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Hi Everyone,

Nice to meet you all! I am considering to get a HT when the world goes back to normal. Hopefully soon. Fingers crossed. 

A little history of myself. I am 38 years old. I have started to go thin and lose my hair and probably around 28 / 29 years old. Im really happy with myself for that age. My dad is completely bald and went bald by 19 years old. So to last till I'm in my late 20's is a good effort i think. haha

I was told last week I am a Norwood 5? I am not on any medications. I haven't done meds at all in my life for my hair. 

I am based in China / Hong Kong. I am thinking of going to Turkey for the HT. I have a quote from Dr Koray Erdogan. He said in my email "

Based on the photos that we have received, Dr Koray Erdogan has evaluated the basic condition of your hair loss and your candidacy for an FUE HAIR TRANSPLANT. He has determined that your surgery should consist of 5000 grafts. 

The surgery will be performed over a period of 1 day(s) with a coverage area of FRONT + MID + VERTEX AREA. In order to complete your surgical procedure, you will be required to remain in Istanbul for a minimum of  4 day(s) and 3 nights.

I have been doing my research and seen some pretty amazing results with Dr Erdogan. 

What do you guys think? I really want to get this done right the first time. It is a lot of money. I will post some pics of my head now. Plus a photo of what Dr Erdogan drew. 

I am really sick of always wearing my hat and feel not confident :( I also use fibres when I go out. It does the trick and i feel ok about it.. But still...I want my own hair...

I hope to hear from you soon and help me through this journey. Thanks so much...







Nugget Dr.jpg

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I would consider someone like Demirsoy instead, for half the price you get a doctor doing most of the surgery himself except implantation and he does 1 patient per day, he has a lot of posted results on the forum, he is one of the most consistent doctors out there. Your donor looks great btw best of luck.

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@Nugget you must do more research here at HRN because there are many threads informing that Asmed is a turkish hairmill with technicians doing surgery on 8 patients per day so your results will depend on the tech you get when you check-in at the hairmill.

A technician at a hairmill could have been washing dishes at a restaurant 2 months before doing your surgery.

Turkey is the world capital of botched hair transplants and there’s only 1 option in Turkey where you are almost certain to get a good result - HLC Ankara (2.7€/graft). They do manual FUE which is limited to 1500 grafts per day with a technique called stick&place which means they extract the grafts and then make 1 hole/slit and immediately implant the graft so that the hole has no time to start closing or accumulate blood (this technique provides a quicker recovery time). 

If you are on a budget then you won’t find any other doctor with the skills Dr. Arika (Eugenix) has charging 1.8€/graft w/tax. 
They do a technique called DHT which reduces the time the grafts stay out of body because they make all the holes/slits first and then proceed to extracting the grafts and immediately implanting them so they don’t stay out of the body for more than 30m. 

If you want a closer option then Dr.Laorwong in Bangkok is highly recommended and charges 2.6€/graft.  
Dr. Laorwong does the most recent technique DHI which is similar to stick&place. First he extracts the grafts then he uses implators pens that are loaded with the grafts, these pens make the slit/hole and implant the grafts at the same time. This reduces the handling of the graft and the doctor can make smaller holes that provide quicker recovery times.

Demirsoy is cheap and only does 1 patient per day but he uses a older technique in which first they extract all the gratfs then make all slits/hole at once and after the technicians are in charge of implanting all the grafts.
Demirsoy can do up to 4000 grafts per day with this technique the reason why he can charge just 1.25€/graft. This is the same technique used at ASMED but here the doctor has zero to little involvement so like @Abi28 said you are better choosing Demirsoy that only delegates implanting to techs and charges half the price of ASMED.

Dr. Konior is considered the best in the world and does manual FUE with stick&place. 
Dr. Juan Couto is considered the Doctor with the most amazing results and does DHI (like all Spanish doctors). 

Technique is not as important as the Doctor because a bad doctor using a great technique will still get you a bad result.

I advise you to chose a great doctor with a great technique and with real patients posting their amazing results. 

This is not like buying a car that you can change after a few years, this is a permanent medical surgery and you have a limited donor area so every graft is precious and should be used the best way by a highly skilled Doctor.

Edited by Portugal25
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8 hours ago, Portugal25 said:

@Nugget you must do more research here at HRN because there are many threads informing that Asmed is a turkish hairmill with technicians doing surgery on 8 patients per day so your results will depend on the tech you get when you check-in at the hairmill.

