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Avoiding anaesthesia injection into forehead

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I have just been watching quite a few hair transplant surgeries to familiarise myself with the process and compare different surgical styles. In one video, the technician injected anaesthesia into the forehead to numb the frontal area i assume. This may sound ridiculous and trivial but i dont want any injections or needles piercing my forehead skin. I am very paranoid about marks and hyperpigmentation from injections. Can the injections for anaesthesia be placed in the top of the scalp rather than the forehead? 

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23 minutes ago, vib said:


I have just been watching quite a few hair transplant surgeries to familiarise myself with the process and compare different surgical styles. In one video, the technician injected anaesthesia into the forehead to numb the frontal area i assume. This may sound ridiculous and trivial but i dont want any injections or needles piercing my forehead skin. I am very paranoid about marks and hyperpigmentation from injections. Can the injections for anaesthesia be placed in the top of the scalp rather than the forehead? 

I had a hairline transplant and no anaesthesia was injected into my forehead - it was all above the hairline, or soon to be new hairline should I say. 

Anyway, very unlikely you would be permanently marked at an injection site. 

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The needles used to anesthetize are tiny and will leave no marks.  A procedure with no local is crazy.  I recall in one of my procedures there was an area they just forgot to numb - it was not fun.  This does bring up a point....Would the doctor even allow you to move fwd with no anesthetic? If he does, I am sure he'll be ready to inject as soon as you request it.  After he makes the first few sites - you'll be screaming for it.  

Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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Ask the doctor! So, say it takes 1000 grafts to reinforce the hairline.  You'd be OK with that? Not sure if I understand. Perhaps others can chime in. 

Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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sorry if i am not being clear. I just want to ensure that i dont have any injections going through my forehead. `i have no issue of injecting the anaesthesia any where else on the scalp to produce the numbing effect.

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It's making sense but it's not really that serious. If you'd rather the pain then go for it. I don't think it'd be unbearable. Maybe ask for extra relaxing meds. They are injecting the hairline. I guess depending on how low you go would depend on your forehead being involved.

You'll have to just tell your Dr. People here can't say how he/she performs surgery so just be clear with this request. I don't see the point but I can't see why it can't be accommodated either. 

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  • Senior Member
3 hours ago, vib said:


I have just been watching quite a few hair transplant surgeries to familiarise myself with the process and compare different surgical styles. In one video, the technician injected anaesthesia into the forehead to numb the frontal area i assume. This may sound ridiculous and trivial but i dont want any injections or needles piercing my forehead skin. I am very paranoid about marks and hyperpigmentation from injections. Can the injections for anaesthesia be placed in the top of the scalp rather than the forehead? 

Surgeons will anesthetize through the scalp and push the anesthetic to different areas. They don't go straight through your forehead. 

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To be honest, I don’t believe they inject the anesthetic directly into the forehead. They will put the needle into different areas of the scalp, sometimes maybe even into the frontal area but I don’t recall any can put directly into the forehead. Moreover, I’m sure if you discuss your concerns with your surgeon, they’ll be able to do something to alleviate your concern. Also, having had for hair transplants, I have absolutely no marks or scarring from the anesthetic. The only scarring is where the follicular units were taken.

I hope this helps 

Rahal Hair Transplant

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Is this a rational concern?

Do you have examples of patients reporting long-term marks and hyperpigmentation from the injections?

Facial Botox is delivered by injection on the forehead and around the eyes. I'm sure we would have heard of issues with botox injections if they were causing problems.

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