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Revealing the Early Stages in an FUE Transformation (2505 FUE grafts): Carlos K. Wesley, M.D. (NYC & LA)

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Early stages following an follicular unit extraction (FUE) session with Dr. Carlos K. Wesley in which a total of 2505 grafts were placed can be seen in the accompanying slide.  Returning to work or social activities following an FUE session often depends on the amount of pre-existing hair a patient has.  Dr. Wesley DOES NOT require patients to shave their pre-existing hair atop their head for either FUE or FUT.  So, with sufficient hair to conceal the transplanted grafts, patients can often return to work or social activities a week to 10 days after their procedure. 

Aspects of our surgical approach can be viewed on our site’s Most Common Questions pageGraft storage was optimized as hair follicles were incubated in autologous (his own) platelet rich plasma (PRP) throughout the duration of the procedure.  This, combined with an ATP-containing storage solution has been shown to enhance survival of transplanted hairs.

The patient returned one year after his procedure and images of the patient can be seen below.  This link illustrates the timing of hair growth after surgery. Similar patient hair transformations with Dr. Wesley and his team may also be viewed.



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