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19M and desperately want a hair transplant, am I missing something?

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The odd thing a bout my hair that I have yet to figure out is if I actually have MPB. I looked at pictures when I was 12-13 and my hairline was very far back, it could be that I simply have a far back hairline, or that I have a far back hairline and MPD. My dad and grandpa both have thinning on crown and front of hairline. 

I started paying attention to my looks when I was 16 and noticed that my hairline started really far back. So I did a lot of research and started minoxidil when I was 17 and finasteride 6 months after. After this, nothing has happened, I've never had thinning, and my hairline has remained static. 

I used to be fat and was born with a jaw defect, I had a surgery to fix my jaw and it turned out amazing, I also started working out and I'm now as fit as I have ever been. The combination of the success of the surgery and me getting fit skyrocketed my confidence. I've worn caps/beanies for the last 2-3years and my hair is really the big thing still holding me back. 

Therefore I really want to do a hair transplant. I understand the risks of getting transplants while young but how likely is it that I will thin/recede? I feel like I was very early in starting fin and because I've had no negative signs so far it feels unlikely. I know its hard to judge over just pictures, but how many grafts would I do If I were to do a HT?

Regardless of what I do I would love some input on this because I was recommended this forum and the people here seem trustworthy. Attached pictures of my hairline below.

Looking forward to some answers! Thanks






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you are way too young for a HT. I am sorry nature has been so cruel to you. 

If your hair is really a matter of life and death I'm sure you can find a seedy unethical doctor to give you a HT right now. 

But A) you will be lucky if you aren't botched B) 100% certainty with your level of MPB you will be chasing many more HT's throughout your 20s. 

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I have to agree totally with @HappyMan2021. Stay on the medication that you are on now. Your hair loss pattern has not been established and at only 19 things ‘could’ change dramatically over the next few years. Don’t make the mistake I made at your age and live for decades to regret it. All the best. 

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Sorry to say that you are too young.  I'd look into rocking some hair styles that own the fact that you have a mature hairline.  

As to why... well, you are going to keep losing hair for the rest of your life.  It could be a lot, or it could be a little.  You look like you are Norwood 3, heading to Norwood 4.  I don't think you'd find a high quality surgeon that would operate on you at all, so chances are, if you did find someone willing to operate, you'll end up botched.

Forget about it, revisit the idea again in 10-15 years.  And as for the whole confidence thing.  Own your hairstyle.  For what it's worth, when I first shaved my head at Norwood 5, girls used to come up and rub it, which was a great way of meeting them.  You don't even have to shave it because you are way better off than I was. Girls will sleep with you because you look older sometimes.  Not everyone likes the same thing. You never know.  Don't let your hair hold you back.

Edited by MisterBreakfast
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It's possible that finasteride and minoxidil have stopped the progression of hair loss. Although you cannot be certain because it's hard to notice a loss in hair thickness across the head until it's decreased by about 50% of original. The truth is that it is still high-risk to do a HT right now because if you have the MPB genes, the next couple years could yield the most aggressive loss. Finasteride and minoxidil should help prevent that, but just stick to it. You still have a lot of hair and you need to give it a few years to make sure it's going to stay there before doing a hair transplant in the hairline zone. 

I understand the feeling completely. Trust me, the patience will pay off. Give it 2-3 years from today and then see. If you retain everything you have, or somehow lose it all (unlikely for you), then you can begin the HT process at that time.

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OP, life can be cruel but i have to say you're doing great by doing alp the things you have done so far to boost yourself up by getting fitter and managing to get the surgery done. That said, you also have done well to find this forum and not get dragged down by your insecurity to already get taken advantage of by a hair mill. 

However, and this is where some harder to accept realities will come into play. It seems like you were born with a higher hairline and also it recedes in terms of the design around the temporal area. I understand why this would bother you because even though it was completely natural, it may give you an older looking appearance or not be seen as the ideal "boxed" shape you probably see most other teens with. 

