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Looking to get a Surgery by January 2023 - Please Help

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4 hours ago, LookMaxx said:

Most girls are like that though. 

Thing is with Baldcafe and all the “normalisation advice” that people think it’s just hairs but it’s not just hairs. Baldness is a serious deformity and this fact is more apparent when it comes to interaction with the opposite sex. This is also why I think “just shave it bro” is a meme at this point and I actually feel very offended when someone says that to me. This is no different than someone having a deformed nose and the advice is to just cut it off, deformed nose is bad but cutting it is even worse.

Is she a bad person for this? Hardly. Would you say this if a girl dumps you for having a broken leg, there was a chance your leg could work again and it turned out that’s not going to happen. Will someone say he dodged a bullet and the girl is bad? Nah. He will thank the girl for sticking with him for as long as she did actually in that scenario.


As a man, you have to own up to your mistakes and stupidity. I was enjoying an amazing dating life, then my hairs started falling, I knew about finasteride but I listened to PFS foundation, I progressed to NW6 thinking it won’t make that big a difference in my life and I could always get a HT. Oh boy, I consciously chose life on hard difficulty. Ironically then I took fin for two years without an issue for fear of going shiny NW7 bald but my life has changed forever. Am I going to call girls who avoid me or dump me nuclear missiles? Hell no. As a matter of fact, I got rejected a few days ago but I didn’t let it phase me.

I won’t date older women or women with a bunch of kids or fatties or girls that don’t meet my standards and I stand firmly by my standards. I am unapologetic in this, how can I call women nuclear missiles for when I don’t meet their standards.


I really think the OP needs a little dose of reality because swearing at the girl isn’t going to help him but owning up to his mistakes will. He had a choice to get on treatment, he didn’t for whatever reason. He should have prepared himself for the consequences when he chose the life of bald.

His next steps should be improving his situation instead of sobbing and blaming girls to be some evil creatures. Get a hair system, get on medication, get a hair transplant etc. Because here’s the reality. This life of rejection is going to become his norm if he doesn’t do anything about his hairs and he thinks “just shave it bro” is going to fix his problems lol 

If this girl became bald or degraded in looks department, I am sure he would have dumped her. Heck, I have seen people dump girls just because they have the choice to nail as many as they can. You either man up and play the game or go home crying. Maybe he just didn’t have that interesting of a personality and the loss of hairs downgraded his overall rating to a number the girl wasn’t comfortable with.

I know my post is going to trigger some people that think being bald is just loss of hairs, please don’t argue. I got a warning on my profile for arguing with people so I just don’t talk back to people and just give my opinions. Respect my opinion and move on. Cheers

Honestly there's just so much to unpack in what you posted and imo, stuff that's not correct at all. 

Mentally hair loss is a challenge for a lot of men, but just like a job where one day you might have a great high paying job and lose it one day and need to rebuild, but maybe not get as high pay, but still solid, that's the example that's similar to hair loss but even then, not really a great example. 

Hair loss is something that we know is a natural process for men due to DHT and only a minority of people remain their whole life with their hair and not using medication etc. 

Now, imo, she IS a bad person in this specific example because yes her standards are her standards and i never once say that somebody isn't "entitled" to their standards just like how you rolled off a bunch of standards but you're gonna die miserable and alone or with cats if you don't start getting wise to make them more realistic. 

If somebody is also willing to leave you for becoming disabled or during a time of injury, that speaks volumes to their inability to cope with that situation. It doesn't necessarily make them bad, but it's not great either because it does have an extremely negative emotional impact and the saying "Till Death Do Us Part" isn't really true in the real world unless both parties remain happy in almost all areas the majority of the time or can work through the rough parts. That's up to the individuals to decide in that relationship but sometimes it's one sided and women more often initiate the end. 

As a man, if you are fully functioning and hair loss is your only problem right now and somebody left you over that, then it's pure and simple, a superficial thing and you do not want to marry a person like that wondering how things would also go if something a little more serious happened. Especially when she can ride off into the sunset with 50% or sometimes more of your money in some places. 

The nose example you gave is clearly an issue that can be fixed with surgery. If you broke it, then it can be fixed but if its a birth defect, there's also a solution of sorts. 

You always seem to use the worst examples and extremes of things at times and it's a bit of a strawman argument. I'd also say it's projecting on your part. You talk about PFS foundation etc. and losing hair to listening to them by not taking Finasteride but then also the same person who said he abandoned it for 2 weeks and felt so great and whatnot and i don't even know if you're taking medication again, so your whole stance seems a little confusing. 

I don't want to argue with you, and like you said, this is simply your opinion but mine which i honestly think is a little more level headed than yours applies. 

There's billions of people out there, there's billions of ways of doing things. However, we are creatures of habits and generally trends of doing things a certain way. OP, just like most men with hair loss, you find your way to deal with it. Going bald is just one way, if that's something you feel comfortable with and the routine of. Some girls like bald guys but some don't. That's life, just like how some guys want a guy who's 7ft tall but will struggle because it's rare. Then there's doing medication and managing to maintain your hair and that's one option but again relies on a bit of genetic luck to respond and then have good enough characteristics to be suitable for a hair transplant. Most men imo fit into this middle ground. 

The last option for those on the similar side of aggressive hair loss is if they don't want to be bald, get a hair system. However, once you get to know somebody if you feel like you want to move your relationship in a more serious direction, you will have to at some point reveal you use a hair system. Then it's a case of whether that person accepts you being bald underneath or they're superficial to the point where that bothers them. Again, they're entitled to do that, the same way a guy can say "Ah, y'know what, when the make up came off, i don't think i'm attracted to you naturally". It works both ways. 

