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How To Avoid Corrective Surgery Don't Be A Hair Transplant Repair Patient-Dr. Pradeep Sethi

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There have been an overwhelming number of repair patients popping up on reddit, instagram, and other social media platforms. It's actually very alarming, while the lucky ones who stumble upon this forum become educated and often times choose quality surgeons, not everyone is so lucky. My question to you guys is how do we do better? How do we reach those young guys who are making the worst mistake of their lives. I would love to hear your guys thoughts.


How To Avoid Corrective Surgery Don't Be A Hair Transplant Repair Patient - Dr. Pradeep Sethi

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Huh Melvin, so difficult Q and difficult to answer simple... Hm, my opinion is mostly that now we are overloaded by those marketing-oriented hair mill clinics worldwide, too many clinics, too many competitors, everyone wants get fast money - with not much work, less give attention to quality, and more to agressive marketing, on any kind media, local famous web portals, paying to hairdressers to advertise them (my hairdresser suggested me such clinic as get % by hair mill for every new patient 5% :) ) , newspapares, etc. and want or not, you are surrounded by those marketing guys... Even at some well known HT forums, got info that some hair mills pay to moderators, to delete threads where member posted bad result of HT....

Other thing, newer generations so called X-Z or whatever generations, are generations who are whole time on mobile phones, laptops, internet i mean generally, social networks, and they "eat" what's served them on social networks, like see on x places inst, fb, some hair mill adverising with successfull cases, and then those younger guys who believe more social networks, than do research deeper by themself, are easy "patients" for these hair mill guys.

In past weren't so much such clinics, but was easier to find which clinic is good or not, now is almost lottery, and if not engage much, will fail in bad HT,and much troubles later, like repairing HT, depression, etc.

Today is fight of who will promise more than other, and no care about issues later of bad HT, as will offer client 50% refund or repair HT,  and that way think will fix those who will claim about bad HT result... So, all is up to us, we need care about it, no one will do it instead us, this kinds forums like HRN is only hope to help such people...

I'm else very careful, but was really near to choose 1-2 hair mill clinics, if didn't start research more and found HRN as light at the end of tunnel :) , and now thanks to HRN can make  difference between hair mill and solid or top clinics. Top clinics aren't agressive with marketing, as they dont need much new patients, as already overloaded in next 6-18 months, but these hair mills never satisfied with number of new patients, but whole time hungry of new patients, as they do mass-production and only quantity important, quality not on 1st place there...

Edited by blackislback
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There is just an overwhelming amount of information out there now that it's hard to know who to trust. I think the best thing that this forum can do is remain true to its principles of transparency, accountability and trust-building.

To quote Dr. Sethi from the article:

"Two things are essential here - education of the doctor/clinic & education of the patients."

This forum does a good job in providing the education for prospective patients and promoting experienced and ethical hair restoration surgeons/clinics like Dr. Sethi/Dr. Bansal and Eugenix.

How come there is no podcast dedicated to hairloss? Or is there? 



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36 minutes ago, kirkland said:

There is just an overwhelming amount of information out there now that it's hard to know who to trust. I think the best thing that this forum can do is remain true to its principles of transparency, accountability and trust-building.

To quote Dr. Sethi from the article:

"Two things are essential here - education of the doctor/clinic & education of the patients."

This forum does a good job in providing the education for prospective patients and promoting experienced and ethical hair restoration surgeons/clinics like Dr. Sethi/Dr. Bansal and Eugenix.

How come there is no podcast dedicated to hairloss? Or is there? 



I have considered starting a podcast. For now, the Instagram lives are sort of like podcasts, but it would be good to have a legit podcast where guys could submit pictures along with questions and we could have surgeons offer their advice and expertise right there on the spot. I would like to know if the forum would be up for something like that.

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

Follow our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.


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This is an excellent topic Melvin. I personally find that it can be just so damn hard trying to reach out to the 18-24 age demographic when it comes to hair transplant surgery. I see my main role on this forum in attempting to educate as best I can the reality of pulling the plug on a hair transplant based almost entirely on emotion in this age group. I think an educated patient makes a better patient because if one of the variables goes wrong then at least the patient has an understanding that this is a real possible outcome. It can and does happen to even the best of the best of surgeons. From what I went through I would love it if others could leverage off my mistakes and prevent themselves from having to go through what I did at 18 that to varying degrees still affects me to this day. It's frustrating when we are in the information age today yet at the same time it's the information age that is fueling the desperation we as hair loss sufferers feel in our late teens/early twenties. I can totally understand the resistance in this age group today (with YouTube, Instagram, heavy marketing hype to the very young, etc). I often ask myself if forums like this were around when I was 18/19 would I have the emotional maturity to take heed of good advice from others? Or would I yield to my emotional desire for more hair? I'd like to think that I would take on board such good advice as this forum provides.