To me, you've done the right thing by starting Finasteride to help prevent any future progression of male pattern baldness, however you need to stay on that for as long as possible and till you get to around 23 at least, maybe even 25. Most ethical doctors generally don't like to touch people under 25 and unless you can clearly show good response to medication and lack of hair loss progression, you'd also find it hard to find a good ethical doctor willing to help. So i know it sucks, but right now is a good opportunity to do one of two things. 

#1 and imo the most important. Start saving up. A good clinic and doctor can cost money and in the long term, it's a better investment to pay a bit more money for safety and security with a good clinic. 

#2 is manage your hairline concerns with different hairstyles. Typically guys with a higher hairline benefit from different hairstyles. In fact, i'll use Harry Styles as an example and see what's worked for him to guide you. Usually shorter hair and more compact styling options work well, but also you can keep a longer hairstyle with strategic styling to hide the temporal areas. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
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i’m in a similar situation as you and i’m 18. since we both are experiencing hair loss at such a young age. let you know my plan, which i think would benefit you. my plan is to stay on finasteride 1mg for about 2 years, and im going to be starting lose dose oral minoxidil 1.25-2.5mg as well. after the two years, in which i’ll be 20, which is still not old enough to get a transplant imo, i’ll add dutasteride if i deem it necessary but also just because our hairloss can be seen as more agressive, so it’s best if you use the best treatments possible. then, stay on dutasteride for 2 years at which i’ll be 22 where i plan on looking to learn and consult with a hair transplant specialist, so that by the time the operation comes around, depending on who i go to, ill be 23 or 24. not the best time, but a reasonable time that i hope theyd be ok with, especially if the hairloss stabilized.

Edited by demezz2
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3 hours ago, demezz2 said:

i’m in a similar situation as you and i’m 18. since we both are experiencing hair loss at such a young age. let you know my plan, which i think would benefit you. my plan is to stay on finasteride 1mg for about 2 years, and im going to be starting lose dose oral minoxidil 1.25-2.5mg as well. after the two years, in which i’ll be 20, which is still not old enough to get a transplant imo, i’ll add dutasteride if i deem it necessary but also just because our hairloss can be seen as more agressive, so it’s best if you use the best treatments possible. then, stay on dutasteride for 2 years at which i’ll be 22 where i plan on looking to learn and consult with a hair transplant specialist, so that by the time the operation comes around, depending on who i go to, ill be 23 or 24. not the best time, but a reasonable time that i hope theyd be ok with, especially if the hairloss stabilized.

I think this is a very mature and smart idea. As someone who is 25 I still think I’m fairly young for anything but it doesn’t hurt to explore the options in your mid 20s. The problem is many man don’t try medications for a couple years and just do HT think it is the final cure. I’ve seen many regrowth cases with just meds. I’d say by 25-27 range you are a potential candidate and anything after 28 if you have seemed to stabilize in meds then you become a very serious candidate.

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4 hours ago, JoDimaggio22 said:

I think this is a very mature and smart idea. As someone who is 25 I still think I’m fairly young for anything but it doesn’t hurt to explore the options in your mid 20s. The problem is many man don’t try medications for a couple years and just do HT think it is the final cure. I’ve seen many regrowth cases with just meds. I’d say by 25-27 range you are a potential candidate and anything after 28 if you have seemed to stabilize in meds then you become a very serious candidate.

yea i agree, however, i also believe your mid-late twenties should be spent doing things u love without having to worry about hair loss, so if you can, and your hair loss is too bothersome, id get a transplant. rn i’m working in the medical field under my parents, making money, and by the time i turn 25 i hope to have had a transplant and ready to do things further in life, like acting and such as it’s something ive always wanted to do. whether or not it just becomes a hobby or an actual job doesn’t matter, i’ll have the confidence to do things i always wanted to and in the meantime, i’ll make money and build confidence in other ways 