Guys, if you reading this and wondering "So what the hell am i supposed to do?!" then just realise this. There's many paths in life we can take. You have to find yours and walk it. Sometimes we can go down one path, end up finding it's not for us and have to take a fork in the road to continue. Sometimes we have to stop, retrace our steps and then go a different way. That's life. You find your way. Sometimes people help you, sometimes hinder you. It's not always sunshine and rainbows. Just keep walking and try find your way. 

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On 9/24/2022 at 6:37 PM, Joker06 said:

Hello everyone, thanks for the kind words. 

I am looking into a toupee now and am speaking with more doctors to get an assessment. Will also be going to an appointment in person to get a better assessment. 


Also note, the pictures posted are of 4 months ago when I was 23. 

Here are my pictures today as of now. image.thumb.jpeg.df1c24b5cdee2e3bbf02170bf600558e.jpeg




This maybe a job for the chap in Hungary zagrev 

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4 hours ago, LookMaxx said:

What you said is logical but women don’t operate on logic but emotions. I simply explained the reality, it’s not what we want to hear and believe but it’s exactly like I said. Just look around yourself, how many young bald guys you know that have an abundance of choice vs similar looking nw0 guys. It’s life on hard difficulty mode for them, even if they get a girlfriend they have to operate at a higher level than the nw0 counterparts. You’re singling her out but what I am trying to say is she’s not different or unique in her behaviour, yeah it’s definitely selfish and bad but that’s just how it is.

Yeah I feel fantastic off finasteride, it’s a drug who would feel happy shoving medicine down their throat?. That’s not the point. When I was on finasteride, my @ss didn’t feel numb, my dick was erect and it didn’t shrink in size, my libido was OK, my brain actually focused and operated well, I didn’t have any suicidal ideations, I enjoyed things, my hairloss stabilised and improved, blah blah blah [insert BS sides that didn’t happen]……. When I stopped finasteride, none of those things happened either and my brain felt different for a few weeks due to the immense surge of DHT that I was deprived of for two years but I don’t feel anything now and my body doesn’t “remember” what finasteride felt like 😂 

That’s not what I was warned against, no, I was fearmongered that it’s a devil drug shoved by evil pharma to make young men infertile and that’s not all. Even if you take the drug one time, your dick is destroyed for life, your brain is destroyed for life and you will only commit suicide to end the misery, even if you have a girl in front of you, you will prefer suicide to sex because of a drug you took 6 years ago whose effects are still in your system. And it doesn’t work for hairloss and people lose their hair while on it. The permanent side effect is what scared me.

Do you get it? Now I can start and stop the drug as I see fit to my situation because I know better. I did NOT have that choice, I was robbed of that choice by PFS foundation, I was deathly scared of my dick permanently stopping working and my brain permanently malfunctioning and it would happen even if I took the drug one time. When I became hopeless NW6 and didn’t care anymore about my dick because I couldn’t date girls to use it anyway so what’s the point, that’s when I tried finasteride. 

If I wasn’t fed the propaganda, I absolutely would have tried finasteride and stayed NW1 and had a completely different life. Just like I tried Minoxidil without a second thought. The irony is minoxidil gave me heart palpitations but I felt nothing on fin. The irony is the incidence of heart sides and water retention is higher on minoxidil which are serious sides but you don’t see a post-minoxidil syndrome foundation because who would they try to grab cash from for a generic drug?.  

I hope that clarifies my stance. I hate the foundation for their lies and destroying lives, I used the drug and it didn’t make my @ss numb ( pretty common side effect according to the foundation ) and I stopped the drug because I chose it. I might start it again. I didn’t experience any sides that I was deathly afraid of. What’s confusing? Quite frankly, it wasn’t the main reason but some part of me also wanted to stop finasteride to see if I would experience permanent dick malfunction and @ss numbing if I stop finasteride or commit suicide. 2 months later, I can happily report nothing of that sort happened. I am sure if I start and stop the drug several times, it wouldn’t happen either. 

Sorry for the rant but I do it on purpose, if my posts help someone like me who can save their hairs, I will fight for that rather than be jealous and spread lies so they’re in same boat as me. 

I have no issue arguing with you, my post was directed at people who intentionally argue in provoking way then complain to Melvin and get me warnings. Thanks to them I have a permanent warning on my profile. I actually like your posts. 



Look, i understand where you're coming from and 100% agree, two guys looking exactly the same but one loses his hair to like a Norwood 5 to 7 Vs a Norwood 1 or even 2/3 will have different success in the mating pool. That said, if you personally cannot navigate through life realising there's always going to be things to overcome, including hair loss, then you just haven't been hit hard enough by life with harsh realities yet. 

You don't need to go swinging along for a harem. You just need to find that one person, who values you for what you have and just like you hopefully that person for who they are. Guys talk a lot about how their hair loss has knocked their confidence etc. but if a woman was on the opposite side and suffering alopecia etc. she's probably going to be in a much worse position yet i'll probably still hear excuses about how it's easy for her, because there's less stigma for wearing wigs etc. Doesn't matter, she's dealing with something just as bad with consequences that impacted her just like other people and now very much, limit who will consider her. 

However, as a man, if you were Jeff Bezos right now, you think those women care about your slick bald head, or do you think those billions in the bank will have them over like "Hey Daddy(!)"? Seriously, money is and always will be a bit of a cheat code, BUT if you enter into a relationship flashing your cash, and end up with a gold digger because you thought you were Slick Rick with the game, don't kid yourself if she leaves. Also, get a a pre-nup if you can. Be smart. Not going to save you entirely, but from enough damage if things go South. 

That said, if i went slick bald tomorrow for whatever reason, YES, it would affect me. I would feel like it's impacting my choices. That said, i can grow a beard, and i'm taller than average. So i can hit the gym and become a bit of a stereotype and there's a bit of a market for that i guess. So it is what it is. 

