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Transmed HT - 4 Months update


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Some of you may know I had a HT with Dr.Kulahci back in September 09 (long story cut short all seemed to go well despite Dr.Kulahci "forgetting" to do the temple and a small patch on my hairline in my first HT so I was offered the chance to go back a few weeks later for a second FUE to correct things.. at my expense (hotel, return flight tickets + $500 for the op! I agreed as I was desperate to get the temple and the bald patch in the hairline covered)


A few weeks later and I was back in Istanbul. I chose to have this second HT with Dr. Emirali purely because FUE was his area of expertise and because Dr Kulahci wasn't available on the day. Frankly speaking the experience just wasn't the same as that of the first visit, Dr Emirali should have taken more time looking and evaluating the pictures before the operation. He told me the surgery was needless and it felt to me like he was trying to talk me out of having the surgery done, not that he physically looked at my temple but looked at the photos on his computer during the consultation and came to this decision. What didn't make sense was the fact that he should have told me this on the phone/e-mail prior to the surgery and was telling me I didn't need the op on the day of the surgery? I presumed this would have been discussed between the two doctors as Dr.Kulahci advised me on coming back for this second procedure.


I told him many times during the consultation that the area that was bothering me the most aside from the temple was a small bald patch mid hairline and I wanted few grafts there (see pics). He agreed and after drawing the new hairline (small patch) and the temple there seemed to be a problem. When I previously discussed this with Dr.Kulahci she told me that in order to get a natural look in the temple region she will lower the hairline slightly towards the temple ??“ she did mark this prior to the surgery and looked just like what I wanted - but Dr.Emirali dismissed this when I mentioned it to him and instead scribbled a triangular shape on the temples.. I just couldn't see how this was going to give a natural look but will instead end up looking like a patch stuck on since there was receding in the temple and the hairs were very fine and fuzzy.


Everything just didn't seem right up until this point as he wasn't paying much attention to my apprehension regarding the procedure, I had questions that needed clarification but I wasn't getting answers, even asking him what size punch he will be using to extract the grafts seemed like a wrong thing to ask as he just looked at me with a serious face and asked me why I asked that question??


After few photos he led me to the operating room but I just wasn't comfortable with the whole thing and should have bailed out at this point! He put me in an awkward position (forehead resting on a rolled towel where I was having trouble breathing) and injected local anaesthetic to the donor area. I know the injection does sting from my first procedure with Dr.Kulahci but she did her best and was being very gentle with the needle thus the pain was bearable but I was literally crying in pain in his hands. He was just fierce with the needle and had no concern whatsoever with the tremendous pain I was going through, he was literally stabbing me in the back of the head with the needle and I could feel it poking my skull. After the painful ordeal he extracted ~ 600 grafts, I was hoping that he will at least place some of the grafts himself but all he then did was open the channels and the rest was done by the 2 nurses. He would pop in every 30mins or so to check up and go back. Once the surgery was over I looked at the mirror and to my surprise he had forgotten the patch on the hairline.. dejavu! I just couldn't believe any of this was happening.. at least get it right the second time! The bald area in the frontal hairline is still there and instead he placed more grafts on the upper area where I already had grafts from my first op. He might have damaged the existing grafts since it seems like the hairs in that particular areas is more scarce compared to other parts.


The whole experience was a big disappointment from the start to the end. I expressed my anger to Mr.Taner and being very drowsy I don't remember what he told me since nothing he said eased my disappointment..


I have spoken to Bill a number of times after the surgery (really appreciate your help Bill) and he kindly spoke to Taner on my behalf in order to find out why things happened the way they did. I have since spoken to Taner and he has agreed to call me towards May/June as I should see 90% growth by then.

Maybe I should have waited until summer before writing this and although I'm still 4 months into the op, anyone can tell that the work on the temple area just doesn't look right or will it after it has fully grown. It looks like I have hair glued to my temple and its growing in the wrong direction.. As for the results of the first procedure with Dr.Kulahci, well it still too early to comment but observing it closely every so often I can't see the transplanted hairs. There is no growth whatsoever and I don't think it's going to turn out like I anticipated! The FUT scar has also increased in size over the months and is visible even after a number 5 buzz. It hasn't fully healed and there are times when it still bleed and hurts.


Please see the photos and tell me what you think, I am angry and upset. I can't sleep thinking about it and the fact I have to wear a baseball cap in university to hide the temples. The area where the grafts were extracted looks very transparent and I feel the donor is also limited if I agree on a third procedure...


link to photos:


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Thanks for reminding us of your experience and keeping us up to date on your progress. Having talked to you and Taner on and off, I remember your case well.


So far, I don't see anything in your photos to be worried about. It's normal for transplanted hair to grow in patchy, sparse, and a bit wirey in the beginning. All in all, it really doesn't look bad at this stage either.


While I know the experience itself was displeasing to you, I encourage you to wait it out until you see what the results look like before evaluating them.


Try your best not to let your feelings of how your experience went make you worry too much about how the results will turn out.


Hang in there my friend. And if there's anything else I can do, let me know ok bro?



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Thanks Bill, you have been very helpful and supportive.