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6 minutes ago, demezz2 said:

yea i agree, however, i also believe your mid-late twenties should be spent doing things u love without having to worry about hair loss, so if you can, and your hair loss is too bothersome, id get a transplant. rn i’m working in the medical field under my parents, making money, and by the time i turn 25 i hope to have had a transplant and ready to do things further in life, like acting and such as it’s something ive always wanted to do. whether or not it just becomes a hobby or an actual job doesn’t matter, i’ll have the confidence to do things i always wanted to and in the meantime, i’ll make money and build confidence in other ways 

I can respect that. It all comes down to stabilizing. That’s why so many on here including some doctors are against doing an HT under 25 if not 30. There is the risk you further bald. So even though you may view it as the ends to the hair loss more then likely it won’t be the last hair transplant if you are balding more. One may get one at 25 and then need another at 33. I understand your point though but at 19 hair loss is just beginning. Most men I know had great hair until 24 or so then lost very bad ground from 24-28. Some where even on fin. That’s why waiting is always safer than having it early because you want to enjoy your life later! But I haven’t seen your case and the limited photo I did see appeared you had a great head of hair. So I wouldn’t worry about HT until someone gets to like Norwood 3 level

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15 minutes ago, JoDimaggio22 said:

I can respect that. It all comes down to stabilizing. That’s why so many on here including some doctors are against doing an HT under 25 if not 30. There is the risk you further bald. So even though you may view it as the ends to the hair loss more then likely it won’t be the last hair transplant if you are balding more. One may get one at 25 and then need another at 33. I understand your point though but at 19 hair loss is just beginning. Most men I know had great hair until 24 or so then lost very bad ground from 24-28. Some where even on fin. That’s why waiting is always safer than having it early because you want to enjoy your life later! But I haven’t seen your case and the limited photo I did see appeared you had a great head of hair. So I wouldn’t worry about HT until someone gets to like Norwood 3 level

yea u right, but tbh i really don’t see the problem w having to get another transplant if needed, or even not, like i’m desperate for just a good hairline that if the rest of my hair started to thin (behind the transplanted hair) i wouldnt mind near as much, id just comb it back, or use fibers. how i feel is that even if you’ll lose all of your hair by 35 if u got a transplant at 24, atleast u can be confident enough to chase all ur dreams. again this is just my case bc i’ve had a bad hairline since like 13 so its all i ever wanted 😭 im ok w all my other looks, i just need to fix my hair, hopefully it thickens more and gets better on oral min and fin and i can get a transplant to finally get rid of the worry, if even ill have to worry about getting another one, thats ok w me, i’ll just have to make the money to do it again. 

anyways, but yea stabilizing is most important for people who save up the money and are seeing it as a long-term investment, etc. but for me, and probably others, i see it as a way to make me feel happy rn and ill figure out the rest if i need to

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1 minute ago, demezz2 said:

yea u right, but tbh i really don’t see the problem w having to get another transplant if needed, or even not, like i’m desperate for just a good hairline that if the rest of my hair started to thin (behind the transplanted hair) i wouldnt mind near as much, id just comb it back, or use fibers. how i feel is that even if you’ll lose all of your hair by 35 if u got a transplant at 24, atleast u can be confident enough to chase all ur dreams. again this is just my case bc i’ve had a bad hairline since like 13 so its all i ever wanted 😭 im ok w all my other looks, i just need to fix my hair, hopefully it thickens more and gets better on oral min and fin and i can get a transplant to finally get rid of the worry, if even ill have to worry about getting another one, thats ok w me, i’ll just have to make the money to do it again. 

anyways, but yea stabilizing is most important for people who save up the money and are seeing it as a long-term investment, etc. but for me, and probably others, i see it as a way to make me feel happy rn and ill figure out the rest if i need to

Totally understand that. You said your hair has been like that since 13? May not be balding could just be widows peak since it looks like Norwood 1.5-2. You have incredibly thick hair though so it probably is fairly easy to hide. But I agree confidence is important. And why the industry exists for the most part. If the world was more universally accepting of bald men I feel there would be more just accepting hair loss. Anyways yes with the routine you have keep it up and by 25 you could easily have an Ht if you have stabled. But my advice as a friend and someone who wants to see you gain confidence is don’t jump on a hair transplant at 19-20. Wait 4-5 more years atleast if not more. Of course I can’t tell you when to get one but the sooner is usually not the better. I think if you wait you’ll find out exactly what you want and won’t wast grafts doing it. Your confidence will definitely come.