I would seriously urge OP though and any guys, including yourself to NOT put so much self esteem into your hair. Do not let it define you. If your hair can be taken from you so easily and you build your entire self and ego around it, you are setting up one fragile house of glass ready to break down. Also, don't go out your way to find toxic superficial people. 

Lastly, for the sides you listed, personally i would suggest you get a professional assistance. They're not normal and imo, a penis shrinking should only happen in the cold. Not to a fully developed person. 

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42 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

Look, i understand where you're coming from and 100% agree, two guys looking exactly the same but one loses his hair to like a Norwood 5 to 7 Vs a Norwood 1 or even 2/3 will have different success in the mating pool. That said, if you personally cannot navigate through life realising there's always going to be things to overcome, including hair loss, then you just haven't been hit hard enough by life with harsh realities yet. 

You don't need to go swinging along for a harem. You just need to find that one person, who values you for what you have and just like you hopefully that person for who they are. Guys talk a lot about how their hair loss has knocked their confidence etc. but if a woman was on the opposite side and suffering alopecia etc. she's probably going to be in a much worse position yet i'll probably still hear excuses about how it's easy for her, because there's less stigma for wearing wigs etc. Doesn't matter, she's dealing with something just as bad with consequences that impacted her just like other people and now very much, limit who will consider her. 

However, as a man, if you were Jeff Bezos right now, you think those women care about your slick bald head, or do you think those billions in the bank will have them over like "Hey Daddy(!)"? Seriously, money is and always will be a bit of a cheat code, BUT if you enter into a relationship flashing your cash, and end up with a gold digger because you thought you were Slick Rick with the game, don't kid yourself if she leaves. Also, get a a pre-nup if you can. Be smart. Not going to save you entirely, but from enough damage if things go South. 

That said, if i went slick bald tomorrow for whatever reason, YES, it would affect me. I would feel like it's impacting my choices. That said, i can grow a beard, and i'm taller than average. So i can hit the gym and become a bit of a stereotype and there's a bit of a market for that i guess. So it is what it is. 

I would seriously urge OP though and any guys, including yourself to NOT put so much self esteem into your hair. Do not let it define you. If your hair can be taken from you so easily and you build your entire self and ego around it, you are setting up one fragile house of glass ready to break down. Also, don't go out your way to find toxic superficial people. 

Lastly, for the sides you listed, personally i would suggest you get a professional assistance. They're not normal and imo, a penis shrinking should only happen in the cold. Not to a fully developed person. 

I suggest not wasting your time. The person you’re dealing with claims women are “emotional.” 

…and yet, in the same breath, claims baldness is a life ruining deformity, blames some random foundation for robbing him of his salvation 😂😂😂, thinks it’s totally normal and fine for people to break-up over hair-loss or broken limbs🤕🤕, insists that 20s are life’s prime (and to bum-rush transplants only based on impact to your 20s…)🤮, and for the cherry on top, is named off a ridiculous incel-term🤡

And that isn’t emotional at all?🤣🤣🤣

You aren’t going to get your message across, Narmak. This “logical” man thinks Habib Clinic, with 0 patient reviews here and a YouTube channel only, can help his case. I truly wish him luck because if the situation is this dire, I sincerely worry what he’ll do if the transplant flops. i don’t think there’s a foundation to blame for that…

The problem here isn’t one of baldness, medication or transplants with this sort of mentality (which unfortunately many young men have), but therapy. I implore men to seek our therapy if your hair is “ruining” your life — it’s 100% something else that is underlying this problem. 

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31 minutes ago, Z-- said:

I suggest not wasting your time. The person you’re dealing with claims women are “emotional.” 

…and yet, in the same breath, claims baldness is a life ruining deformity, blames some random foundation for robbing him of his salvation 😂😂😂, thinks it’s totally normal and fine for people to break-up over hair-loss or broken limbs🤕🤕, insists that 20s are life’s prime (and to bum-rush transplants only based on impact to your 20s…)🤮, and for the cherry on top, is named off a ridiculous incel-term🤡

And that isn’t emotional at all?🤣🤣🤣

You aren’t going to get your message across, Narmak. This “logical” man thinks Habib Clinic, with 0 patient reviews here and a YouTube channel only, can help his case. I truly wish him luck because if the situation is this dire, I sincerely worry what he’ll do if the transplant flops. i don’t think there’s a foundation to blame for that…

The problem here isn’t one of baldness, medication or transplants with this sort of mentality (which unfortunately many young men have), but therapy. I implore men to seek our therapy if your hair is “ruining” your life — it’s 100% something else that is underlying this problem. 

Look, i completely understand where you're coming from. To me though, my response is mostly directed at individuals in general though too reading what i posted. 

I feel like on one hand, i want to help people, but on the other hand there's this weird area where it seems like people attempting to operate with integrity and not be shills, somehow don't manage to get as visible. It's like all those "Alpha Male" YouTubers and their BS. 

There's honestly no set "This is what to do in life" because there's billions of us and what works for some, doesn't for others, but i said it before and i'll keep saying it. Don't place your value in the superficial. 

Yes, your 20s are a physical prime year BUT as a man, in todays world with the way most developed countries are. Focus on your money and building a solid financial foundation. Keeping your hair should be a goal, whether through medication or HTs, but not become an entire focus of your whole being. That's just unhealthy from a mental standpoint and will, perhaps lead a person down a dark path and potential outcome at an extreme. Hair Loss is most definitely devastating but to what extent you let it rule your life does come down to you. 

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On 9/29/2022 at 3:30 PM, Joker06 said:

I have been hitting the gym, I lost 60 LB and at 17% body fat for a 6 foot guy.  

Funny fact is, I'm almost the same weight as her... Only 12 lb away 
I started a business and so far only made net taxes $60K. Business was started at the peak of COVID. 

