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Surgeon Opinion

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Hello Everyone

I am looking for some guidance as I’ve been on the forums for quite some time and am finally taking the plunge. I would like to book the procedure sometime by the end of summer/ fall. 

Trying to decide what surgeon to use to restore my hairline. I had a consultation with Dr. Rahal a few months back and was quoted 2,000 grafts FUE, however lately I don’t see many results from him and am losing some confidence. I’m based in New York so the travel there for me would be easy.

I am also considering Dr. Freitas in Spain.

any advise would be highly appreciated.

Some background

-25 years old

-stabilized hairloss - been on finasteride for 7 years.




Edited by Jarrod
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Can you share where you want your hairline. You’re a bit young in my opinion to go aggressive.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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23 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

Can you share where you want your hairline. You’re a bit young in my opinion to go aggressive.

Something conservative along these lines. This is a discussion I’ve already had with Dr. Rahal. Was looking more for an opinion about surgeons.


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I thought that's about where you would want restoration...certainly do not go any lower than that.


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I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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@Jarrodgreat to see you have already been very proactive and have been on Fin for a number of years. 
De Freitas is a excellent choice ! And does some amazing hairlines. I would say some of the best worldwide. 
If you can travel then it does open up a lot more really good choices. Dr Bisanga is another possibility! 
So many good options:



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Hey man i actually just posted my results a couple days ago. i was a patient of Dr Rahals 3 years back. He took 2100 grafts to restore my hairline. Ive never been happier with my results, check them out! I was about 22 when i got the procedure!

if you have any questions of my experience send me a message 


Edited by Brandonatill
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Good luck and be careful.  Approach with caution.  

 I can tell you to proceed carefully with few grafts.  Do not dense pack.  Have everything in writing and ask for surgical consents prior to putting deposit.  Ask what gaurantee if grafts do not grow.  Your hair brings back memories and i wish i could turn back time.  Im suffering at the moment. 

dr Freitas is decent.  I would get multiple opinions though.  Send consults off to  Hasson Wong, Dr Feitas, Dr Keser, Etc.  Dr Bisanga is also good for hairline work.  

best of luck and if you need to see how fue hair looks,  you can always hit me up.  If you live near, I can show in person.  


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