A technician at a hairmill could have been washing dishes at a restaurant 2 months before doing your surgery.

Turkey is the world capital of botched hair transplants and there’s only 1 option in Turkey where you are almost certain to get a good result - HLC Ankara (2.7€/graft). They do manual FUE which is limited to 1500 grafts per day with a technique called stick&place which means they extract the grafts and then make 1 hole/slit and immediately implant the graft so that the hole has no time to start closing or accumulate fat or blood (this technique provides a quicker recovery time). 

If you are on a budget then you won’t find any other doctor with the skills Dr. Arika (Eugenix) has charging 1.8€/graft w/tax. 
They do a technique called DHT which reduces the time the grafts stay out of body because they make all the holes/slits first and then proceed to extracting the grafts and immediately implanting them so they don’t stay out of the body for more than 30m. 

If you want a closer option then Dr.Laorwong in Bangkok is highly recommended and charges 2.6€/graft.  
Dr. Laorwong does the most recent technique DHI which is similar to stick&place. First he extracts the grafts then he uses implators pens that are loaded with the grafts, these pens make the slit/hole and implant the grafts at the same time. This reduces the handling of the graft and the doctor can make smaller holes that provide quicker recovery times.

Demirsoy is cheap and only does 1 patient per day but he uses a older technique in which first they extract all the gratfs then make all slits/hole at once and after the technicians are in charge of implanting all the grafts.
Demirsoy can do up to 4000 grafts per day with this technique the reason why he can charge just 1.25€/graft. This is the same technique used at ASMED but here the doctor has zero to little involvement so like @Abi28 said you are better choosing Demirsoy that only delegates implanting to techs and charges half the price of ASMED.

Dr. Konior is considered the best in the world and does manual FUE with stick&place. 
Dr. Juan Couto is considered the Doctor with the most amazing results and does DHI (like all Spanish doctors). 

Technique is not as important as the Doctor because a bad doctor using a great technique will still get you a bad result.

I advise you to chose a great doctor with a great technique and with real patients posting their amazing results. 

This is not like buying a car that you can change after a few years, this is a permanent medical surgery and you have a limited donor area so every graft is precious and should be used the best way by a highly skilled Doctor.

I know you have good intentions and you make some decent recommendations but I dont think some of the stuff you say is correct. I've seen you state over and over that stick and place is a superior method because there are no pre made slits that accumulate "fat and blood." Where are you getting this information that fat accumulates into these slits? Are you referring to serous fluid? If so, thats not fat and its a natural part of healing for many. Stick and place can theoretically provide higher densities since pre made slits need to be made larger because skin is elastic and the sites shrink with time so less grafts can be put in a given area. However, many top doctors are still able to create more than sufficient densities even at the hairline using pre made slits.


Secondly, you kind of contradict your recommendation between HLC and Eugenix. HLC does stick and place which is the best method according to you. But Eugenix uses DHT where all the slits are created at the beginning of surgery even before extractions begin. Yes, grafts are out of the body very short, but there is still a lot of time for these slits to accumulate "fat and blood" according to your reasoning which is the worst procedure type.

If pre made slits are really that bad, why does H&W still perform them and still outperform 95%+ of clinics out there? They even utilize pre made slits and implant grafts using implanter pens.


I totally agree with you that patients should not be choosing doctors on their tools/methods but rather their portfolio of work with a big emphasis on patient posted results.

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As to OP's question. This is all my suggestion but this is how I would approach your case: I would split it into two surgeries (front/mid) for the first and crown for the second. With the second being 10-18 months after the first surgery to allow more than enough time for your donor to heal up and the front area to heal in case any small touch ups should be made there.  In my opinion, doing a 5000 graft procedure in one go is very taxing on the body and your donor supply. It looks like you have good donor so if you go to a decent doctor they can likely get you a very acceptable result.


If you were stuck on turkey, personally I would go somewhere like HLC as @Portugal25 recommended. They seem very ethical and seem to be getting good results from the limited cases ive seen. Only doctors do the work and they take a slow and steady approach. Their prices are very reasonable when compared to countries such as north america and even europe (2.7 euros/graft).


From my limited experience, frontal work is something many doctors can excel at but crown work is very tricky. In my opinion, if you want the BEST crown work possible there are only a few doctors that can deliver. In my opinion those are Wong and Lorenzo. If you would be satisfied with coverage in the crown vs the best result then I think other clinics including HLC can deliver on that as well.


