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Support in selection of clinic for FUE

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Hey guys

I am 40+ and have spent a considerable amount of hours and weeks researching potential FUE clinics and Doctors throughout Europe and narrowed my search to the following options based on quotes and availability and I’d like to make a decision in the next few days.  

BHR Malaga Dr Alcaida

Dr Sikos Budapest

Dr Demirsoy Istanbul

Dr Keser Ankara

Hair palace Budapest

All others (like Drs Bisanga, Bicer, Pinto) didn’t qualify due to timing constraints. 

I would prefer the Options in Budapest due to my travel arrangements as it would avoid plane rides but there is not much information on results on them online in this and other forums. I found that Dr Sikos is highly rated in some online pages though but I am not sure. 

Obviously I am a bit apprehensive as HT is a critical procedure and it seems to be a minefield with so many options and I am keen to take the right decision and would appreciate feedback if possible. 

Thanks for your help. 

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Never ever choose a surgeon because they can fit you in faster. If you’ve been balding for 10+ years, what’s a couple of months or year. 

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Fair point but I feel everyone has a number of critical variables which affect their decision on a HT. For many it is purely cost driven. For some it is geographic. For others there are various factors in their life affecting and driving the decision. 
Unfortunately for most people it is not possible (at least for me) to have zero constraints.

In any case I’d appreciate feedback on my actual query regarding the Drs if possible. 

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I've never heard of Alcaida, Sikos, or Hair palace. 

One of my buddies on this forum went to Demirsoy and got a bad result. Not alot of good things to say about the clinic either. 

Never choose a clinic based on timing. Most really good doctors have a 3 month waiting list minimum, often much longer. 

Run for the hills if a doctor has super wide open availability and can fit all his patients in 6 weeks or less.

For what its worth, its really not that uncommon to book a long waiting time with an elite doctor, and get moved up due to someone in front of you cancelling for one reason or another. You should still inquire with the more popular docs, you might get lucky. 

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I am looking at an appointment in approx 2.5 months and there are not many slots available at all at those  nominated above.

Dr Alcaide - he is part of Dr Bisangas network and was trained by him as I understand it. 
Dr Sikos is on IHRS and recommended elsewhere. 

OK so the nominated Doctors wouldn’t be recommended so far. 

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