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8 hours ago, JoDimaggio22 said:

Totally understand that. You said your hair has been like that since 13? May not be balding could just be widows peak since it looks like Norwood 1.5-2. You have incredibly thick hair though so it probably is fairly easy to hide. But I agree confidence is important. And why the industry exists for the most part. If the world was more universally accepting of bald men I feel there would be more just accepting hair loss. Anyways yes with the routine you have keep it up and by 25 you could easily have an Ht if you have stabled. But my advice as a friend and someone who wants to see you gain confidence is don’t jump on a hair transplant at 19-20. Wait 4-5 more years atleast if not more. Of course I can’t tell you when to get one but the sooner is usually not the better. I think if you wait you’ll find out exactly what you want and won’t wast grafts doing it. Your confidence will definitely come.

thanks man, yea fs id wait until 22/23 atleast, but ultimately would want to wait as long i can.

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On 10/29/2022 at 11:50 PM, Blane123 said:

If I were you I'd consider taking oral minoxidil and dutasteride to maximize regrowth

Im currently on 1mg fin a day and do 3 sprays on each temple of minoxidil once a day, before bed. 

If I wanted to maximize regrowth what exactly should I do? Switch from topical to oral min and also switch to dut from fin? Should I combine with microneedling/derma-rolling?

I'm thinking about getting a haircut in the coming months before I start college and would love to maximize the amount of hairs.


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40 minutes ago, kingjohnny321 said:

Im currently on 1mg fin a day and do 3 sprays on each temple of minoxidil once a day, before bed. 

If I wanted to maximize regrowth what exactly should I do? Switch from topical to oral min and also switch to dut from fin? Should I combine with microneedling/derma-rolling?

I'm thinking about getting a haircut in the coming months before I start college and would love to maximize the amount of hairs.


Oral Minoxidil + a DHT Blocker (Finasteride/Dutasteride) is already a really strong combination and if you respond well you would be a candidate for a HT

You look to be about a Norwood 2. I don't think your hair right now is actually detrimental to your looks or anything but it might be something to monitor for future.

You need to know the risks if you were to get a HT, I got one at a age people would say way to young (22), but my hair loss was severe, my balding pattern was obvious and I responded well to medications (regrowth) so I know where I would end up if I'm careless. I was able to plan ahead and actively knew what was in store for me. Your current level of hairloss doesn't say where you will end up, you could always be a Norwood 2, you could end up a Norwood 7. You won't know for now. If you were to get a hair transplant you would need a high amount of grafts to match your current density so around 1500-2000. If you were then to bald to a Norwood 6 level those 2000 wouldn't of been properly utilized to get you a balanced head of hair for a Norwood 6 case.

Go on medications for a few years, maybe check your hair under a microscope if you really aren't sure if you have MPB. In the end the key to have a head of hair for life is to be certain you have stabilized your loss and have transplant while keeping in mind the possibility of further balding and to address the areas of concern accordingly.


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12+ Months Finasteride + Minoxidil

3872 FUE w/ Dr Hasson | November 2022

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2 hours ago, mister_25 said:

Go on medications for a few years, maybe check your hair under a microscope if you really aren't sure if you have MPB. 


Thanks for the good response!

Is there actually any way to check with a microscope if you have MPB? 

And I feel like I'm in a very optimal position in regards to being young and getting a HT, been on fin for close to 2 years now(I'm 20 now), been on min for 3 years. My hairline has not moved much since 13. The strange thing is that I have no thinning on crown, or DUPA. My hair is pretty thick and I have a decent amount on the rest of my head, as you can see in the pictures. My recession is like hyper-localized on my temples. It's strange, but I prefer receded temples over diffuse thinning to be honest.