Good luck, ask as many questions as you can and browse the patient posted results here and elsewhere

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@HTHope I do consider Eugenix technique to be inferior to stick&place and DHI but I recommend them because they are affordable, have great results and have a exclusive technique that assures grafts stay out of body for no more than 30m. 

You are correct in saying that pre-made slits will need to be wider because the holes will immediately start to close after being made and with pre-made slits our head can have open holes for hours before being implanted with the grafts.

I had pre-made slits in my first HT and recovery was much harder than my second surgery with stick&place. 

You are not correct in saying I regard stick&place the best method because I actually believe DHI to be a evolution of stick&place. 

Pre-made slits are the weapon of choice for Doctors that have techs do the implanting.
The Doctor will do the pre-slits so the technicians only have to implant.
I might be wrong but I believe the reason why doctors have techs using the implantor pens after the Doctor does the pre-made slits is because with implator pens the techs don’t have to handle the graft they just need to load each implator pen with a graft place it on top of our head of where the doctor made the X/slit with the pre determined angle and push the button to implant the graft (less chance for rookie tech error).

I usually recommend Dr. Arika at Eugenix for budget minded people but urge them to spend a bit more and go to Dr. Bruno Ferreira doing DHI at 2.5€/graft in Porto. He is the medical assistant of Dr. Lorenzo at his Madrid clinic but there you pay 5€/graft and it’s  Dr. Bruno and Dr. Lorenzo doing the surgery.

I also agree with you when you say that great doctors like H&W can outperform other Doctors regardless of their technique.

It’s very important to chose a great Doctor not a great technique!
It’s great when we can get both :)

Edited by Portugal25
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14 hours ago, Abi28 said:

I would consider someone like Demirsoy instead, for half the price you get a doctor doing most of the surgery himself except implantation and he does 1 patient per day, he has a lot of posted results on the forum, he is one of the most consistent doctors out there. Your donor looks great btw best of luck.

Thanks Abi28. I am looking into Dr Lorenzo.



13 hours ago, Portugal25 said:

@Nugget you must do more research here at HRN because there are many threads informing that Asmed is a turkish hairmill with technicians doing surgery on 8 patients per day so your results will depend on the tech you get when you check-in at the hairmill.

A technician at a hairmill could have been washing dishes at a restaurant 2 months before doing your surgery.

Turkey is the world capital of botched hair transplants and there’s only 1 option in Turkey where you are almost certain to get a good result - HLC Ankara (2.7€/graft). They do manual FUE which is limited to 1500 grafts per day with a technique called stick&place which means they extract the grafts and then make 1 hole/slit and immediately implant the graft so that the hole has no time to start closing or accumulate fat or blood (this technique provides a quicker recovery time). 

If you are on a budget then you won’t find any other doctor with the skills Dr. Arika (Eugenix) has charging 1.8€/graft w/tax. 
They do a technique called DHT which reduces the time the grafts stay out of body because they make all the holes/slits first and then proceed to extracting the grafts and immediately implanting them so they don’t stay out of the body for more than 30m. 

If you want a closer option then Dr.Laorwong in Bangkok is highly recommended and charges 2.6€/graft.  
Dr. Laorwong does the most recent technique DHI which is similar to stick&place. First he extracts the grafts then he uses implators pens that are loaded with the grafts, these pens make the slit/hole and implant the grafts at the same time. This reduces the handling of the graft and the doctor can make smaller holes that provide quicker recovery times.

Demirsoy is cheap and only does 1 patient per day but he uses a older technique in which first they extract all the gratfs then make all slits/hole at once and after the technicians are in charge of implanting all the grafts.
Demirsoy can do up to 4000 grafts per day with this technique the reason why he can charge just 1.25€/graft. This is the same technique used at ASMED but here the doctor has zero to little involvement so like @Abi28 said you are better choosing Demirsoy that only delegates implanting to techs and charges half the price of ASMED.

Dr. Konior is considered the best in the world and does manual FUE with stick&place. 
Dr. Juan Couto is considered the Doctor with the most amazing results and does DHI (like all Spanish doctors). 

Technique is not as important as the Doctor because a bad doctor using a great technique will still get you a bad result.

I advise you to chose a great doctor with a great technique and with real patients posting their amazing results. 

This is not like buying a car that you can change after a few years, this is a permanent medical surgery and you have a limited donor area so every graft is precious and should be used the best way by a highly skilled Doctor.

