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Looking for my final transplant into crown

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Hey guys, 


I'm looking for my final transplant into crown and midscalp area. 

I have around 2500-3000 grafts left and already had a transplant with 4500 grafts per FUE


So my hairline looks pretty good and I just want to have the transplants taken place on the middcalp and crown. 


One important thing:

My crown is nearly completly bald and I'm absolutely fine with shaving the crown and the midscalp and the donor area that's no problem. But u really wanna keep my long hair in the frontal half. The area which I need the transplant is 65cm2 big. 

Which doctor would you choose for such a case? Because of my job I really can't shave everything off.


My hairloss is stable because I'm on Finasteride for 3 years now. Nothing changed since then it might have gotten a bit better then before the Finasteride. 


So the question is - who would you choose for that transplant? 


And a second short question. I also thought about using a system after the transplant and just put it off my head as soon as I am at home. 

I can take 3 weeks of work at maximum. 


I use toppik right now for my crown so Noone knows that I have hairloss and I really want it to stay that way. 


Thanks guys and sorry for my English - it's not my first language. 

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There was a recent webinar (you can find recording on this forum) in which @Melvin-Moderatordid an interview with Dr. Wong (Hasson and Wong) and he said that the crown is no longer a black hole as with the techniques he uses, he is now able to achieve good density with I think ~1,200 to 3,000 some odd grafts (depending on situation).

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Thanks for your answer. In the attachment you can find some pics of my current situation. Donor should be able to give between 2500-3000 grafts for a final one and I also have beard and chest hair if necessary. I'm around an NW5A if I had no transplant I would guess. Maybe an early NW6. Hairloss stopped completely with Finasteride. I was an year of medication cause I was lazy and nothing changed in that year but now I will take it life long or at least till something better is coming. 


Budget doesn't matter to much for this. I'm fine with spending 15k if this is the way I can get the best result. I plan the HT in 2022 or maybe early 2023 not sure yet. 


I would be more then happy to know which doctor you would assume for me. 


I just want to focus the transplant on the middcalp and vertex. So that's my goal. The pics are under the harshest light possible. 






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Thanks for your answer. In the attachment you can find some pics of my current situation. Donor should be able to give between 2500-3000 grafts for a final one and I also have beard and chest hair if necessary. I'm around an NW5A if I had no transplant I would guess. Maybe an early NW6. Hairloss stopped completely with Finasteride. I was an year of medication cause I was lazy and nothing changed in that year but now I will take it life long or at least till something better is coming. 


Budget doesn't matter to much for this. I'm fine with spending 15k if this is the way I can get the best result. I plan the HT in 2022 or maybe early 2023 not sure yet. 


I would be more then happy to know which doctor you would assume for me. 


I just want to focus the transplant on the middcalp and vertex. So that's my goal. The pics are under the harshest light possible. 


Also: Is it possible if I choose FUT with someone like Hasson and Wong that they want shave my recipient frontal area and just shave the area were the FUs will be transplanted in? 



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Have you considered using a partial hair system for the crown?...I know a number of guys who do this and they look great.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Thanks for your answer. I'm not a big fan of that idea to be honest - I believe it could look very good but u will have to pay a lot of money and im not sure if in confident enough to rock it. 


I'm currently texting with Hasson and Wong. Ive sent them videos. 


If they tell me it's not possible to do something in my case I will consider the hairpiece as an idea because in 10 years + there may be something like hair cloning available and I simply will be older maybe I can live with bald crown then. 

Second option is buzz it all down, get some grafts into scar and smp the crown and Rock the buzzed down look. 


We will see what the doctor will tell me. But my favorite option would be a final hairtransplant and then I will take Finasteride for the rest of my life and I'm done with it. 


I just want some coverage for the crown I don't expect it to be full density. And I don't wanna transplant it deeper then vertex that's for sure. 

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Well that's a very well thought out plan with lots of options...one other thing...do you have good beard donor that could potentially be partially used for your crown?

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Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Hairloss controlled my life when I was younger but now I'm a grown man and this is not going to happen to me ever again. So I will find a good solution for sure. 


Yeah I have a strong beard donor area as well as a strong chest donor area I guess. 



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So potentially you could blend in some of that hair into your crown.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, short update. 

Thanks to you @gillenator for your good and friendly advice.


My decision is already happening. 

This is what I will do:

I will try a hair system for my crown area. I actually think it's the best option right now. I do wanna have a good looking haircut and honestly we will all die one day.. Noone will care about me having a system for my crown as soon as I'm dead. So in my view life is just a game. I have some cards in my hand and I have to make the very best out of it. 


The only thing that really matters is happiness. And that's it for me. 


So I will have a good looking head of hair with the combination of an hairpiece plus the big benefit of natural hair already on my head so this will blend in and the hairline is no problem because it's my natural hair. 

I will not do thus for the rest of my life. Just as long as it will make me happy. I have the option for a final transplant but I'm not in the right point of life to go for it now. Maybe in some more years or maybe by that time I will just shave them short and add density with smp

What I wanna tell you (if someone is reading this) it's only hair guys at the end of the day. Wear a system get a transplant shave it off it's all on you. Be happy. Life is over one day and only thing you will remember when you're old are good and bad memories so better do something to make a lot good memories. 


I'm over and out :)

And maybe one day we will have a cure for hairloss - then all of you will be out as well :D

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  • Senior Member

Hey Hairbert…am so happy for you!

I wish nothing but happiness…😃


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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9 hours ago, Hairbert said:

Hey, short update. 

Thanks to you @gillenator for your good and friendly advice.


My decision is already happening. 

This is what I will do:

I will try a hair system for my crown area. I actually think it's the best option right now. I do wanna have a good looking haircut and honestly we will all die one day.. Noone will care about me having a system for my crown as soon as I'm dead. So in my view life is just a game. I have some cards in my hand and I have to make the very best out of it. 


The only thing that really matters is happiness. And that's it for me. 


So I will have a good looking head of hair with the combination of an hairpiece plus the big benefit of natural hair already on my head so this will blend in and the hairline is no problem because it's my natural hair. 

I will not do thus for the rest of my life. Just as long as it will make me happy. I have the option for a final transplant but I'm not in the right point of life to go for it now. Maybe in some more years or maybe by that time I will just shave them short and add density with smp

What I wanna tell you (if someone is reading this) it's only hair guys at the end of the day. Wear a system get a transplant shave it off it's all on you. Be happy. Life is over one day and only thing you will remember when you're old are good and bad memories so better do something to make a lot good memories. 


I'm over and out :)

And maybe one day we will have a cure for hairloss - then all of you will be out as well :D

If more people were equipped to take on your philosophy, then not only would better decisions be made by people regarding surgery (including myself) and the damage it can leace, but a lot more people would be happier. I totally agree with everything you have said (which is gold advice). You are fortunate to have the fore site that you do. Sadly that generally doesn't come until many years later in life, if at all. Thanks for sharing and wishing you all the best that life has to offer! 

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