How is your HT so far? Has there been any issues considering you did it fairly young? And did you find a good doctor to do it, considering the better ones usually don't do young people?

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13 hours ago, kingjohnny321 said:

Thanks for the good response!

Is there actually any way to check with a microscope if you have MPB? 

And I feel like I'm in a very optimal position in regards to being young and getting a HT, been on fin for close to 2 years now(I'm 20 now), been on min for 3 years. My hairline has not moved much since 13. The strange thing is that I have no thinning on crown, or DUPA. My hair is pretty thick and I have a decent amount on the rest of my head, as you can see in the pictures. My recession is like hyper-localized on my temples. It's strange, but I prefer receded temples over diffuse thinning to be honest.

How is your HT so far? Has there been any issues considering you did it fairly young? And did you find a good doctor to do it, considering the better ones usually don't do young people?

You can see miniaturised hairs on a microscope, they will look thinner, smaller compared to your normal “terminal” hairs.

You can always consult with the best surgeons and see if they will take you on as a case, but you should always know the risks, and surgery is a last resort. I was on Fin/Min for 2 years and stabilised with some good regrowth that but it took me no further from where I was. At the end of the day, all people of all ages share the same gamble of HTs, a 30 year old Norwood 2 could be a 40 year old Norwood 4. A 40 year old Norwood 3 could end up being a 45 year old Norwood 6. It’s just that the younger you are the more hair you have, and the more hair you have the more grafts you will need to use in a smaller area, so if you bald behind the transplanted area it will look unnatural and your graft usage isn’t maximised for the future.

My HT is only just beginning, I’m only at the start. I found a elite doctor that I was confident in and who thought I was a good candidate for a HT given my use of medication and a collection of photos showing I’ve stabilised on medication.

12+ Months Finasteride + Minoxidil

3872 FUE w/ Dr Hasson | November 2022

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6 hours ago, mister_25 said:

My HT is only just beginning, I’m only at the start. I found a elite doctor that I was confident in and who thought I was a good candidate for a HT given my use of medication and a collection of photos showing I’ve stabilised on medication.

Oh wow I should have checked your post history, didn't know you just got it done! It looks super good so far.

One of the biggest takeaways from HT advice on this site is that it's not worth to be a cheapskate. You basically pay for how good your hair is going to be for the duration of your life, so it seems like the last thing you should cheap out on. And Hasson and Wong are expensive but from what I've heard and seen they are the best.

Would you recommend that clinic to a norwood 2 or 3 like me with no thinning? Or do they mostly focus on higher norwood cases?


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11 minutes ago, kingjohnny321 said:

Oh wow I should have checked your post history, didn't know you just got it done! It looks super good so far.

One of the biggest takeaways from HT advice on this site is that it's not worth to be a cheapskate. You basically pay for how good your hair is going to be for the duration of your life, so it seems like the last thing you should cheap out on. And Hasson and Wong are expensive but from what I've heard and seen they are the best.

Would you recommend that clinic to a norwood 2 or 3 like me with no thinning? Or do they mostly focus on higher norwood cases?


Take a look at @Axels case, I think you two have similar baselines.

I would say find a surgeon that works for you. I was impressed with Freitas, Couto and Pinto for lower Norwood’s. 

Its not only about being a cheapskate, you gotta have realistic expectations and plan for the future. Never limit yourself to budget and geography.

12+ Months Finasteride + Minoxidil

3872 FUE w/ Dr Hasson | November 2022

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On 12/12/2022 at 6:07 AM, Big Rome said:

looks really good! do you perm your transplanted hair? 


18 minutes ago, mister_25 said:

Take a look at @Axels case, I think you two have similar baselines.

I would say find a surgeon that works for you. I was impressed with Freitas, Couto and Pinto for lower Norwood’s. 

