think it slowed further hairloss progression.


PRP + Dutosteride injections- tried that 3 times over a course of 3-4 months. Didn’t see much improvement.


*Haven’t tried micro-needling.


Research- which clinic shall I choose / Why I chose Eugenix - Dr. Sethi

I started my research since 2010. I was reading and learning a lot from this forum (as a silent viewer) as well as Spencer kobren “The Bald Truth” talk-show and his association ISHRS, as well as JT and Spex Youtube channels, articles and direct communication with all of them.

As I knew more about hairtransplents and botched cases I was more worried and wanted to choose smartly and not out of desperation.

I know that even in the best hands there might be failures and doctors are not god. When I looked at results of many of this forum’s doctors, I always found stunning results yet from those same doctors I also found some results I wouldn’t consider great. So that kind of held me back in addition to the financial demand associated with it.

Over the years I had online consultations with Hasson & Wong (back when Joe Tilman was working there- yes. That long ago! And also, in the recent year), Dr. Rahal, Dr. Diep, Dr. Ron Shapiro, Dr. Bloxham, Dr. Lorenzo, Dr. Konior and Dr. C*** either with a consultant or the doctor himself.

In addition, I personally visited and was physically assessed by the following doctors: Dr. Charles Glen, Dr. Hasson, Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Nusbaum Sr & Dr. Paul Rose and Dr. Sethi. Yea. I did a lot of travelling. For me it was important to know in advance which hairline they are going to offer me before I commit to a surgery. I didn’t want to put myself in a stressful situation where I book a surgery, meet the doc and have him draw a hairline I don’t like. That was a lot of work, time and money to spend but I’m very meticulous and I care too much of how I look and I know anxiety will take place in such an incident so it was all worth it. It’s not the same to have an online consultation and a face-to-face consultation. Some doctors told me contradicting things online and in person. Also, when I compared one doctor recommendation to another – there were also contradictions that can sometimes confuse.  

Eventually, I decided to choose Dr. Sethi as my surgeon. First, I liked the hairline he suggested the most out of all the doctors I personally met. Second, I didn’t see any other clinic with so many successful Norwood 6/7 cases so me as a Norwood 4 should be an easy case for him. In addition, he introduced me with additional of his patients when I was in his clinic in Mumbai. I saw their results in my eyes. They spoke for themselves. Everyone was so happy and highly recommend of him. In addition, I was told all the celebrities, businessman and politicians in India choose Eugenix. Not to mention the amazing hospitality.

I’ll be honest. After my consultation I wanted to go with Dr. Sethi but had doubts. Although I really liked his suggested hairline, he suggested 2500-3500 for my entire scalp (he said my head is small and the designated transplant areas where small) while other doctors I visited suggested 5000. I found it to be good and bad. Good because I get to preserve my donor for the future and it tells me the doc doesn’t want to over quote me and make more money which shows a lot. Bad because I was concerned I would have a low density.

After thinking about it, as well as communicating with Joe Tilman I got to the following conclusion- Dr. Sethi is an excellent doctor. This surgery will significantly enhance my look and worst comes worst I can always have additional surgery to increase my density. Also, I get to save and smartly manage my donor area. In addition, I saw some cases where the doc used low number of grafts on a relatively high Norwood cases and the results were amazing. Moreover, the doc showed me other patient in his clinic with a large head and showed me his balding areas which were larger surface compared to mine. So, after clearing my doubts, I was convinced to proceed with Dr. Sethi.

In general, I think that one should be critical of any doctor and ask as many questions as possible and understand the rational of their suggestions + cross it with the knowledge you gained in this forum or other sources and that’s the best advise I can provide. Never go to a clinic on a “desperate mode”. Be patient and do your research. I know I was crazy with my research but I was paranoid to have a botched results so it took me a longgggg time and trust me baldness controlled my life. It is a disease of the spirit. At least for me.  



Consultation with Dr. Sethi

I will mention I initially had an online consultation with Dr. Sethi – twice. Then I flew to Mumbai and met him personally. I was thinking it will last max 30-40 min but I ended up staying few hours since I was talking with him, met and talked with several of his happy patients and stuff including technicians, he even showed me the operation room, tools, microscopes and ordered me a launch. The doc and the entire stuff were super nice and the hospitality was so great and welcoming. Most importantly, he drew a hairline I liked with ease. He mentioned he’s not sure he’ll touch my temporal points and that will be decided on the day of the surgery, which I was fine with.



