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 Medispa hair transplant clinic has changed my life and gave my confidence back. Frankly speaking, I am not a big fan of surgeries. In fact, I feel scared thinking of surgeries. I tried cap initially for hiding my hair loss but I was bored of the same look and in summers sweating is a big problem. So I got prosthetic hair. It wasn’t great but somehow I managed until people started commenting. People could find out that I am wearing something to hide baldness.

I was losing confidence which was affecting my work. So I had to make a move and find a natural looking and permanent hair loss treatment. I read about hair transplant but was looking for some alternative option. I met Dr Suneet Soni in the process of finding the treatment. I was never explained so transparently until then which changed my view for cosmetic surgeries.

I observed the previous surgeries performed by Dr Suneet Soni which were amazing and luring. I never thought that with hair transplant we can receive such good results. I am in a client facing job and getting a hair transplant was a boom to my career.

My job is very hectic and I don’t get much time for myself. In the midst of all, I was expecting that it would be difficult to manage getting a hair transplant surgery. But when I was being explained about the procedure it felt that it won’t be a big trouble.

In lockdown I was bit relaxed from my job due to work from home situation. I thought of getting the hair transplant at that time. When I checked on Medispa clinic for the protocols they are following for COVID 19 prevention, I was assured that the procedure is going to be safe. I was also tested for COVID 19 before making a move for hair transplant by Medispa. Somehow I trusted on their safety protocols and I was completely right which I am stating after experiencing it myself.

I consulted Dr Suneet Soni and received a lot of fruitful information regarding hair transplant. After gathering a lot of information, my view of hair transplant changed. I was assured after seeing the previous results that natural hairline and high density hair transplant is possible.

I discussed about how hair transplant can give me permanent results and the explanation I got from Dr Suneet Soni was very impressive. So in total, I believed the procedure and especially Medispa for hair transplant. I was concerned about the cost of the procedure but surprisingly it was quite affordable at Medispa clinic despite their reputation and global recognition. Finally, I settled on receiving hair transplant at medispa clinic under the expert hands of Dr Suneet Soni.

On the day of surgery, before performing the procedure tentative hairline was drawn by Dr Soni. I was amazed that he understood what kind of hairline I needed. He drew exactly what I expected as if he read my mind. Once the hairline was final, local anesthesia was administered which pained like few pinches or as if some ants were moving on my skin.

The procedure went for around 5 -6 hours and I was comfortable throughout the session. In fact, I was watching football the whole time on television. There were few tea breaks in between when I was served with delicious snacks, lunch and tea as per my preference.

It was altogether an amazing experience of hair transplant at Medispa clinic. I would rate it 10 on 10. The staff was courteous and generous which also looked very experienced to me. Dr Suneet Soni’s magical hands made this procedure extremely comfortable and smooth for me. I am indebted to Dr Suneet Soni and his incredible team for making my hair transplant a wonderful one.

It has been 5 months after the hair transplant. I am amazed to see such fast growth which is more than I expected. The hairline looks natural and hair growth looks dense. So after such fabulous experience I am surely going to recommend Dr Suneet Soni to the hair loss sufferers who are in search of the best surgeon for the procedure.

Take your decision wisely and you will be overwhelmed with hair transplant procedure.

will my pics updated soon!



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