As I have mentioned on my post I cant comment on the work done by Dr.Kulakci since its still at the 4 mnth mark and no visible growth as yet however the transplanted hairs on the temple have really grown strong and realistically speaking it just seems obvious that regardless of the fuzznies the hairs are thick whereas the native hairs on the temple are very thin and light in color..


I can even see a few double hairs placed where they shouldnt have. Hope it does change with time but I cant see how the thickness/position of the grafts is going to change over time to give me a natural look?


Every time I look in the mirror its becoming more apparent that its never going to look right and this frustrates me icon_frown.gif

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I understand your frustration, but I think you really do need to do your best to relax for several more months before evaluating the result. You have already convinced yourself that the result isn't going to look right even though you are in the awkward stages of new growth and new growth to come.


Try to hang in there my friend. If there's anything I can do for you in the meantime, let me know ok?


Best wishes,



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Cheers Bill, your words are comforting . I will try and wait few more months and take it from there.. I've felt more pessimistic about the whole thing after seeing the closeup photos of the temple yesterday and thus felt the need to express my fear/experience on the forum icon_confused.gif hopefully the next few months to come will bring overall improvement



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Seen this a few times from Transmed, I really hope things work out for you. Dont really understand why you had to pay for the second time. Sounds like your second time was very scary, reminds me of my bad HT's, not nice memories.


I'm sure Bill will continue to help you and liase with Transmed to get a good outcome.


Good luck m8.

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cheers sparky, just have wait and see if things improve but how its looking at the moment i doubt it will.. I have faith in Transmed as I've had this discussion with Taner but obviously after my last experience I am not willing to go for a third HT. Just hope the end result is satisfactory.



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It seems really Bill you have to have a serious talk with transmed about their FUE procedures, so many complains about it.


Now we hear clippers story , and before him it was another horrible story from another patient that was literally disfigured.


Common Bill what are you waiting for at least address your concern in the forum that Transmed can't do FUE correctly or that you don't recommend FUE done by transmed?


Also I noticed that many who were cheer leading transmed who did the operation there, stopped posting their results, where did they go.

They all were so enthusiastic about how their procedures were done there, but then stopped posting their results, why is that?

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For the record, we recommend Dr. Kulahci on the Hair Transplant Network, not all of Transmed. It wasn't Dr. Kulahci who performed the FUE procedure.


That said, I'm quite aware of clipper's experience and situation and have discussed his concerns with him privately and with the clinic. At this point, while I understand clipper's concerns, it's prudent that he wait to see how his results turn out before moving forward.


I'm sorry if you don't think I've done enough here, but for now, waiting is the best course of action.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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have been away so couldn't reply.. I agree with you Bill, the right thing at this time, regardless of how things are looking with the temples is to be optimistic and wait another couple of months before I evaluate the final results.


Although unlikely it all may be, there just may be some light at the end of the tunnel icon_confused.gif

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To me this doesn't look bad at all... But I'm no expert. I know I myself experienced some early growth, for most people it takes longer to come in.


Maybe it would help if you could upload some pictures where you've circled the bits you aren't happy with, and others with how you'd like them to be.



Also I noticed that many who were cheer leading transmed who did the operation there, stopped posting their results, where did they go.

They all were so enthusiastic about how their procedures were done there, but then stopped posting their results, why is that?


I think you might be talking about me. I just uploaded some new pics.




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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi Clipper (and Hunky Monkey).


I wondered if you had any more feedback on your surgery with Transmed.


I am considering booking with them, and have been scouring the web for reviews.


Clipper's review is not great - though to me it looks ok?


Also slightly worried after reading about Woody's experience, and the lack of a statement from Transmed afterwards.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi guys,


I have been away for a while so couldn't reply back to any comments.


Firstly HunkyMonkey, please take a look at the new photos I have uploaded, the areas where I was initially concerned about are circled.


Albion71, if you think the results look ok please take a second look at the new pictures and tell me your second thoughts..


I'll let the pictures do the talking.. Also if you have a look at the frontal picture before the second procedure and after, it looks to me like during the second procedure on the frontal area Dr. Emirali damaged the grafts placed 2 weeks prior to the surgery by Dr. Kulahci, thus that region looks very scarce..


The areas where the grafts were extracted for the temples are very sparse as he extracted too many grafts from the same region from the back of my head.


I am just not happy with the work done by the last surgeon and feel let down by Dr.Kulahci for not getting it right in the first place (see before posts) thus having to go through this dilemma..























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well, after looking at those pics I for one would not be happy with this either. There is absolutely no excuse for a doctor to mis angle hairs as they have done in your case. Its the most basic and critical part of a HT to get right. who cares if the yield is great or the design of the hairline is great. If the hairs are all misangled it will still look un-natural and wrong.


I wouldnt go back to these guys. My personal opinion is you should get a full refund so you can go to someone reputable and caring to fix it up. Maybe you could have another FUT and fix the scar up at the same time.


And the yield looks poor too. But ok give it a bit longer if you have to, to prove your case,but overall you have a right to be unhappy at this stage....cheers



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Clipper, I feel sorry about your situation.