Thanks Portugal25. Makes sense mate. I don't mind to travel for the very best in the world. 



5 hours ago, HTHope said:

As to OP's question. This is all my suggestion but this is how I would approach your case: I would split it into two surgeries (front/mid) for the first and crown for the second. With the second being 10-18 months after the first surgery to allow more than enough time for your donor to heal up and the front area to heal in case any small touch ups should be made there.  In my opinion, doing a 5000 graft procedure in one go is very taxing on the body and your donor supply. It looks like you have good donor so if you go to a decent doctor they can likely get you a very acceptable result.


If you were stuck on turkey, personally I would go somewhere like HLC as @Portugal25 recommended. They seem very ethical and seem to be getting good results from the limited cases ive seen. Only doctors do the work and they take a slow and steady approach. Their prices are very reasonable when compared to countries such as north america and even europe (2.7 euros/graft).


From my limited experience, frontal work is something many doctors can excel at but crown work is very tricky. In my opinion, if you want the BEST crown work possible there are only a few doctors that can deliver. In my opinion those are Wong and Lorenzo. If you would be satisfied with coverage in the crown vs the best result then I think other clinics including HLC can deliver on that as well.


Good luck, ask as many questions as you can and browse the patient posted results here and elsewhere

Thanks HThope. I am looking into Lorenzo. Ideally I really hope to get the HT done in one session. Not wait 12 months etc. I will see what he says. I have already just now sent him photos and info etc. Fingers crossed

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I had 2200 done FUE in 2018 and it took 10 hours.  I have no idea how they can do 5000 in one day.

"Imagination frames events unknown in wild fantastic shapes of hideous ruin, and what it fears, creates." Hannah More

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Dr. Pekiner took 8 hours to extract and implant 1061 grafts on the first day of my 3 day surgery so obviously taking the same time to implant 5000 grafts will never achieve the same dense result as you would get with a more precise extraction and implantation. 

I know that with motorized FUE a Doctor doing DHI or Stick&place can do 2000 grafts in 1 day but 5000 is just throwing grafts into the trash because there is no way all of them will be growing. 

Edited by Portugal25
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4 hours ago, Portugal25 said:

Dr. Pekiner took 8 hours to extract and implant 1061 grafts on the first day of my 3 day surgery so obviously taking the same time to implant 5000 grafts will never achieve the same dense result as you would get with a more precise extraction and implantation. 

I know that with motorized FUE a Doctor doing DHI or Stick&place can do 2000 grafts in 1 day but 5000 is just throwing grafts into the trash because there is no way all of them will be growing. 

Oh sorry. No I meant over 2 or 3 days is fine to do it. But I don’t want to do a small part and then wait like 15 months for the second one. Is that right?

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I got an email from HLC today. 


We recommend you to let transplant about 3500-3800 Grafts for the hairline. With this amount, we can rebuild the hairline and close the temples. We will also give to the front half area more density. We have to transplant the hairline with a density of approximately 50 Grafts/cm2 to provide a dense and natural look. The exact number of Grafts depends on how the hairline is designed. We can only see this in detail on site.

We use single hair on the hairline only. We are using 6-8x magnification loupes during the extraction and implantation and also have Microscopes for selecting the single hair. For the temporal points, triangle, we use fine hair behind the ear.

For the crown area, you will need a second surgery after a minimum of 6-12 months time frame. The plan for the crown area, we can make on-site during your first surgery. Also, you have to be aware that your scalp donor area could be not enough to cover the crown area. We can use body hair from the beard and chest area in this case. 

On-site, we will analyze your donor area precisely and can tell you how many grafts you have as reserves. We do also recommend to consider Rogaine for the future. 

The price is 2.5 Euro per Graft for FUE and Bodygrafts with manual extraction. We charge 100 Euro extra for our Surgery- package. In this package is your driver, accommodation, food, medication, and post-op aftercare set included. The flight is not included. "

It sounds pretty good. I then had a phone call with them. I forget who I was talking to though. I said I rather start with the crown are for the first procedure and come back 6 months time for the front. He is cool with that. HLC seem to have a pretty good reputation. I haven't received any email or such yet from Dr Lorenzeo or Couto. 

I can trust HLC? 

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@Nugget you can trust HLC because they are the BEST and only choice in the whole of Turkey (Pekiner might abort your surgery if he finds miniaturized hairs).
Also great to see they dropped the prices from 2.7€/graft to 2.5€/graft.

