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Best country for male hair transplant with affordable prices

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The almighty dollar at it again.  

Doctors with good reputation, ha! The sad thing about this industry, it's not regulated.  Any doctor can do this.  All they have to do is read up on hair restoration and they can be in business the next day with zero experience.  Do you realize, at least in the US, there are only 6 places that offer a Fellowship in hair?  I'd bet doctors coming into the industry don't even realize such a program exists. And now you have equipment manufacturers approaching doctors who have no clue about transplants.  "We'll sell you the equipment and send the techs.  All you have to do is stay in your office, read books, watch TV, we'll take care of everything." Techs practicing medicine.  Sad.  

It's standard practice for the doctor to be in charge of the surgical part of the procedure.  He will make the sites, for example, in the angle and direction matching the native hair.  The Clinical staff will then take the grafts and put them in.  They can only go in one way, the way the doctor made the aperture.  If you were to have the doctor do the placing, you'll be there for a week.  Sure the cost would be astronomical.  

Search for Fellowship trained doctors with plenty of experience.  Then look at photos of results, particularly those completed in a single procedure.  

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Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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2 hours ago, John1973 said:

Hi I'm looking for the best advice on getting a hair transplant in Europe. I was looking at Turkey and Poland. I am looking for information on Doctor's and Doctor's who have the a good reputation and do the surgery themselves 

Europe has some solid options but affordable imo depends entirely on your requirements and budget. If i had to be honest, hair transplants are something a lot of people have to save up for and take medication in the mean time to hold on to what you have. I don't recommend going "cheap" and compromising on the quality. There's a balance to be struck for sure but good quality and low prices are rarely bed fellows. That's why you see all the disasters from hair mills. 

I would honestly urge you to try and basically review your requirements, who is best suited and then try to accommodate the budget or wait and grow it. 

Things are tough for sure and arguably getting worse but we shouldn't rush for the cheapest option and compromise something we will be living with for quite some time. 

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Never let cost be the deciding factor, choose by results first and foremost. Use our list as a starting point for research


You can get quotes from doctors who's work impresses you, then you will find out which ones are within your budget. Lastly, good work ain't cheap, and cheap work ain't good. There's a difference between affordable and cheap. There are plenty of great affordable surgeons, but they're not gonna be the cheapest.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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The best country? Why it’s the country you live in so you don’t have to travel far and get it done conveniently and cheap. But very few of us are that lucky, huh.

By number of good clinics, the best country for HTs have to be Turkey but there are also a lot of hairmills you can succumb to and destroy your hairs so there’s that.

Yeah there’s no best country. Very few good clinics scattered all around the world and have to spend a lot of money to travel 😔

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like the poster above me said.

if you want the "HT capital of the world", it's turkey. but picking clinic at random in turkey would lead you to a hair mill due to marketing.

same thing like how people try to get treated of their sickness in singapore, america, german, etc etc. just because the country have a leading expertise, doesn't mean all their docs are expert. there are more on those countries, yes, but there are also a ton more of unqualified one.

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