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FUE with Bisanga- 2389 fu. 1/14/22


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I am currently 1 day after my procedure with dr Bisanga in Brussels. I will stay in Brussels for 7 days post procedure to give donor and recipient a little time before travel. 

Ian has been a tremendous help during this time and everyone at the clinic has been very helpful. I’ve gone back today to have to donor bandaging removed and the donor cleaned by staff. 

the procedure day was quite long and through a combination of jet lag and Valium I slept most of the morning. We began at 7:30 am and concluded around 5:30 pm. The first night was quite rough attempting to sleep in a 45 degree position with pain and drainage and swelling. Hoping for some better sleep sooner than later.

I have been applying saline every 2 hours to the recipient and cream to the donor twice a day at this stage. 

total grafts were 2389

Will try and get some donor pics tomorrow 




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Congratulations on completing your procedure and great to see that you have started a thread that will no doubt provide some great support throughout the next weeks as your healing and shedding occurs and then in the following months as growth starts to show.

Sleeping in these initial days post op are not the most comfortable of nights and with lesser sleep, this can be quite frustrating and the nights can seem long, but before you know it you will be back to a normal position and sleeping like a baby.

Follow you post operative instructions as detailed and use your time in Brussels to really relax and recover and you will be heading home and back to your comforts in no time.

Thank you for your kind words, it has been a pleasure and it has only just begun. I look forward to following your updates over the next 12 months as Im sure many other will on the forum.

As always, any questions let me know and Im sure 2022 will be a good year for you.

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Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcH4PY1OxoYFwSDKzAkZRww

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • Senior Member

Really looks like they packed the grafts in for you. Density will be great it seems! Following your results as we are on a similar timeline. I'm currently 3 days post op. Good luck, I think you chose a great Dr.

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