I arrived 2 days before my surgery. Eugenix were kind enough to pay for my hotel for those extra 2 days. I stayed at the Hilton Doubletree Baani Square and was picked up by their driver from the airport. When I arrived, I decided to get a local sim card which costed me 3$ (for 28 days, local calls + 1.5GB internet daily) as I stayed in India 8 days post-surgery (total of 2 weeks) so that I could wear a hat when I fly home as I wouldn’t feel comfortable to fly with a “Karate kid” band on my head and be stared at all the time. No thanks.

As for India, you will get to know Indian culture this way or another. The stuff in the hotel and the clinic were super nice. They always want you to feel good and comfortable. Also, I got to experience their food for the first time in my life. I highly recommend Poha and Idli lol. Thank me later… Also, they have a food delivery app called “Zomato” where you can find meals for 10$. I even had noodles meal for 3$ shipping included!  

Since my payment wasn’t received on the day of my surgery, it was postponed in one day.
I got my blood pressure checked, did anesthesia tests and signed some forms. Oh and they have a really nice tea with ginger in their clinic. I highly recommend!

I had a 2 days procedure.


Day 1

We started at 4PM and finished around 10PM.

Dr. Sethi drew my hairline and decided to address the temporal points as well (which will require additional 1000 grafts). I expressed my desires and brought some pictures when I was a teenage to show him the shape of my hairline but he didn’t need it and I couldn’t ask for a better hairline.

Pictures were taken from all angels, later on I was given anesthesia. In some areas it was more painful (it stings) and in other less. The team made sure I’m not in pain and were super nice the whole time.

I was given PRP injections and upon that Dr. Sethi entered the room and made the slits. When we finished, I was invited to his house where I had dinner and had some chat with his son (intelligent boy I must say) and the doc. Later I was taken back to my hotel. I didn’t feel any pain whatsoever.  


Day 2

We started at 7am and finished almost at midnight.

I changed my clothes, given anesthesia and the harvesting from my donor (scalp hair only) begun. I was constantly asked if I feel pain and was massaged from time to time by the technicians. On bathroom breaks I was always accompanied by someone. Nice music was played, some nice mashups/remixes and I almost found myself dancing while lying down on the operation chair lol.

The hardest part for me was to lay down in the same position for long. Blood flow becomes limited and you start get uncomfortable but I didn’t want to disturb the techs work.

In the evening / night time I felt I’m losing my patience and it became harder for me to lay down in certain positions. Also, they changed the anesthesia substance and I felt intense sting sensation at certain points. It was unpleasant to say the least (no pain no gain) but it was short and after that I didn’t feel pain.

Graft count was written on a white board and all seemed to be very organized.  

When the surgery was done, I was told I was a great patient and made the techs work really easy as I was very cooperative. Also, I was told my grafts were very easy to remove from my donor which was music to my ears (no trauma = higher survival rate). On the following day I got the graft count which made me even happier. I have an average of 2.2 hairs per follicule which is great. More density for me. Also, I was told my temporal points should look really good as about 500 grafts were put on each side and it is rare for Dr. Sethi to use that number of grafts in that area. The max he usually does is 300 grafts per each side.

At the end of the day, I was given dinner, got the post op instructions and was driven back to my hotel.




Post op

I decided to stay in India 8 days following my surgery so I’ll be able to wear a hat when I fly back. I absolutely made the right decision as I was able to get my first head wash in the clinic and was able to properly take care of myself as per the clinic post op instructions and address any issues that might occur post op directly with the clinic.  

On the first and second day post op, I had mild stomach ache from the antibiotics so I visited the clinic and they changed it to a different kind (which solved the problem) and also cleaned my donor area and answered some additional questions I had.

Following my surgery, I stayed 2 additional days in my hotel and later booked for another one.