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12 hours ago, Gatsby said:

This is an excellent topic Melvin. I personally find that it can be just so damn hard trying to reach out to the 18-24 age demographic when it comes to hair transplant surgery. I see my main role on this forum in attempting to educate as best I can the reality of pulling the plug on a hair transplant based almost entirely on emotion in this age group. I think an educated patient makes a better patient because if one of the variables goes wrong then at least the patient has an understanding that this is a real possible outcome. It can and does happen to even the best of the best of surgeons. From what I went through I would love it if others could leverage off my mistakes and prevent themselves from having to go through what I did at 18 that to varying degrees still affects me to this day. It's frustrating when we are in the information age today yet at the same time it's the information age that is fueling the desperation we as hair loss sufferers feel in our late teens/early twenties. I can totally understand the resistance in this age group today (with YouTube, Instagram, heavy marketing hype to the very young, etc). I often ask myself if forums like this were around when I was 18/19 would I have the emotional maturity to take heed of good advice from others? Or would I yield to my emotional desire for more hair? I'd like to think that I would take on board such good advice as this forum provides.

You’ve done an excellent job🙌🏼

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

Follow our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.


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14 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

My question to you guys is how do we do better? How do we reach those young guys who are making the worst mistake of their lives. I would love to hear your guys thoughts.

Here is what I suggest as to making this great site even better...

As we all know here, this industry is at times lacking, and at other times truly disgraceful, with all the lies and deceit and patients being scarred for life.

In order for potential HT patients to get the best knowledge, I believe that results posted by doctors on this forum should include the following:

1. Clear pictures, of all angles, INCLUDING the donor area. Failing to include a donor area shot simply makes us suspect that something went wrong there and that the doctor is hiding it. This doesn't fool anybody, people are not that stupid here.

2. It should also be mandatory to mention if the patient is on medication, and if so, what kind. Failing to mention this, is again, not as transparent as it should be, and just wastes time for members having to ask the same question again and again.

3. I often see results posted saying that the patient's hair is 'medium' or 'thin'. This is quite a subjective description. Half of the results i have seen that are described as 'thin' isn't true, and it gives hope to those with thin hair what can be achieved when it isn't a true representation. Therefore, if surgeons started including micron size in their results posted, it would be more objective, and we can decide for ourselves if it really is 'thin', 'medium' or 'thick'.

I love the forum, but would love it even more if these standards were adhered to. Thanks

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13 hours ago, kirkland said:


To quote Dr. Sethi from the article:

"Two things are essential here - education of the doctor/clinic & education of the patients."

How come there is no podcast dedicated to hairloss? Or is there? 



Seems i was  right when made table of doctor's education/experience, backround, previous work, based on recommendation of dr. Sethi :) , even i did it before saw this article, thread, glad was right :) .

And rest absolutely agree that patients need to educate and research more about, more we educate = less chances to get in hands of non-skilled guys, and clinics where only quantity is important and quality is not primar priority.


18 minutes ago, follically challenged said:

d saying that the patient's hair is 'medium' or 'thin'. This is quite a subjective description. Half of the results i have seen that are described as 'thin' isn't true, and it gives hope to those with thin hair what can be achieved when it isn't a true representation. Therefore, if surgeons started including micron size in their results posted, it would be more objective, and we can decide for ourselves if it really is 'thin', 'medium' or 'thick'.

Agree about this idea, to have some standardized mode of posting by doctors/clinics this  way as suggested above, and maybe to open tread about ideas, of standardization of posting by doctors/clinics, like point 1, ,2,3, ... some let's say 5-6 points, same as clinics request by patients 5-6 most important informations, that clinics who post here,same provide info to HRN audience, that members can have better view of specific patient's posted photos, like NW:, Age: , Used Medicatio:,  1st or 2nd,3rd etc HT: , Method of HT:, etc. , and then any member can easier understand results and think is that thread posted by clinic, similar to his case....

I know this maybe can lead to resistance by clinics, like "it's much work by us" , or some will not like posting all such details, but think quality and top clinics will have no problem by it, as at the end those are facts.


And related to this OP, seems it's paradox, in sea of informations, and in time when more informations about us, and we have more way to get informations, people more fail, casue take so easy informations = advertising, marketing  which those hair mills serve them every day, and everywhere, and again is on us, about education that we need educate us, as in any area, if we want be good in something, we need try more, spend little bit more time, educate, and results will come, but if we are lazzy and do it in way, see first 2-3 fb, inst recommendations by agressive advertising, check link, see few photos, website, and make decision, it's not education, education is system where we need spend more time and learn more about some matter, to understand it better and to find what's good or not for us.

Edited by blackislback
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43 minutes ago, blackislback said:

Agree about this idea, to have some standardized mode of posting by doctors/clinics this  way as suggested above, and maybe to open tread about ideas, of standardization of posting by doctors/clinics, like point 1, ,2,3, ... some let's say 5-6 points, same as clinics request by patients 5-6 most important informations, that clinics who post here,same provide info to HRN audience, that members can have better view of specific patient's posted photos, like NW:, Age: , Used Medicatio:,  1st or 2nd,3rd etc HT: , Method of HT:, etc. , and then any member can easier understand results and think is that thread posted by clinic, similar to his case....

I know this maybe can lead to resistance by clinics, like "it's much work by us" , or some will not like posting all such details, but think quality and top clinics will have no problem by it, as at the end those are facts.

It should definitely be standardised. If any doctors refuse to do so, it would not be because of time requirements, as everything i listed does not require them to go above and beyond in terms of effort, it is a matter of simply adding 2 more lines of information and an extra photo.

No, doctors that would refuse to adhere would do so in order to hide behind the lack of transparency, it is that simple. 'Oh...donor not so good on this patient..let's conveniently leave out this photo'

But imo, if HRN was to truly standardise it and enforce it, the transparency would be better and the quality all round would increase. 

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