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After effects after HT surgery

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I can say that from what I had read online, the discomfort was underestimated greatly. For me, I was not comfortable enough to get a good night's sleep for the first 10 or so days, at which time the sutures got taken out. What a relief!


I have a high pain tolerance, but this was by far the most uncomfortable I have ever been. I did not take any of the percocet or any other drugs following my procedure, with the exception of the antibiotics so I am sure I didn't help my cause with respect to the discomfort and relieving it with pain meds.


I am convinced that anyone who says you can get back to normal a few days after the surgery is either exceptional, or lying! icon_razz.gif

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I agree with that - if a clinic advertises you can go back to work as normal - stay away! With that said, I really didn't have any discomfort at all, surprisingly. The staples in the back were more of an annoyance, but felt no pain, maybe a slight throbbing. Getting the staples out was actually the worst part of the experience, but the physician had an intern help with it and that might have been the problem.

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I couldn't have gone back to work for at least a week and as it was I worked one shift at 10 days and then at 2 weeks I went back on a normal schedule.


I think I was a bit unusual because I had a LOT of pain in the donor lasting into the next afternoon.


Sleeping until the staples were out was very difficult but after that it's been very easy.


I think it's very wise to try to get 2 weeks off with no commitments post-op to just relax and heal.


Having said all that and allowing for the fact that I'm still waiting for the real growth to start I'm extremely happy with my decision to go with Dr. Hasson.

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The first few days were difficult in regards to pain in the donor region. I experienced most of my pain at night and first thing in the morning. It was hard to sleep the very first night but the pain medication the clinic gives you alleviates the majority of the pain. I'm 10 days post-op and I can say that I'm about 80% back to "normal". I recommend taking off 1 week from work regardless of your job duties and if you can, shoot for 2 weeks. If you do have difficulty sleeping the first few weeks after your HT, I suggest taking Melatonin (yes it's safe). It puts me right to sleep.

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My main discomfort was while sleeping. It was pretty bad for the first couple of weeks and somewhat bad for an additional couple of weeks. About 2 months post-op, I was sleeping almost normal with hardly any discomfort.


For regular (non-sleep related) activities, it was bad for the first couple of days. In fact, the first night of the surgery was very bad for me; I was nauseated and dizzy. After 3 or 4 days, I was almost able to do regular stuff without too much discomfort. However, the discomfort during sleeping persisted for a few weeks, as I mentioned above.

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Actually, I was back at work in a sales office a few days after my first surgery and was back on Microsoft campus giving a sales presentation for Xerox two weeks post-op. After my third surgery I was at work (first day) at my NEW job three days post-op, freshly shaved in the donor area with my staples still in. The day of my third surgery I went back to work the same day and finished emails and phone calls. Of course "back to work" meant I simply had to get up and walk to the other side of the office from the surgery rooms since by then I worked for the clinicicon_wink.gif

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Did you not have any swelling post op? 3 days post op I looked like the Elephant Man.



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The first couple of days were rough..

trouble sleeping and the tightness in the donor area felt weird...


after a couple of weeks it gets better...the numbness last for around a month in half..

but it gets better and one morning you wake up and it feels normal again..

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I am a veteran of the punch graft methods used in the early 80's, approximately 7 strips, 2 hairlifts, 1 scalp reduction, and most recenlty fue work to try and repair this mess.


I didn't get feeling to the back of my head from strip for about 10 years. It was always uncomfortable and tight.


I have had absolutely zero pain or discomfort with the fue procedure I had with Dr. Bisanga. Keep in mind I had 200 fue taken from my face, and I actually was able to go out for dinner the next day. It's coming up on 3 weeks and all the hairs are still growing, including the beard and bodyhair.


So in my opinion the pain factor depends on the procedure.

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It depends on the type of surgery. The pain and discomfort from strip is incomparable to FUE because FUE is painless. Strip clinics wheel out pics of swollen FUE patients because the swelling from strip is usually far, far worse lol, but swelling is minor stuff in the bis scheme of things. My first strips were in '88 but Ive been sliced and diced so many times since there is no telling the where and why the nerves in my scalp are so cross-wired. The fear of scar stretching is also something that keeps you aware that things are not back to normal for at least six months post-strip

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