After my visit in the clinic post op I should have gone back to the new hotel I booked. However, Dr. Sethi was kind to invite me to stay at Eugenix farm house for the rest of my stay (1 week). It is a house surrounded by enormous pastorale view which was super relaxing and beautiful. I was served with delicious meals 3 times a day and really felt like a king. I wasn’t wearing a hat obviously and it was quite liberating to be hatless in front of people (house crew) and not having the worry to hide it. When I walked outside the house there was a light wind and I haven’t experienced the feeling of a wind on my scalp for more than a decade so that was fun. Also, I didn’t have to worry and put my head down so my topikk fibers won’t come off…

One of the workers in the farm house used to work as a technician in Eugenix for 5 years. He told me that his training took 1 year and that Dr. Sethi was very strict and meticulous which I liked to hear as this is how it should be!

Post op I didn’t feel any pain. I had some swelling in the following 4-5 days. At certain point I looked like the character from Avatar movie (no joking).

Overall, I had a great experience. I’m looking forward for my hair to grow. Ugly duckling phase is ahead of me…



Enclosed, you will find my pictures immediately post op and the ones with the marked hairline is from my consultation which took place about 2 months earlier.




WhatsApp Image 2022-07-26 at 09.31.29 (2).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-07-26 at 09.31.31.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-12-31 at 07.40.50.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-12-31 at 07.40.52.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-12-31 at 07.40.54.jpeg




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  • Senior Member

You did everything right. Best research and approach ever.

Wishing you a wonderful result. I am super interested in some of the drs you consulted with and what their approach would have even? Did all of them accept you as a patient? Did someone of them stand out in their approach (using strip, multiple surgeries, using beard hair)?


Edited by davidn
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  • Administrators

Awesome detailed write-up. People often think that I was given special treatment, but that’s just Dr. Sethis nature. He’s very kind and giving. The design looks awesome. I’ll be following your progress closely.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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  • Senior Member

Post op photos look great. I think you are gonna be happy with your result this time next year. Good luck! Anyway, did you have a relatively thick looking hair in your mid 20s? Early 30s? When did the norwood 4 pattern started taking shape? 

Edited by Henry
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  • Senior Member

Wow super impressed with the level of research you did, you are going to reap the rewards for sure. Dr Sethi consistently does a great job of using lower graft numbers and covering more ground, a testament to his artistic ability. Also 550 grafts in each temple - is incredible, along with your new hairline these are going to roll back the years! Just amazes me how he can just knock temple peaks out the park for fun!  Good luck and happy growing, ill be following closely! 

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11 hours ago, Glassbuildingoffice said:

Wow that is fantastic.

 I’m still waiting on @Eugenix Hair Sciences to respond if Dr Sethi can take my case on. Do they usually take long despite having had my analysis and phone call?

Hello, you can send us a personalized text along with your name and contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

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On 1/6/2023 at 9:19 PM, davidn said:

You did everything right. Best research and approach ever.

Wishing you a wonderful result. I am super interested in some of the drs you consulted with and what their approach would have even? Did all of them accept you as a patient? Did someone of them stand out in their approach (using strip, multiple surgeries, using beard hair)?


Thanks for you kind words!

I would get anxiety if I ended up getting a botched results (hence my nickname lol). Knowing what I know made me over-think and research for a long time. I suffered from baldness all my adult life. 

In essence, all doctors recommended 2 procedures. One that will address the hairline and additional one to address the crown area. I was quoted by most doctors about 1800-2000 grafts for my crown and 2000-3000 grafts for my hairline. The exception for that was Dr. Sethi who claimed and delivered a single surgery for all balding areas. Also, he quoted me a lower graft number compared to other doctors (2500-3500 in my consultation. 1000 grafts for my crown which I ended up with 1180 and 1500 grafts for my hairline which I ended up with about 2000 (including slight work in my mid scalp). In addition, in my surgery Dr. Sethi decided to address the temporal points which added additional 1000 grafts. 

No doctor declined me as a patient. Perhaps there was one doctor I emailed with and in my third email with 2-3 questions he stopped replying. One may assume he didn't accept me as a patient. Some doctors may prefer uneducated patients. Easier for them. 

Nobody offered me to use beard grafts as all the needed hair could be extracted from my donor area. I specifically asked Dr. Sethi not to use my beard hair. I don't think it is necessarily at this stage. Perhaps in future surgeries if needed. Scalp donor hair is the best hair so I preferred using it first.  

Nobody offered me Strip as a first option, except Dr. Bloxham. 