She was with me for marriage for 12-14 months.. when she found out I cannot get a HT until 26ish.. she got mad and lost it. 
And also talked about how I won't be able to buy her a house for her parents and a BMW... 
I am still completely disheartened. Idk how long it'll take to move on. 



I know it hurts now, but you're going to look back and realize that it was the right thing. The girl sounds like a headache, expecting so much out of you. She'd probably put you in financial ruin.

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3 minutes ago, LookMaxx said:

So you asked me for the clinic name when I have kept it secret because I have said repeatedly I am “researching” this clinic and I am unsure if the clinic is good or not. You were actually impressed from the results and asked me what clinic was it. When I reveal it, now you’re twisting my message as if I recommend that clinic or going there for HT. Because you are triggered by my post about women and baldness lol 😂


Just because I don’t want to be held responsible for someone’s misery, I will say this again. Please don’t go to that clinic thinking I recommend it, I am unsure whether it’s a good clinic or not. The only thing I am certain about is the doctor who runs it is legit , that’s the reason I am even researching it. But I did it for myself and only revealed the name when I was asked. Thanks


Anyway I think this discussion has reached a point where it’s solely about ego and “winning” it so words are twisted or the message completely missed. That’s when it’s wise to leave. 


You seem to have a misconception or refuse to read... I never said I was impressed lmao🙄I just asked for the name, so I can look into it. I specifically said that I found 0 patient results and said I can't assess (I don't trust YouTube results). I even told you it's risky lol...🤐

Otherwise, then maybe this will make you happier? I sincerely wish you luck to whichever clinic you decide because, as someone who can tell that you are obviously overly emotional about your hair, I very much worry about your state of mind if it went wrong. I would implore you to reconsider that each doctor on the recommended list is equal 😶😶😶. If you're a Norwood 6, you really need a great surgeon to fix it. Something 99% of doctors (Turkey, US, Spain or otherwise) around the world are ill-equipped to do.

Nevertheless, I still highly recommend therapy. No shame in going - I think it'll help mate.

I agree with the last sentence. Cheers. ✌️

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7 hours ago, LookMaxx said:

That’s not what I was warned against, no, I was fearmongered that it’s a devil drug shoved by evil pharma to make young men infertile and that’s not all. Even if you take the drug one time, your dick is destroyed for life, your brain is destroyed for life and you will only commit suicide to end the misery, even if you have a girl in front of you, you will prefer suicide to sex because of a drug you took 6 years ago whose effects are still in your system. And it doesn’t work for hairloss and people lose their hair while on it. The permanent side effect is what scared me.

@LookMaxxthis is i guess the bit i focused on and missed the bits where you said you didn't permanently suffer from such sides as there was a lot of text. So thanks for the clarification.

I do mean it in the nicest of ways, but you do have some things you probably need to work through because it seems like hair loss has psychologically going by your posts i've been able to see, affected you in a very strong way. I think you would benefit from reframing your perception of how you let hair loss affect your life. Not saying the problems you highlighted aren't real, but to what extent you let them affect you psychologically is something you will have a degree of control over. 

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Oh boy, @LookMaxxi'm not even going to quote your above post, but i read the screenshot and the poster didn't specifically say it was a "good result" but i understand why you would infer that based on all the other stuff that's cited about the example you gave. However, i know English may not be your native language and maybe some things can be misinterpreted but the rest of your post, it's uncalled for and that's me being diplomatic. You are more than likely going to be either banned for that or given a severe time out for reflection and given a final chance.

I strongly, strongly suggest you just step back and think about how you're letting your hair loss situation potentially affect you to such a degree that you need to use that language against strangers on the Internet. Perhaps i'm wrong and it's nothing to do with your hair loss at all, and it's just the way you are, but just because hypothetically somebody hasn't been with a woman or a different partner, there's no reason for you to even touch on that in this way. It's none of your business and nothing to do with hair loss in this context. 

Yes  hair loss can affect physical attractiveness for men and women. That's a fact, nobody is going to dispute that but what character a person truly has in them, that's above and beyond anything superficial and that's what a person needs to maintain and look for in a partner. Your young hot 18 year old or whatever you think of being with, their looks will fade and all that's going to be left is that personality and entitlement you may have allowed to get with them and when they don't look so good to you anymore to be able to put up with, you're heading for Trouble Town. 

Bottom line, this threads been significantly derailed by extra talks. OP asked for help, hopefully he found the information to deal with hair loss helpful and imo realises despite how much it may hurt right now due to the emotional attachment, that he's better off and somebody else will come along with some effort that's right for him. Concentrate on yourselves as i've said, and self improve. There's no need to come online to forums and just be petulant for nothing. It has no good outcomes and it leaves you a temporary satisfaction. 

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7 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

Oh boy, @LookMaxxi'm not even going to quote your above post, but i read the screenshot and the poster didn't specifically say it was a "good result" but i understand why you would infer that based on all the other stuff that's cited about the example you gave. However, i know English may not be your native language and maybe some things can be misinterpreted but the rest of your post, it's uncalled for and that's me being diplomatic. You are more than likely going to be either banned for that or given a severe time out for reflection and given a final chance.

I strongly, strongly suggest you just step back and think about how you're letting your hair loss situation potentially affect you to such a degree that you need to use that language against strangers on the Internet. Perhaps i'm wrong and it's nothing to do with your hair loss at all, and it's just the way you are, but just because hypothetically somebody hasn't been with a woman or a different partner, there's no reason for you to even touch on that in this way. It's none of your business and nothing to do with hair loss in this context. 

