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Hair transplant unstable the last year(3 years post surgery)

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I had a ht on the hairline of around 1500 grafts by a top Dr 3 years ago

I have a lot of hair all over,  the hairline was receded though so  the ht fixed it perfectly and I was very happy with the results for the first 2 years.

My issue is from about a year ago , by different sections and with months and weeks of difference different hairs of only the transplanted areas have fallen.

They regrow, but when it looks ok then another small section of transplanted hair falls and it's been unstable over the last year, it is very unnerving and frustrating


What is this? I also think the same hairs might have shed over the year?


any help would be appreciated

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  • Senior Member

Would you mind sharing pictures? Since you mentioned you are on finasteride, I would expect your hair to be protected. If it is shedding and growing back this could just be your natural hair cycle at work, but if it is growing back thinner then this is miniaturization from mpb at play. 

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The hair grows regular not miniaturized. 

Again I have thick hair all over and the hair was taken from a strip on the top safe donor area, I just wanted to get my hairline more closed and  the only hairs that are going through this unstable process over the last year are the TRANSPLANTED hairs


If is the natural hair cycle would that be called anagen syncrhonization?

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  • Moderators

What could be happening is this:

After the hair transplant, all the transplanted hair sheds and then it all starts a new growth cycle in the same time frame when it starts the regrowth. Your hair growth cycle lasts about 2 to 3 years, so it is now all at the end of the growth cycle and shedding at roughly the same time. Over time the cycles will naturally vary from each other much more and you probably won't notice it in the future. If this is what's happening then it should stop shedding soon. You also could be starting a seasonal shedding as well which may make it seem like some of the earliest hairs that fell out are falling again. I obviously can't say for sure that this is what is happening to you, but this does happen in some cases and since you say the hair is growing back normally then this is a possibility. Let us know how it goes over the next few months.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I appreciate that  it makes a lot of sense

While ithe hair regrows thick and  healthy as usual , isn't it strange that this process it's going on for about a year?

It's been basically a year where the HT hair has been unstable with the falling by certain areas and regrowing, still continues to this day

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Can you share pictures?

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