Its not only about being a cheapskate, you gotta have realistic expectations and plan for the future. Never limit yourself to budget and geography.

I think our hairlines are similar, but I would keep in mind that he's 19 and I'm 31. That's a huge difference in age. Right now, since OP is waiting, I can't recommend enough a shorter hairstyle. Having long hair exacerbates the issue. With shorter hair, I NEVER had anyone say anything or had any issues with girls etc. It really doesn't look bad, honestly. It was mostly just a minor complaint for me that I wanted fixed since the cost to do so would be less than 10% of my savings. Give the haircut a try while you're saving/waiting and see if it doesn't change your opinion first, then you could wait several years before "needing" to do anything. I'm not saying give up on surgery, but no need to rush it. 👍🏻

Edited by Axel
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9 hours ago, Axel said:


I think our hairlines are similar, but I would keep in mind that he's 19 and I'm 31. That's a huge difference in age. Right now, since OP is waiting, I can't recommend enough a shorter hairstyle. Having long hair exacerbates the issue. With shorter hair, I NEVER had anyone say anything or had any issues with girls etc. It really doesn't look bad, honestly. It was mostly just a minor complaint for me that I wanted fixed since the cost to do so would be less than 10% of my savings. Give the haircut a try while you're saving/waiting and see if it doesn't change your opinion first, then you could wait several years before "needing" to do anything. I'm not saying give up on surgery, but no need to rush it. 👍🏻

Wouldn’t this end up looking worse with a receding hairline because you’d no longer have the length on top to cover bald spots, give illusion of density etc? 

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22 hours ago, Axel said:


I think our hairlines are similar, but I would keep in mind that he's 19 and I'm 31. That's a huge difference in age. Right now, since OP is waiting, I can't recommend enough a shorter hairstyle. Having long hair exacerbates the issue. With shorter hair, I NEVER had anyone say anything or had any issues with girls etc. It really doesn't look bad, honestly. It was mostly just a minor complaint for me that I wanted fixed since the cost to do so would be less than 10% of my savings. Give the haircut a try while you're saving/waiting and see if it doesn't change your opinion first, then you could wait several years before "needing" to do anything. I'm not saying give up on surgery, but no need to rush it. 👍🏻

Oh wow, I checked your posts and we have very similar hairlines! Mine is slightly more receded but very similar in terms of shape. I'm 20 now and I think I'm going to wait at least 2 years before I start contacting HT clinics.

In regards to haircut, I have pretty long hair right now, around 15 inches. And it's definitely not helping with receded temples. My hair is normally wavy, close to curly, but now that my hair is longer it's making my hair almost straight. Which is really bad for "hiding" recession. Going to get a haircut for the first time in 3 years very soon, any suggestions on shorter haircuts that you tried before your HT that worked well? Any hair products that you would recommend after I get the haircut?


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3 hours ago, kingjohnny321 said:

Oh wow, I checked your posts and we have very similar hairlines! Mine is slightly more receded but very similar in terms of shape. I'm 20 now and I think I'm going to wait at least 2 years before I start contacting HT clinics.

In regards to haircut, I have pretty long hair right now, around 15 inches. And it's definitely not helping with receded temples. My hair is normally wavy, close to curly, but now that my hair is longer it's making my hair almost straight. Which is really bad for "hiding" recession. Going to get a haircut for the first time in 3 years very soon, any suggestions on shorter haircuts that you tried before your HT that worked well? Any hair products that you would recommend after I get the haircut?


I think you're making the right choice. You're right though, 15 inches would draw attention for sure. I think when it's shorter, people don't "look" for the classic hiding of a receding hairline, and it's just more natural and it doesn't even register with people. As far as product, I use a Redkin Brews working paste. I'd talk to a hair stylist and see what they think for a good haircut. I go with a short on the sides and slightly longer on top type of fade myself. I like it because you can mess with the length until it looks right. Good luck!

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