Yes  hair loss can affect physical attractiveness for men and women. That's a fact, nobody is going to dispute that but what character a person truly has in them, that's above and beyond anything superficial and that's what a person needs to maintain and look for in a partner. Your young hot 18 year old or whatever you think of being with, their looks will fade and all that's going to be left is that personality and entitlement you may have allowed to get with them and when they don't look so good to you anymore to be able to put up with, you're heading for Trouble Town. 

Bottom line, this threads been significantly derailed by extra talks. OP asked for help, hopefully he found the information to deal with hair loss helpful and imo realises despite how much it may hurt right now due to the emotional attachment, that he's better off and somebody else will come along with some effort that's right for him. Concentrate on yourselves as i've said, and self improve. There's no need to come online to forums and just be petulant for nothing. It has no good outcomes and it leaves you a temporary satisfaction. 

You’re right. This will get me banned because I don’t know the proper way to use clown emojis, words like “logic man” etc in English to look sophisticated and not get in trouble.

Youre right, my English is weak. I need to learn and practice how to insult someone without being rough or appearing like a bad person. I can do it in my language but in English, I appear bad even though someone else start insulting me first but their English is sophisticated so even though I reciprocate, I look worse. 


Cheers and thanks for the advice.


Edited by LookMaxx
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15 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

Oh boy, @LookMaxxi'm not even going to quote your above post, but i read the screenshot and the poster didn't specifically say it was a "good result" but i understand why you would infer that based on all the other stuff that's cited about the example you gave. However, i know English may not be your native language and maybe some things can be misinterpreted but the rest of your post, it's uncalled for and that's me being diplomatic. You are more than likely going to be either banned for that or given a severe time out for reflection and given a final chance.

I strongly, strongly suggest you just step back and think about how you're letting your hair loss situation potentially affect you to such a degree that you need to use that language against strangers on the Internet. Perhaps i'm wrong and it's nothing to do with your hair loss at all, and it's just the way you are, but just because hypothetically somebody hasn't been with a woman or a different partner, there's no reason for you to even touch on that in this way. It's none of your business and nothing to do with hair loss in this context. 

Yes  hair loss can affect physical attractiveness for men and women. That's a fact, nobody is going to dispute that but what character a person truly has in them, that's above and beyond anything superficial and that's what a person needs to maintain and look for in a partner. Your young hot 18 year old or whatever you think of being with, their looks will fade and all that's going to be left is that personality and entitlement you may have allowed to get with them and when they don't look so good to you anymore to be able to put up with, you're heading for Trouble Town. 

Bottom line, this threads been significantly derailed by extra talks. OP asked for help, hopefully he found the information to deal with hair loss helpful and imo realises despite how much it may hurt right now due to the emotional attachment, that he's better off and somebody else will come along with some effort that's right for him. Concentrate on yourselves as i've said, and self improve. There's no need to come online to forums and just be petulant for nothing. It has no good outcomes and it leaves you a temporary satisfaction. 

Lol, I saw his response before the edit. Not going to dignify it with a comment or a report. I think it speaks for itself.🙄

On the flip-side, you're a good dude, Narmak. Really pulling for you to get the result you deserve! Looking forward to the next update in your thread🙂

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@LookMaxx you are right on with the fin hysteria.

I think the majority of guys with fin "side effects" are just in denial about their own natural erectile dysfunction, testosterone, and libido decline

NEWSFLASH: guys in their 30s and 40s are not gonna have the same sexual energy they did when they were teenagers

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5 hours ago, LookMaxx said:

This logical man booked with Dr Turan of fuecapilar. Like the logical man has said countless times the logical man was only researching Dr Habib clinic and wasn’t recommending it 🤡🤡🤷‍♀️🥵🤮🤌🤌

The logical man hasn’t been fearmongered about hair transplants or Dr Turan or even recommended their clinic by anyone and made the decision logically by using logic that logic man possesses in abundance so he will not blame anyone in case God forbid he gets a bad result

Logic man was fearmongered by a foundation of experiencing ass numbing and dick dying and logic disappearing that logic man values a lot and poor logic man became bald because foundation didn’t want him to use finasteride and stay a happy healthy NW1 with a happy dating life. Logic man is emotional man and angry because foundation made him bald and no dating life. If foundation dead and not existed, logic man would’ve used finasteride and not even needed to research Dr Habib clinic.

Logic man is illogical, Mr Z is very logical - look at the innocent foundation logic man is hating on and talking bad about.

finasteride causes lung damage 🤡🤡



I’m glad you feel better after editing your original post 🤡

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28 minutes ago, Z-- said:

I’m glad you feel better after editing your original post 🤡

I was in a good mood yes after joking around but racists here have completely shocked me. 


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@LookMaxx it’s clear to me you can’t seem to get out of trouble on the forum. I’m giving you some mandatory time off from the forum as I did RTC. This is a forum where we can interact and behave in a civil manner if we disagree. 

I will not allow anyone else mentioning these slurs whether it’s a joke or not. 

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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1 hour ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

@LookMaxx it’s clear to me you can’t seem to get out of trouble on the forum. I’m giving you some mandatory time off from the forum as I did RTC. This is a forum where we can interact and behave in a civil manner if we disagree. 

I will not allow anyone else mentioning these slurs whether it’s a joke or not. 

@Melvin- Moderator, habibi, this is fairly disappointing. While I'm very glad LooksMaxx has time to reflect before attacking people's families, hair struggles and even country, I think most will agree that the ban on RTC is harsh and misguided.

As an Arab -- and anyone with even cursory knowledge of Arabic -- recognizes that in no universe is the term "habibi" derogatory. None. Zero. Zilch.

You'll see in the thread that LooksMaxx bizarrely kept locking/unlocking that it is a term used between familiars (closest to the word "homie" or "bro"), one which I have used in my own correspondence with RTC (I posted a photo of my use there in speaking to him) and even non-Arabs such as THETRUTH when he was around. I am happy to privately PM you these examples. As others have noted, particularly @mister_25 in that strange thread, LooksMaxx is unfortunately quick to throw baseless and absurd accusations on subjects he has minimal knowledge of.

