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im about to go for a ht with the refresh clinic in istanbul its the most grafts i can get for the money although ive seen no before and after and i dont know who the surgeon is im just going to risk it not so smart i know it might be ok

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  • Senior Member

Bargain hunting for grafts is one thing (not something I'd recommended) and as you have said, to do this without any information or background is stupid. I don't want to sound too harsh here but you obviously know the massive risk you're taking, if you go ahead with the procedure without trying to find out everything you can about your doctor, past patients and the clinic would be foolish and beyond stupid.

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a ht is a MAJOR decision; i was just looking at a repair session on this site a couple days ago; this guy had went to a clinic that disfigured him literally--gave him actual plugs and placed very low on the hailine and temples; Hasson and Wong repaired him and his hair looks great now but he lived w/ those plugs for a long time; check it out under the "photos by leading Hair Restoration Clinics section" on this site; if that doesn't change ur mind i don't know what will. your donor hair is precious and finite so it must be used wisely; if ur not happy w/ the results I guarantee you, you will be willing to travel to the other side of the world to get it repaired. so please take 6 months and research, check this site out, talk to recommended docs on this site before making a decision......

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I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say that you've posted this so that we can talk you out of it. And if so, I hope you will listen to the advice of our community.


The problem isn't necessarily the clinic you've chosen, it's the fact that you've done no prior research (other than cost I imagine) and don't know what you're getting yourself into. Don't be fooled into thinking that every physician is performing revolutionary hair transplants. Point blank, they're not!


I'd really hate to see you come back here a year later with unnatural looking results, a wide scar, and a lack of self-confidence.


You already know that you're doing "something stupid", so unless you're ready for the potential dangerous consequences of taking such a big risk, I'd cancel your appointment and do some research first.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

ive done the research thats why i know its not a great idea but i have a certain amount of money theres no prospect of me adding to it greatly in the near future so all the top clinics are not even on the radar and by the time i do get another job the money i have now will be gone so ill be starting from scratch again so im thinking can it really go that wrong?

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  • Senior Member

Yes, it can go that wrong. You can end up spending all your money, have zero in terms of results and end up with massive scaring amongst others issues. If it went wrong you could be left absolutely devastated. You say you have done your research, if this was the case you wouldn't be considering moving forward; come on man, you haven't seen photos of past patients - let alone met any... you don't even know who your surgeon is going to be.

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They say a picture is worth a thousand words. If our words aren't getting through, perhaps the possibility of the below result will. This guy did end up getting extensive repair by Hasson and Wong and now looks great. But as you can see by the picture below, he wasn't so lucky the first time.




For more photos of this patient after his first surgery and then after he was repaired by Hasson and Wong, click here.


It's a whole lot better to achieve the results this guy got the second time with Hasson and Wong then risking the possibility of results like the first.



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  • Senior Member

Dont do it, Bill has demonstrated what can go wrong at these bargain basement HT clinics, you would be much better off being bald theres no doubt about it.


You would be better off getting what grafts you can afford from a decent clinic, because at the one you mentioned you may not get any at all, and if you do, the quality could be shite, and you'll regret it forever, use our hindsight to your adavantage.

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This clinic offers other types of cosmetic surgery aswell, and they say they use the strip method and show a pic of an fue punch ffs!


And the hairline that they do show is a model with a full head of GOD given hair.



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  • Senior Member

amongst all the major decisions in life, i would rank having a hair transplant is at or near the top of the list. Take your time, do the research (for at least a year) and then take your decision, base on sufficient evidence. Good luck.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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