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FUE completely WITHOUT SHAVING - 1520 Grafts Dr. Harun-Kozamet


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I would like to share my positive experiences with Dr. Harun-Kozamet
Grafts: 1520
Planning - removal + channels opened by the doctor

After my first hair transplant in 2014, I found out about the FUE technique WITHOUT SHAVING. Since I'm a little vain about hair, I did some research on this. I was mainly concerned with a slightly better density. But what I definitely didn't want anymore is to go around with a bald head for a few months.

Dr. Harun took over the planning, the removal of the grafts and the opening of the canals. The assistants then took on the task of inserting the grafts.

It took a total of 9 hours, which seems long for 1520 grafts. Since, as already mentioned, neither the donor nor the top of the head is shaved with this method, it is clear that the removal, the piercing of the canals and the insertion of the grafts take more time.

Here are my before and after photos.
I would be happy about your opinions






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Only a few grafts were transplanted on the Crown like a little touch up. It's now a little better than before. 

There are some posts about Dr. Harun in German forums. He is a cool and relaxed guy

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  • 1 month later...

Hi this is an excellent result and allays any fears about non shave procedure. 


Can I ask whether the rest of the loss had stabilised and are you on meds?

What was the cost as well if you don't mind me asking (DM if needed)




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  • 4 weeks later...

sorry, it's been a while. you asked me about the forum

you can see some reviews of him here

Just to make it easier for you...
these are user reviews with the Unshaven Method: 


i hope there is noproblem with sharing the link of alopezie


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  • 2 weeks later...
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I have been alerted by other forum administrators that this doctors name is popping up. Kozamet is the name of the agency, I have a strong feeling these reviews are being posted with incentives. Either significant discounts or monetary incentives. When these reviews start popping up on multiple forums all of the sudden there’s definitely something weird going on.

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Hi Melvin

I am only sharing my experiences with the doctor Dr. Harun Samiloglu whose services I am very satisfied with. And I think this is perfectly normal.
Özdemir, the owner of the Kozamet agency, only asked me to mention the agency's name so that no confusion with Dr. Sahinoglu from the Health Travels agency.
In addition, I have not received any discounts or other incentives to post a report. I just think it's worth rewarding good work by sharing it with others.

Edited by ens11
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3 hours ago, ens11 said:

Hi Melvin

I am only sharing my experiences with the doctor Dr. Harun Samiloglu whose services I am very satisfied with. And I think this is perfectly normal.
Özdemir, the owner of the Kozamet agency, only asked me to mention the agency's name so that no confusion with Dr. Sahinoglu from the Health Travels agency.
In addition, I have not received any discounts or other incentives to post a report. I just think it's worth rewarding good work by sharing it with others.

Nothing wrong with posting your review on forums for sure. But seeing as you're from the German forums, you have to admit your behavior sounds pretty suspicious. You're talking to the clinic in order to collaborate on a review for a board that speaks a language that you don't primarily speak. Imagine if my first post was on the Spanish boards advertising some Turkish doctor. 

Plus, if the clinic is involved, then there's a good chance they just cherrypicked the good results to post a review. I feel like it's a bit disingenuous

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3 hours ago, deeznuts said:

Nothing wrong with posting your review on forums for sure. But seeing as you're from the German forums, you have to admit your behavior sounds pretty suspicious. You're talking to the clinic in order to collaborate on a review for a board that speaks a language that you don't primarily speak. Imagine if my first post was on the Spanish boards advertising some Turkish doctor. 

Plus, if the clinic is involved, then there's a good chance they just cherrypicked the good results to post a review. I feel like it's a bit disingenuous

Exactly! I’m very wary, especially because the agency seems behind these reviews. I’m 99.9% positive there’s some incentive, like big discounts.

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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i am Ozdemir from the Agency Kozamet. I am working with dr Harun Samiloglu since around 3 years. Before that i worked for 7 years with dr Bicer. Both of them are very experienced physicians in hair transplant. The only difference to most other phisicians is that dr. Harun did not make any advertisement untill 2018, the time we started working together.


I think just like the moderator Melvin, that something really weird is going on here.

1st. a moderator says to another moderator: pay attention, the name of this doctor is mentioned very often in some forums.
2nd. the moderator Melvin has a strong feeling or is sure that the reviews are being postet by discounts or incentives.

1st weird point: which moderator warns another moderator just because a name often appears in forums?
If you did some research you could see that only around 15 reviews about dr. Harun were published within 2.5 years.

2nd weird point: the moderator Melvin shares his negative thoughts here without doing any research. In the German-language forum ALOPEZIE, he would be able to see that nearly all reviews and result were published over a period of around 12 months. everyone can see the development over a long period of time.

So... most doctors give discounts and patients show themselves to be grateful and publish reviews.
After all, everyone can see from the photos published how good the result is or not. then what does it matter if the patient has received a discount or not? BTW we did not give a discount to ens11 :)

I uploaded a photo from the german forum. There you can see how many reviews were published about dr Harun and for what period of time.

Last but not least:

Nobody should share negative opinions about others without doing some research. 

that is not ethical and not fair.

Best Regards,



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^this just proved my point. Paid reviews 👋🏼 bye bye

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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