With the above said, I think the temp ban @RTC  is coming from a place of misunderstanding and lack of knowledge, unfortunately. I mean this with all due respect, Melvin, but I think it's highly ignorant for a non-Arab or non-Muslim to deem the term "habibi" -- an endearing term in our culture -- derogatory.

I would kindly ask that you to do the right thing and remove the ban on RTC and reconsider your position on this term generally. Thanks!

Edited by Z--
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1 hour ago, Z-- said:

@Melvin- Moderator, habibi, this is fairly disappointing. While I'm very glad LooksMaxx has time to reflect before attacking people's families, hair struggles and even country, I think most will agree that the ban on RTC is harsh and misguided.

As an Arab -- and anyone with even cursory knowledge of Arabic -- recognizes that in no universe is the term "habibi" derogatory. None. Zero. Zilch.

You'll see in the thread that LooksMaxx bizarrely kept locking/unlocking that it is a term used between familiars (closest to the word "homie" or "bro"), one which I have used in my own correspondence with RTC (I posted a photo of my use there in speaking to him) and even non-Arabs such as THETRUTH when he was around. I am happy to privately PM you these examples. As others have noted, particularly @mister_25 in that strange thread, LooksMaxx is unfortunately quick to throw baseless and absurd accusations on subjects he has minimal knowledge of.

With the above said, I think the temp ban @RTC  is coming from a place of misunderstanding and lack of knowledge, unfortunately. I mean this with all due respect, Melvin, but I think it's highly ignorant for a non-Arab or non-Muslim to deem the term "habibi" -- an endearing term in our culture -- derogatory.

I would kindly ask that you to do the right thing and remove the ban on RTC and reconsider your position on this term generally. Thanks!

I am not going to comment specifically on the actions Melvin took, as that's his role as a moderator to decide on. 

However, i've kind of seen this whole thing go back and forth and just want to try offer my take on it as neutral as possible. 

Using a term like "Habibi" is usually very context specific and imo when there's usually an existing relationship to the individual it's being used towards unless you specifically use that all the time to all sorts of people like "Bro" or whatever else. 

Habibi is also linked whether we like it to or not to a specific region and therefore if its suddenly directed towards only a specific person who happens to be from a region known for say that similar skin tone and not in a context of where you are familiar, it's possible to see why somebody might take offence to that as being a racially motivated and intended slight. i'm not saying its necessarily the case but the poster was by their own words admitting they meant to use it in a  insulting context towards the other person. 

So i do think we should be careful in our use of language because there's a lot of things some people consider innocuous yet are perceived by some groups as a sleight against them due to their racial background etc. 

I am in no way justifying the behaviours some people have exhibited in their choice of language as a means to respond to whatever way they're feeling slighted but i can understand that we do have friction amongst posters here and it can become a "clique" thing whether intentionally or not and perceived by others looking from the outside. Your relationship for example to RTC and familiarity may allow you to use the term more freely and openly but, saying it to a random stranger may raise a brow as to why. 

I personally prefer to use as neutral a language as possible with most people on the open or private forum side of things unless i build a familiarity with you and even then, it has to be at a certain level i guess. 

I think we can all learn that our words can be taken a different way than intended, but we have some responsibility in trying to ensure that we're as direct as possible with what we mean and stay away from words that are much more ethically linked unless absolutely context necessary for use. It could easily get taken the wrong way and it does look like here we have a prime example of where a person feels like their ethnic origin etc. is being poked at through use of language by people trying to skirt around directly charged language. 

Just try to remember, there's a lot of people on this forum, we all hold different opinions, values etc. and if you don't fully jive with them, there's an ignore button and/or just don't directly engage. We can try to separate in that way and keep things copacetic.

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1 minute ago, NARMAK said:

I am not going to comment specifically on the actions Melvin took, as that's his role as a moderator to decide on. 

However, i've kind of seen this whole thing go back and forth and just want to try offer my take on it as neutral as possible. 

Using a term like "Habibi" is usually very context specific and imo when there's usually an existing relationship to the individual it's being used towards unless you specifically use that all the time to all sorts of people like "Bro" or whatever else. 

Habibi is also linked whether we like it to or not to a specific region and therefore if its suddenly directed towards only a specific person who happens to be from a region known for say that similar skin tone and not in a context of where you are familiar, it's possible to see why somebody might take offence to that as being a racially motivated and intended slight. i'm not saying its necessarily the case but the poster was by their own words admitting they meant to use it in a  insulting context towards the other person. 

So i do think we should be careful in our use of language because there's a lot of things some people consider innocuous yet are perceived by some groups as a sleight against them due to their racial background etc. 

I am in no way justifying the behaviours some people have exhibited in their choice of language as a means to respond to whatever way they're feeling slighted but i can understand that we do have friction amongst posters here and it can become a "clique" thing whether intentionally or not and perceived by others looking from the outside. Your relationship for example to RTC and familiarity may allow you to use the term more freely and openly but, saying it to a random stranger may raise a brow as to why. 

I personally prefer to use as neutral a language as possible with most people on the open or private forum side of things unless i build a familiarity with you and even then, it has to be at a certain level i guess. 

I think we can all learn that our words can be taken a different way than intended, but we have some responsibility in trying to ensure that we're as direct as possible with what we mean and stay away from words that are much more ethically linked unless absolutely context necessary for use. It could easily get taken the wrong way and it does look like here we have a prime example of where a person feels like their ethnic origin etc. is being poked at through use of language by people trying to skirt around directly charged language. 