I would also advise you to ask Dr. Bruno Ferreira for a diagnosis (2.5€/graft). You will talk directly with Dr. Bruno instead of representatives and it will probably be the best diagnosis you will receive. For my HT last year I talked with HLC, Pekiner, Bruno Ferreira and Rahal. The best diagnosis and follow-up I got was from Dr. Bruno Ferreira. 

I chose Pekiner because he’s great at beard mega sessions (much like HLC also is great for BHT because he worked there for years) and was the cheaper of these 4 options otherwise I would have went with Dr. Bruno Ferreira. 

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8 minutes ago, Portugal25 said:

@Nugget you can trust HLC because they are the BEST and only choice in the whole of Turkey (Pekiner might abort your surgery if he finds miniaturized hairs).
Also great to see they dropped the prices from 2.7€/graft to 2.5€/graft.

I would also advise you to ask Dr. Bruno Ferreira for a diagnosis (2.5€/graft). You will talk directly with Dr. Bruno instead of representatives and it will probably be the best diagnosis you will receive. For my HT last year I talked with HLC, Pekiner, Bruno Ferreira and Rahal. The best diagnosis and follow-up I got was from Dr. Bruno Ferreira. 

I chose Pekiner because he’s great at beard mega sessions (much like HLC also is great for BHT because he worked there for years) and was the cheaper of these 4 options otherwise I would have went with Dr. Bruno Ferreira. 

Thanks mate. Yes just sent Dr Bruno Ferreira a WhatsApp message. Hopefully hear back soon from him...

Good to know I can trust HLC.....Will update when I hear from Ferreira 

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@Nugget be careful taking advise of members that just joined the forum and immediately start posting links advertising a clinic! 
I have been at HRN for 12 years and see this happening all the time! 
These new members register a username and come here just to promote their clinic as these people are usually paid representatives of that clinic (sometimes there are exceptions). 

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@David Jones like I said there are exceptions but it’s always odd for newly joined members to make their first post with links promoting clinics. 

If you want to contribute for everyone to see the quality of your Doctor then it would be really great if you could post before pictures of HT and monthly updates during the 12 month growth cycle (like all of us real patients are doing).


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2 hours ago, David Jones said:


I was hugely sceptical before going to Turkey for my hair transplant! I ended up going through hairlinetransplantturkey.com (a comparison site for clinics) and found IdealofMeD. in Istanbul. They are a Swedish company working mostly with European clients. My experience was absolutely amazing! The price was higher than other hair restoration clinics in Turkey but in return you get "Swedish Quality" - from the transfers, hotel to the reception in the clinic. Everything was top notch! If you're still trying to make up your mind, feel free to contact me! I highly recommend them.


it seems to me only advertising from clinic consultants.

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4 hours ago, Portugal25 said:

@Nugget be careful taking advise of members that just joined the forum and immediately start posting links advertising a clinic! 
I have been at HRN for 12 years and see this happening all the time! 
These new members register a username and come here just to promote their clinic as these people are usually paid representatives of that clinic (sometimes there are exceptions). 

So true. Haha thanks. Hey have you heard of Alviarmani in LA?

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34 minutes ago, Nugget said:

So true. Haha thanks. Hey have you heard of Alviarmani in LA?

@Nugget run like the wind! I read here that Armani sued HRN and I believe it had something to do with HRN refusing to remove their bad results from this forum.

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8 hours ago, Portugal25 said:

@Nugget run like the wind! I read here that Armani sued HRN and I believe it had something to do with HRN refusing to remove their bad results from this forum.


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i just got an email back from Dr Bruno Ferreira. What do you guys think?

Initial Impressions

Your androgenetic alopecia is somewhat advanced. From your photos I can see that you have some frontal-temporal recession and miniaturization over the whole top of your head. You retain some hair in your forelock and midscalp areas, but coverage is poor. The crown area does not go too low or too wide, which is a good thing, but it’s still large. Temporal peaks look ok.
I’d consider you a Class 5 on the Norwood-Hamilton scale. Your hair itself appears to be of average thickness. Your occipital, parietal and temporal areas look good and there doesn’t seem to be reverse alopecia. So, from a macro aspect it looks like you have a good “donor area”.
At 38 years old, your alopecia is still active and I expect you to continue to lose hair for the next 10–15 years.  