I mainly visited the doctors in order for them to draw a hairline so I can check if I like it. Dr. Hasson drew a wide hairline but it was too high for me (in my opinion) but with a really nice temporal points. I actually ended up getting something similar and improved (with lower hairline) by Dr. Sethi. Dr. Bisanga on the other hand drew a narrower hairline but lower (which honestly surprised me for the good, as I knew he was conservative and expected him to offer a higher hairline). Nevertheless, I didn't like the end points of the hairline. I wanted them to slightly be lower. I expressed this wish to the doctor and even had a follow up video consultation with him but he was reluctant to negotiate on that and since I wasn't 100% comfortable with it I didn't chose him. However, he was very thorough and I would trust him. I just want to say that sometimes it is difficult to imagine how the hair will grow and I might have liked it. It will sound stupid but putting my fingers on my temples and middle part of my hair-line helped me to artificially "frame" my face and since I had hair in the back of my hairline it helped me visualized how will I look with this or that hairline suggested by the various doctors I visited. It kinda looks funny but it really helped me, as no doc has a software that can show you how would you look with hair with their suggested hairline BEFORE getting the surgery. 

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On 1/6/2023 at 11:10 PM, Melvin- Moderator said:

Awesome detailed write-up. People often think that I was given special treatment, but that’s just Dr. Sethis nature. He’s very kind and giving. The design looks awesome. I’ll be following your progress closely.

Hey Melvin, 

I agree with every word. I also got to know he engage in charity and helping his community which is awesome and impressive considered how busy he is. 
By the way- he told me few times that we have the same head shape and we look a bit similar.  


Thanks for your kind words. Music to my ears :)

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10 minutes ago, Hairxiety said:

Thanks for you kind words!

I would get anxiety if I ended up getting a botched results (hence my nickname lol). Knowing what I know made me over-think and research for a long time. I suffered from baldness all my adult life. 

In essence, all doctors recommended 2 procedures. One that will address the hairline and additional one to address the crown area. I was quoted by most doctors about 1800-2000 grafts for my crown and 2000-3000 grafts for my hairline. The exception for that was Dr. Sethi who claimed and delivered a single surgery for all balding areas. Also, he quoted me a lower graft number compared to other doctors (2500-3500 in my consultation. 1000 grafts for my crown which I ended up with 1180 and 1500 grafts for my hairline which I ended up with about 2000 (including slight work in my mid scalp). In addition, in my surgery Dr. Sethi decided to address the temporal points which added additional 1000 grafts. 

No doctor declined me as a patient. Perhaps there was one doctor I emailed with and in my third email with 2-3 questions he stopped replying. One may assume he didn't accept me as a patient. Some doctors may prefer uneducated patients. Easier for them. 

Nobody offered me to use beard grafts as all the needed hair could be extracted from my donor area. I specifically asked Dr. Sethi not to use my beard hair. I don't think it is necessarily at this stage. Perhaps in future surgeries if needed. Scalp donor hair is the best hair so I preferred using it first.  

Nobody offered me Strip as a first option, except Dr. Bloxham. 

I mainly visited the doctors in order for them to draw a hairline so I can check if I like it. Dr. Hasson drew a wide hairline but it was too high for me (in my opinion) but with a really nice temporal points. I actually ended up getting something similar and improved (with lower hairline) by Dr. Sethi. Dr. Bisanga on the other hand drew a narrower hairline but lower (which honestly surprised me for the good, as I knew he was conservative and expected him to offer a higher hairline). Nevertheless, I didn't like the end points of the hairline. I wanted them to slightly be lower. I expressed this wish to the doctor and even had a follow up video consultation with him but he was reluctant to negotiate on that and since I wasn't 100% comfortable with it I didn't chose him. However, he was very thorough and I would trust him. I just want to say that sometimes it is difficult to imagine how the hair will grow and I might have liked it. It will sound stupid but putting my fingers on my temples and middle part of my hair-line helped me to artificially "frame" my face and since I had hair in the back of my hairline it helped me visualized how will I look with this or that hairline suggested by the various doctors I visited. It kinda looks funny but it really helped me, as no doc has a software that can show you how would you look with hair with their suggested hairline BEFORE getting the surgery. 

By the way, if anyone is interested I can share the hairline designs by Dr. Hasson and Dr. Bisanga. 

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  • Administrators

Looks fantastic, will be following your journey closely happy growing!

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

Follow our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.


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