Just try to remember, there's a lot of people on this forum, we all hold different opinions, values etc. and if you don't fully jive with them, there's an ignore button and/or just don't directly engage. We can try to separate in that way and keep things copacetic.

Narmak - I like you, but this is an absolutely incorrect take because Habibi is used ALL the time, both to Arabs and non-Arabs alike from Arab speakers. I mentioned before that I have photographic evidence that I -- and other Arabs -- have used this term with non-Arabs and am happy to provide that in the context of the forum. It's the equivalent of being upset around the use of the word "mate," which is ridiculous. LooksMax was not the first and is not the last person that has been called habibi on this forum lmao. Every language has a similar term to this: English it's mate; Turkish its Canim; etc. I even call my wife the female variant of habibi - and she isn't Arab lmfao.

It's linked to a specific region because the origin of the term stems from that region. It has nothing to do with WHO you call habibi. Instead, it's about the speaker themselves. It would obviously be a bit strange if a non-Arab called someone habibi, but as I said, Arabs use it all the time, and I'm telling you as an Arabic speaker that it is NOT derogatory.  Plenty of people have been called habibi on the forum who were not Arab like THETRUTH in my first correspondence with him (he isn't Arab and I didn't know his background). See photo below. image.thumb.png.a1eb86bb4a9c75c442b83ff1eebd29ea.png

I think you've misunderstood RTC. The reason he was insulting LooksMaxx wasn't via the use of the word habibi -- it was sarcastically mocking the fact that LooksMax, who hilariously believes himself to be level-headed and "not emotional" was contemplated HABIB Clinic. I think that was made unclear in the correspondence, unfortunately.

I really dislike that, I as an Arab, am supposed to worry about the proclivity of an angry individual regarding an ARABIC TERM. This is the same user who accuses people of racism for suggesting folks stay away from Turkey for a hair transplant. I think the onus is on people to avoid assuming the worst and speaking/assuming things about terms which they have no knowledge about.

Narmak, I hope you will appreciate the fact that I think it's frankly insulting to be accused of racism around a fairly common term from our culture by an American (Melvin) and Pakistani (LooksMax) who are not equipped to make judgements around that term and, in @Melvin- Moderatorcase, ultimately makes decisions around a lack of information and ignorance. The problem is that we now have a really great user banned and unneeded filter in the forum.

It's a disgrace.

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6 minutes ago, Z-- said:

Narmak - I like you, but this is an absolutely incorrect take because Habibi is used ALL the time, both to Arabs and non-Arabs alike from Arab speakers. I mentioned before that I have photographic evidence that I -- and other Arabs -- have used this term with non-Arabs and am happy to provide that in the context of the forum. It's the equivalent of being upset around the use of the word "mate," which is ridiculous. LooksMax was not the first and is not the last person that has been called habibi on this forum lmao. Every language has a similar term to this: English it's mate; Turkish its Canim; etc. I even call my wife the female variant of habibi - and she isn't Arab lmfao.

It's linked to a specific region because the origin of the term stems from that region. It has nothing to do with WHO you call habibi. Instead, it's about the speaker themselves. It would obviously be a bit strange if a non-Arab called someone habibi, but as I said, Arabs use it all the time, and I'm telling you as an Arabic speaker that it is NOT derogatory.  Plenty of people have been called habibi on the forum who were not Arab like THETRUTH in my first correspondence with him (he isn't Arab and I didn't know his background). See photo below. image.thumb.png.a1eb86bb4a9c75c442b83ff1eebd29ea.png

I think you've misunderstood RTC. The reason he was insulting LooksMaxx wasn't via the use of the word habibi -- it was sarcastically mocking the fact that LooksMax, who hilariously believes himself to be level-headed and "not emotional" was contemplated HABIB Clinic. I think that was made unclear in the correspondence, unfortunately.

I really dislike that, I as an Arab, am supposed to worry about the proclivity of an angry individual regarding an ARABIC TERM. This is the same user who accuses people of racism for suggesting folks stay away from Turkey for a hair transplant. I think the onus is on people to avoid assuming the worst and speaking/assuming things about terms which they have no knowledge about.

Narmak, I hope you will appreciate the fact that I think it's frankly insulting to be accused of racism around a fairly common term from our culture by an American (Melvin) and Pakistani (LooksMax) who are not equipped to make judgements around that term and, in @Melvin- Moderatorcase, ultimately makes decisions around a lack of information and ignorance. The problem is that we now have a really great user banned and unneeded filter in the forum.

It's a disgrace.

If you look at my post again, the 3rd paragraph i do acknowledge that if it's a term you can use often and regularly, but i also mentioned why some people could take it the wrong way. 

Look, i'm sure you're a good guy, we seem to get along very well too, and i respect your ability to use that word and as part of your Arab background, it probably is used often enough, but again i don't think there's anything inherently wrong with the post i made in this specific context. 

You maybe used "Habibi" as a wordplay thing based on the clinic OP looked at being called Habib etc. but regardless of what the intention may have been, somebody took it in a different way and felt that it seemed to them (right or wrong isn't for me to say) that it seemed to be racially tinged. 

Now, i think some words can be innocuous but depending on the context, they can be misconstrued. That's why choosing what we say and how, it can make a difference. 

I'm not for one second saying you don't have the right as a person with Arab background to not use that word, not at all. Just that if you aren't seen to use it often by some people, it may be take  the wrong way. 

I feel like some languages are considered more "neutral" in terms of like say English when we have many international people here, whereas the other languages and specific terms picked from them to use could be where people feel issues pop up. 

Again, i don't have any horse in this race. It doesn't impact me one bit really, i could just stay quiet from this point onwards and just move on. I got no intention to stir up negative emotions in people or score points, but you and i can both agree, there's been some real friction building between people. Again, not assigning blame but that led to this point. So it's not just an all of a sudden thing. 