Medical Treatment

This is one of the first things we need to discuss. Your hair loss is still very unstable and will progress further left untreated. You’re currently not on any medical treatment and I’d recommend starting on 5-alfa reductase inhibitors in order to stabilize your hair loss and not let it progress. Not doing this has a high likelihood of your alopecia progressing, causing your hair to get thinner. By taking the medication you may also get some improvement to your current hair, which I would expect to happen. I need you to be at least 6 months with the medication before we advance for surgery.


Hair Transplant

A hair transplant is definitely your only option to reach your goals. We do have a rather large recipient area on hand, and I believe we would need two surgeries for a full recovery - one for the crown, one for the frontal third. The exact amount of grafts depends on a few variables: Where we place the hairline, how good your donor area is and how you respond to the medication. I estimate about 4500–5000grafts needed for your case.
We may feel the need to do a third, very minor procedure, as a touch up or spot improvement.




Your prognosis is good. Your alopecia is active, but we can stabilize it with medication. Your donor area seems to be of good quality and you have a circumscribed recipient area.
I expect a very good result.


  1. Start Medical Treatment: Finasteride (or 1/4 pill Proscar®) p.o. 1mg per day
  2. 1st Surgery: TBA
  3. Donor Area Recovery Period: 5 months
  4. 2nd Surgery: Upon analysis
  5. Result: 10 months
  6. Evaluate the need to further improve the result, do a touch-up, etc.  

I really don’t want to wait 6 months :(

HLC replied again and I can do it end of July....

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@Nugget I expect the diagnosis you got from Dr. Bruno to be the same you would get from most major league Doctor that is not interested in our money and therefore prefers to delay your surgery in order to get a better outcome from Finasteride grafts.

Doctors recommend Finasteride to stop hairloss and strengthen you donor area so if are willing to take this drug ofcourse they will want to wait 6 months to get stronger grafts and give you a better result.

If you are like me and had a bad reaction to Finasteride then you should tell Dr. Bruno you refuse to take Finasteride so he can adjust his recommend approach to your specific situation.

Again a very detailed diagnosis from Dr. Bruno Ferreira as usual.

If beard grafts were crucial to give you more density in this first surgery then I would advise you to just go with HLC because they seem to have more experience with beard grafts but since you don’t need beard grafts for this first surgery maybe you could ask Dr. Bruno a few more questions before making a decision.


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1 minute ago, Portugal25 said:

@Nugget I expect the diagnosis you got from Dr. Bruno to be the same you would get from most major league Doctor that is not interested in our money and therefore prefers to delay your surgery in order to get a better outcome from Finasteride grafts.

Doctors recommend Finasteride to stop hairloss and strengthen you donor area so if are willing to take this drug ofcourse they will want to wait 6 months to get stronger grafts and give you a better result.

If you are like me and had a bad reaction to Finasteride then you should tell Dr. Bruno you refuse to take Finasteride so he can adjust his recommend approach to your specific situation.

Again a very detailed diagnosis from Dr. Bruno Ferreira as usual.

If beard grafts were crucial to give you more density in this first surgery then I would advise you to just go with HLC because they seem to have more experience with beard grafts but since you don’t need beard grafts for this first surgery maybe you could ask Dr. Bruno a few more questions before making a decision.


Good point yes. Well I’ve never had any meds before so I don’t know. I will start today though and try it.


i has forgotten about the beard grafts. He didn’t mention anything about that. I will ask him. Yeh I’m still leaning with HLC. Do you think i should wait 6 months then? Or a couple of months with firnistride and get it done end of July at HLC?

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@Nugget if you are willing to take Finasteride then you should be on this drug for 6 months prior to surgery regardless which doctor you end up choosing in order to reap it’s benefits.

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I started the medication 3 days ago now. So far so good. Finasteride and Rogaine. 

I'm waiting on a reply from Dr B Ferreira asking if he thinks I would need some beard graphs. If not I'm leaning more towards Dr Ferreira now. He said  "at age 38 and with your current hair loss pattern, we may be able to do it earlier (please start on it right away though). However, there’s also the issue of us having a waiting list that has also grown because we have been for 2 months with no surgeries and those have all been postponed". Maybe able to fit me in. which is good...

Also after 4000 graphs the cost is 2euro not 2.5 

Yeh so I'm leaning towards more him at the moment. I will start wait at least 3-4 months on the meds though.

Does anyone have any reviews with Ferreira on here? 

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