Its a shame a Doctor recommended here getting this much of a 'Mis-Angle'.


See what you can do man, contact Transmed and see how they compensate or fix the problem for you.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you only 6 months out from surgery?


Also, in looking back at the photos you sent me, your hair does apear to be improved so far.


In all honesty, I suspect that you won't be truly happy with your results even when they fully grow out in terms of density. Given the level of balding you appear to have, you will most likely require at least another procedure.


I know you are disappointed in Dr. Kulahci's misunderstanding of your goals. However, I encourage you to speak to the clinic with your concerns and see what they say. I also encourage you to wait until your hair transplant fully matures before being overly concerned and evaluating your results.


Best wishes,



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I want to further add that the temple areas you circled in your last post appear to be longer and combed forward. I bet if you brushed them in a backward direction they would blend much more with your natural hair. Truthfully, I could do the same thing with my natural hair causing it to look out of place.


Best wishes,



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I have surgery planned on april the 26th with Dr. Kulahci. Clipper I think you should wait for another few months to fully evaluate the results. When the newly transplanted hairs mature you can judge the angulation better.

I do agree however with you on the FUE scarring and the way things have gone is not ideal to say the least.



Ultimate: The temple surgery is not performed by dr. Kulahci but by another surgeon of the same clinic. Only dr. Kulahci is recommended by this site.

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But dr kulahci missed a critical area in the front. then the same clinic missed it again. Sorry but the clinic as an organisation stands and falls on its worst practitioners...and from what I have seen here, I consider them incompetent....I mean how do you "forget" to do the front of the front....and twice??? come on....most important area people...and i dont think clipper has brushed the temple forward......its hard to brush hair in the way its not designed to go unless you grow it real long and even then its hard. ok with gel or something you can but you shouldnt have to use gel. I would be pissed but clipper has been very restrained I feel.......



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Just to clear any misunderstanding, I have just taken some new photos straight out of bed with no combing whatsoever..


Bill I have brushed the temple all in the same direction so you get an idea as to the direction the new grafts have spurted out. I had a buzzcut few months back but the new grafts on the temple are just growing longer than the rest.


Please take time to evaluate the close-up pictures any if you require further evidence I can send you higher resolution photos. I am not trying anything here. On my last post you told me to give it few more months and then evaluate the results, well it has been over two months and still no improvement.. Maybe the hairs will mature but if you look at the photos it is very scarse and certain parts (towards the hairline) there are no grafts..


Everything I have said here is articulating my personal experience as this is the whole point of having the forum so people can share their experiences right?


As I have mentioned before I was told by Taner that he will be calling me early May as he suggested I will see 90% of growth by this time.. Maybe I was one of the unlucky ones, I don't know.


No Flash and no combing







Flash, closeup of right temple,. very scarse grwoth






no flash



again not much growth towards the hairline and big gaps with no grafts




After the second procedure where I had some grafts which im suspecting damaged the last ones



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I'm not accusing you of falsely representing your experience or photos. However, it's obvious in the photos I already commented on that the hair at the temples were combed forward while the rest was combed back. Also, taking additional photos after you get out of bed is also not very indicative of how your hair normally looks when styled.


I'm not trying to dismiss your concerns, but there are a few things you have to keep in mind.


1. You are only 6 months out from surgery, aren't you? Thus, on average, you should only be at 60% and next month 70%. While I suspect you'll need another procedure (with whomever you choose) to meet your goals, you still have more growth and thickening to come.


2. Hair transplant surgery is all about the art of illusion. The best hair transplant not combed and styled can appear thin, especially when it's not all that dense.


I honestly don't see major problems with your hair transplant however, I do see what looks like a little bit of redness and perhaps pimpling in the temples. I'm guessing this is because you are about to see new growth there. Also, your hair transplant isn't overly dense. But since you are only 6 months out, more growth and thickening is to come. As I said previously though, I suspect you'll need another procedure anyway to add density.


I did send an email to Dr. Kulahci and Transmed with your concerns, so I suspect they will be replying in the next couple of days.


In the meantime, I encourage you to hang in there and give your hair transplant the full 12 months it needs to mature.



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Just my opinion but I don't think this looks very good. It's pretty clear that no matter how you are combing them the angles are not the same as the native hair. That's a pretty basic thing to expect from an HT: that the doctor matches the HT hair with the natural direction of growth.

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Originally posted by Bill - Managing Publisher:



However, it's obvious in the photos I already commented on that the hair at the temples were combed forward while the rest was combed back.


Bill the rest was not combed back, that is the direction of my hair and this should have been taken into account when the grafts were placed as many have already mentioned, this is one of the main crucial part of a HT to get right and this obviously isn't the case. look at the fue scar on the back of my head, no sensible HT doctor would extract that many grafts from two small regions on the back of the head to transplant into a same size region in the temple.. Its just illogical!


the only way I can get the planted hairs to blend with the direction of the native hair is to use gel and hair spray icon_frown.gif


I will take your advice and wait for it to mature and in the mean time I will wait for Transmed's response.


Thankyou Bill and all the rest who have shown great concern.



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