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Pat, here's a thought...seems to me that $$$ is the biggest impediment to hairloss breakthroughs...what if this board set up a 501-c3 nonprofit to which members could donate, with the goal of creating a fund of X dollars to fund R and D? The money could be doled out, by a board perhaps composed of recommended Drs., to facilitate promising research....just a thought. Propecia is a bb gun in the hairloss war, and dutasteride is unapproved with results that are hardly "breakthrough"...grants at the university level could do a lot.

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  • Regular Member

Pat, here's a thought...seems to me that $$$ is the biggest impediment to hairloss breakthroughs...what if this board set up a 501-c3 nonprofit to which members could donate, with the goal of creating a fund of X dollars to fund R and D? The money could be doled out, by a board perhaps composed of recommended Drs., to facilitate promising research....just a thought. Propecia is a bb gun in the hairloss war, and dutasteride is unapproved with results that are hardly "breakthrough"...grants at the university level could do a lot.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I dont think, even with all the posters, that we could even touch what is needed for R/D in the drug sector. It costs approx. $ 1 billion dollars to bring a drug from discovery through R/D to the market (that's why you dont see 100 drugs for MPB on the market-- it's costly). That would be a lot of donations from the members-- uless we are all related to Bill Gates or Sam Walton???????

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What you CAN do..is write your congressmen, specifically the Republican right wing bozos who back Bush's law that stem cell research needs to be limited...

I think George W. specifically opposes abortion. I honestly think he's too stupid to understand anything about stem cell research itself. If you could find a way to do it without the use of embryos, he would move on to his next pet project and leave you alone. I am in total support of stem cell research btw. I had wondered also whether stem cell research might gain some momentum with the death of Reagan and the problems he had with Alzheimers.

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" Bush's law that stem cell research needs to be limited...this is nothing more than a right wing appeal to the zealot Christian right of the republican party"


My friend I'd rather be bald than use the cells of an aborted child. Good luck with the hair thing!

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abortion will never become illegal.. Though I think it is wrong to have it, I walk in my own shoes, and can not and will not dictate to anyone what my thoughts are.

But I will say this, Why not stem cells? Nature want's us to recycle.....

Back off one way thinkers.. If you had an open mind, you would see my point.. It won't change, so why cut off the nose, to spite the face!

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The stem cells are not coming from aborted fetuses, as far as I know.


They come from embryos from fertility clinics, that would have been destroyed anyway (as far as I know).


Some people think that human life begins the moment the sperm penetrates the egg. Other people think that human life starts later, after the fetus has developed a little.


In the middle ages, I believe they used to think that you didn't get a soul until age 6 (if I recall correctly). Since the mortality rate was so high for children then, this philosophy may have been a reaction to seeing so many children die before age 6.


Everyone is entitrled to their beliefs and i wouldn't try to change anyone else's. But not everyone agrees with the President, that using embryos for stem cell research is destroying human life.


Also, there may be a way to do stem cell research using adult cells now. We may not need to restrict ourselves to embryos. If so, that would take some of the controversey out of the equation.

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keep visting this section and not only is it the only active thread with no photo's in the photo section it involves a political debate...haha



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Hairbgoin: funny you should say that. Thats why I keep visiting it!


As a registered Republican, Its probably odd that I agree with stem cell research, but I cannot help but to weigh the issue and come to the conclusion that it is most certainly worth it if utilized correctly.


However, I think that there should be the STRICTEST of regulation on it. This is due to the inevitable greed factor that companies can harbor that will make it easy for them to comprimise the moral delemnas that will go along with it. Just my opinion.



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Stem cell research...a touchy issue, indeed. I know this is off-topic, but my two cents:


I think the great fear is that test tube babies will be made to harvest tissue and then be put to death after their usefullness is done.


Think about partial birth abortion--pulling a baby partially out of the womb only to stab it in the spine with scissors to kill it. Turns my stomach just to think about it.


Now imagine fetuses being grown to harvest tissue from, much like a chicken farm. That's what those right-wingers want to avoid. They probably think that stem cell research is the first step toward that. But it doesn't have to be.


Did you know that there is a lab in California that can synthetically create DNA from its four component molecules? I'm waiting for them to create life. If that isn't playing "god", I don't know what is.


Even with stem-cell research, any meaningful outcome related to baldness may be decades away.


I think in the grand scheme of things, a cure for hairloss ranks pretty low. Scientists/doctors can discover molecular receptors on cells but they can't stop hairloss. They can explain how some viruses can enter a cell and overtake its genetic machinery to reproduce itself, but no cure for baldness. Physicists can create anti-matter, trap it, store it, and study it, but they can't stop the action of DHT on certain hair follicles. ARGH!


I wish I would have studied the sciences in college and gone straight on to graduate school. But I couldn't afford it. Of course, I don't know if I'd dedicate my life to hairloss. My secret dream is to one day become a mad scientist and hold the entire world hostage to my absurd demands. Whahahahahahaa!


By the way, George isn't dumb. Not in the least. His public speaking isn't very good. Neither is mine. And I'm not dumb ;-) The few times I've had to give a presentation, I've flubbed my words and forgotten what I had prepared to say. Lots of people get nervous. It's only human.


The leftists always try to portray Republicans as dumb. They did it with Reagan, now Bush. Apparently, they think sitting on your ass collecting a welfare check makes you smart. Hmmm.

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Now to be waaaaaay off topic:


"The leftists always try to portray Republicans as dumb. They did it with Reagan, now Bush. Apparently, they think sitting on your ass collecting a welfare check makes you smart. Hmmm."


I concur.



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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most of our highly elected officials have a full head of hair too.


random, i know.


630 FUT - 8/27/03

2200 FUT - 5/20/05

2000 FUT - 12/15/07



"i haven't been this bald since.... well... since I was born!"

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