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Avodart vs Propecia Results


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I noticed you had your most recent work with Hasson. What did he have to say about your Avodart usage? I used to notice a lot of guys coming away from Hasson and making the shift to Avodart. Not as much recently and I am curious if they have a strong opinion on Avodart vs Propecia. I noticed on Jotronics blog that he recently shifted back to propecia because he was not getting any real improved results from Avodart and was concerned about the sides. But he was a NW 6 before he had is work done and I, like yourself I believe, am more of a NW 3/4.


Just curious if HW gave you any input on this.

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Did you go through any type of tough phase when you initially went on Avodart. I am gearing up for a procedure at some point over the next 2-3 yrs. Had a few back in the early 90s but none since '94. My experience thusfar on Avodart has been interesting. Sides are not much to speak of, but I do feel I am shedding more. About 20-25 hrs in the towel each morning and hair does not feel like it is looking as good as prior to Avodart. I am wondering if this just the intitial shed phase people talk about with Avodart and that at the 6 month mark I will be happy to have stuck through it an not reverted back to propecia. Curious if you or anone else experienced something similar when you made the transition.

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In '02, when I was losing some due to propecia losing its effectiveness, I started taking avodart the week it came out. Around 6 wks later, I noticed my hair growing back to were it was prior to propecia losing its effectiveness. I did have seasonal shedding later down the road (1 year later), but it grew back and after the first few years of seasonal shedding, I don't have it now (maybe last 3 years, knock on wood). As to other sides, I didn't notice any when I made the switch.

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Thanks man. Obvioulsy I'm obsessing a bit right now having made the transition from being on fin so long. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. Hope your procedure is coming along well. I have HW and one other doc on my short list. Just need to find a window for a few months of post-op downtime.



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  • 3 weeks later...
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Just be careful about using dutasteride. I was an excellent responder to finisteride with almost no side effects. But after a few years I became tolerant.


About four years ago, I decided to try the duta after researching the side effects others were having. I had read of the massive shedding phases people were having on it so I was prepared. However, after a few weeks I started shedding far more than I expected. I was losing a LOT of hair. My hairline which had been stable for years receded about 1/2 inch and the hair all over my head started getting really thin. Even my facial hair and body hair started to thin significantly.


This might have subsided but it scared me too much so I stopped. It took months for the stuff to get out of my system and my hair finally returned to what it was before. The only difference is my temple area didn't quite come back to what it was.

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I've been on Dutasteride for a couple of weeks now, but I alternate between dutasteride and finasteride (day by day). I have not seen any side effects to speak of, but I will keep you informed.

take care...



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I decided to transition off of Avodart. I just never felt right once I started taking the drug. Physically felt tired most to of the time and mentally I was not as sharp. I think I shed more while on it, but given I was only on it for 2 months, not sure how that would have panned out. Also, I was always concerned about how this was going to effect me long term, so never felt comfortable on the drug. At 38, I am looking for something I can use for a long period of time. This was my second run with Avodart, and I am done with it. I am glad I gave it a shot, because I would have always been curious about it. But I am going to look for a longer term, healthier solution.



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  • Senior Member

i've been on avodart for over 2.5 years and i feel it is working better than propecia at stabalizing my h MPB; i felt i was slipping a little with propecia after 5 years; no sides either;

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I have to order my Proscar from CA with prescrip from HW. It's running about $70 and splitting the pills into 1/4s.


Since you don't split the Avodart, how much more expensive is that?


Also my dad was just recently diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, anyone know if taking Proscar/Avodart could help me avoid the same thing since I'm now at high risk for it? (I'm 29 now)

My Hair Loss Weblog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Victor Hasson

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