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28 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

If you look at my post again, the 3rd paragraph i do acknowledge that if it's a term you can use often and regularly, but i also mentioned why some people could take it the wrong way. 

Look, i'm sure you're a good guy, we seem to get along very well too, and i respect your ability to use that word and as part of your Arab background, it probably is used often enough, but again i don't think there's anything inherently wrong with the post i made in this specific context. 

You maybe used "Habibi" as a wordplay thing based on the clinic OP looked at being called Habib etc. but regardless of what the intention may have been, somebody took it in a different way and felt that it seemed to them (right or wrong isn't for me to say) that it seemed to be racially tinged. 

Now, i think some words can be innocuous but depending on the context, they can be misconstrued. That's why choosing what we say and how, it can make a difference. 

I'm not for one second saying you don't have the right as a person with Arab background to not use that word, not at all. Just that if you aren't seen to use it often by some people, it may be take  the wrong way. 

I feel like some languages are considered more "neutral" in terms of like say English when we have many international people here, whereas the other languages and specific terms picked from them to use could be where people feel issues pop up. 

Again, i don't have any horse in this race. It doesn't impact me one bit really, i could just stay quiet from this point onwards and just move on. I got no intention to stir up negative emotions in people or score points, but you and i can both agree, there's been some real friction building between people. Again, not assigning blame but that led to this point. So it's not just an all of a sudden thing. 

Thanks Narmak. I'll keep it short: I don't really care how LooksMax understands "habibi."

If someone gets upset at being called "mate," "bro" or "habibi," (and thinks someone using it is treating them as a subhuman? wtf is this incel lingo, lol) then they ought to contemplate their life decisions. I couldn't care less, excepting the fact that our moderator made a very poor decision around it.

Hopefully reason prevails, but I leave it at that.

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11 minutes ago, LookMaxx2 said:

I just made an account to say my piece because giving me a ban for 1 month, I don’t want to relive this horrible experience again a month later again. You don’t need to waste your energy banning or deleting this account, I am only using it to send a message because I can’t do it from my banned account and I can’t PM from this either. 

First, let’s talk RTC. I am literally being extremely nice to a newcomer (Willem something) who felt being ganged up on and felt unwelcome for sharing result about an unknown clinic. I didn’t need to do that, that’s not my job. RTC comes and makes fun of me using a racial slur for that. I still don’t know why he did that to me. He has admitted to it, even admitted the word is used as an insult. He seemed very proud of mocking me and not my country.

I am the victim here, he literally admitted it. I think I should receive an apology, instead I get a ban which it appears to be same as him. Melvin, what is my fault here other than being a victim. And to answer why I can’t stop getting in trouble? Because I am subhuman Pakistani, that’s my only fault. I am being nice to a newcomer and this random stranger RTC comes and hurls racial abuses at me. He admitted it, I am the victim here but I still get the same ban as the offender.

Let’s talk Z. A guy gets dumped by his fiancé for being bald, Narmak says he dodged a nuclear missile, I share my advice that baldness is a serious deformity, women are emotional and blaming her isn’t right instead he should work on himself to enjoy his life to the fullest, share my story of how I became bald from fear of finasteride. It’s not even controversial or contested info. All facts. Z gets offended and starts mocking me, gives me a nickname, uses clown emojis. Of course I retort, I am not good with sophisticated words but I argue. Then I go back and delete it all because it doesn’t seem worth it. Again, I am the one that’s being attacked here first. What for?

Let’s talk the clinic. I post results anonymously because I don’t want anyone thinking I am recommending it and I wanted to know what others thought of the results, I am biased, it will be cheaper, closer and faster to get it done here, extreme praises towards it from patients, that’s why I ask questions from unbiased users here. Z gets curious, asks me why I don’t share the clinic name, I do ( big mistake). Z starts lying I am shilling for the clinic and think this clinic is the only one that can cure me. In fact, I am booked with Dr Turan next year. 


I am going over and over and I don’t understand what have I done wrong here to deserve a ban. Literally being abused, mocked and abusive nicknames hurled towards me yet you ban me with the reason “Abusive behaviour”.

I don’t think I am wrong to say that this is because I am a sub-human Pakistani. I felt a certain racism and change in attitude when I mentioned my location few months ago. This confirms it 100%. It’s literally you telling me I am at fault for being abused and I should’ve accepted abuse without complaining and retorting because I am a subhuman Pakistani.

Let’s put it in perspective. If I was black, American and a racial slur was hurled towards me, you would be apologising, the whole forum would be apologising. A ban is out of question towards me, RTC would be banned forever and you would put some sort of statement. 

I just keep going over and over, RTC has literally admitted to abusing me, Z has admitted to abusing me because I was talking about an unknown clinic that isn’t recommended by this forum. And I get a ban?? 

It’s fine. As a Pakistani you get used to the racism and being treated like sub-human from Americans even Arabs are notorious for treating my countrymen like crap. Still it hurts and I feel sad and depressed because I thought this forum was different and friendly and I trusted my info here. That hurts the most, the broken trust.

You banned a victim (me)for abusive behaviour while the offenders have admitted to hurling abuses towards me publicly. You have seen those posts before deleting them. This is why I made the thread because somehow subconsciously I knew I would be treated like trash, they would get away with it and people should see the abuses I was subjected to, hurts to be proven right


Making another account is a big no-no. Its defeats the purpose of a ban which is the punishment you were given. Please respect that as RTC will do the same.

I sent you a private message on your main account, you have the misconception that we dislike you because of a particular group you associate you with. This is untrue and I have a prepared you a message willing to explain the circumstances that you are in.

12+ Months Finasteride + Minoxidil

3872 FUE w/ Dr Hasson | November 2022

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