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Post-op scab removal help

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  • Regular Member

Hey everyone! On the 14th I had 1500 grafts done at Eugenix (dedicated post to come soon) and have followed their post operation care guide to the T. I’m now at the point of my first head wash.

I followed their instructions regarding the head wash, soaking the recipient area with saline wash and shampoo for 20 minutes, but virtually none of the scabs came off - in fact many of them look like they’re still not even close to wanting to come off.

Is this normal? Should I try soaking again? I plan on contacting Eugenix later this evening (24 hour time difference), but I’m very concerned about doing this improperly and somehow damaging my grafts. Any input would be appreciated.

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  • Senior Member

@Rmp definitely wait until you speak with Eugenix before taking another go at it. What I've heard is applying conditioner to the recipient area and letting it sit for 15 to 20 minutes is better than just shampoo. @Melvin- Moderator has a great video that goes thru it. Check it out, but still hold off until you speak with Eugenix. 

Looking forward to following your journey brother! You are already in great shape coming from Eugenix.

Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!




Edited by MazAB
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Be careful about leaving any kind of shampoo on your head for 15 or 20 minutes. I'd go no more than 5 minutes, especially if your skin is typically sensitive or prone to dryness. You don't want to be unnecessarily irritating your skin when its trying to heal from any cleaning agents or other irritating or drying ingredients in the shampoo. 


And hair follicles get their nourishment from the connected blood vessels under the skin, they don't need 'room to breathe.'  Based on your post you got the procedure done on the 14th, that's 6 days ago. The grafts should be fairly secure, but you should still be careful about any kind of scrubbing. By day 10 the grafts will be secure. Take it easy until then.

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Hey everyone, thanks for the input - I heard back from Eugenix, they told me to wait another day before attempting another head wash. 

Been a couple days since then and I’ve been given the go ahead to shower normally. I haven’t done so yet (paranoid ) but went ahead and did a gentle rinse and noticed 6-8 small hairs in the sink, nothing attached to them though. Is this cause to be concerned?

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